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单词 light railway
释义  Related topics: Trains & railwaysˌlight ˈrailway British English, light rail American English noun [countable]  TTTan electric railway system that uses light trains and usually carries only passengers, not goods 〔通常只载客而不运送货物的〕轻便铁路,轻轨Examples from the Corpuslight railway• If those words are retained in the legislation, those railways would still require a light railway order at some time.• The company have retained the leisurely atmosphere of the turn-of-the-century light railway being situated off the major tourist circuits.• The only other opportunity in the foreseeable future is likely to be the new light railway in London's Docklands.ˌlight ˈrailway nounChineseSyllable  trains railway Corpus uses that system electric an light and




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