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单词 licence
释义 Word family  noun licence licensee adjective licensed verb license  li·cence British English, license American English /ˈlaɪsəns/ ●●● S3 W2 noun  1  document 文件 [countable]LET/ALLOW an official document giving you permission to own or do something for a period of time 许可证,执照,证书 → permit The dealers applied for an export licence. 经销商申请了出口许可证。 He was arrested for driving without a license. 他因无照驾驶被捕。 The Tennessee Valley Authority applied for a license to operate the facility. 田纳西河谷管理局申请了这个场所的经营执照。 The owner of land could grant a licence to cut and remove timber. 土地所有者可发执照授权砍伐和运走木材。 I forgot to renew my licence. 我忘记去办理执照展期了。 Persistent offenders face losing their licence. 多次违规者将会被没收执照。 → driving licence2  agreement 协议 [countable, uncountable] an agreement with a company or organization giving permission to make, sell, or use their product 〔生产、出售、使用产品的〕许可under licence Guinness is brewed under licence in South Africa. 健力士啤酒经特许在南非酿造。single-user/10-user/site licence (=permission for computer software to be used by a certain number of people or in a certain place only) 〔计算机软件〕单用户/10用户/站点许可证 a licence agreement 特许协议3  freedom 自由 [uncountable]FREE TO DO WHAT YOU WANT freedom to do or say what you think is best 〔行动、言论的〕自由,不受拘束 Headteachers should be allowed greater licence in the exercise of their power. 应允许校长在行使权力时享有更大自由。4. artistic/poetic licence Athe way in which a painter or writer changes the facts of the real world to make their story, description, or picture of events more interesting or more beautiful 艺术创作/诗歌的破格5  excuse 借口 [countable, uncountable]RIGHT/HAVE THE RIGHT TO the freedom or opportunity to behave in a way that is wrong or immoral 放纵,放肆licence to do something Police say it gives youngsters licence to break the law. 警方说这会纵容年轻人违法乱纪。6. licence to print money an opportunity to make a lot of money without much work or effort – especially used to show disapproval 轻松大赚一笔的机会〔尤作贬义〕n COLLOCATIONSverbshave a licenceCafé Metropole does not yet have a license to sell liquor.hold a licence British English (=have a licence)Police said that the man did not hold a firearms licence.get/gain/obtain a licenceNew private pilots must fly for at least fifty hours before getting their licences.apply for a licenceA doctor who moves to another state must apply for a license to practice medicine there.grant/issue a licenceHe was granted his flying instructor’s licence.renew a licenceThe licence must be renewed yearly.lose your licenceThe police caught him driving while drunk and he will now lose his licence.a licence runs out (also a licence expires formal) (=it ends)Her driver’s license had expired.take away somebody’s licence (also revoke somebody's licence formal)The doctor had his license revoked after he was found to be on drugs.types of licencea driving licence British English, a driver's license American English80 percent of 18 year olds had a driver’s license.a pilot’s licenceShe became the youngest woman to hold a pilot’s licence.a television licence British English (=which allows you to use your television and pays for public television programmes)Buying a television means you will need a television licence.a marriage licence (=a licence that allows two people to marry each other)We went to get a marriage licence.a fishing/hunting licence (=a licence that allows you to fish/hunt)He renewed his hunting import/export licenceAn export licence was issued in August last year.a provisional licence British English (=a temporary driving licence before you get your full licence)Learner drivers need to obtain a provisional licence.a full licence (=one that is not temporary and has no restrictions)They offer insurance cover for drivers over 25 and under 70 years of age with a full licence.licence + NOUNthe licence holder British English (=the person who has a licence)the licence holder of a public housea licence fee (=money you have to pay to get a licence)The BBC is funded by a licence fee which all television owners have to pay.Examples from the Corpuslicence• Do you have a licence for that gun?• The tenor of the 1976 Act is permissive: a licence should be granted unless good cause is shown justifying refusal.• Some manufacturers see the current labelling regulations as licence to mislead shoppers.• Prevention of overloading is another important target for the would-be licence holder.• Take your governing body licence along for good measure.• However, operating under cover of a domestic licence does seem rather restrictive in today's international business environment.• Eventually his licence was taken away because he didn't have enough horses.• The University will organise arrangements for backup, copying and distribution of software and documentation subject to the conditions of the relevant licence.• Go slightly faster and you could wave goodbye to your licence.grant a licence• The organisers have been granted a licence in the face of strong local objections.• For example, an owner of land could grant a licence to cut and remove standing timber.• In some cases a patentee can be compelled to grant a licence to use his patent on reasonable terms.• Instead, Barlow Clowes was granted a licence.• For instance, in 1666 he was granted a licence for the cultivation of senna in the plantations.• He took out a permit; then, mustering a few owners, he was granted a licence to train at Compton.• The means was to restrict the legal provision of credit to those who applied for it and were granted a licence.single-user/10-user/site licence• However, conditions may be attached to any site licence which may have the effect of preventing any odour pollution from arising.licence to do something• For example, an owner of land could grant a licence to cut and remove standing timber.• They took this to mean a licence to torture and shoot.• By the late 1620s, it was impossible to obtain a licence to publish any theological books containing predestinarian opinions.• Cures were tried twice without effect, and his licence to box was refused on medical grounds in September 1939.• Freedom in an unfree world is merely licence to exploit.• That was the day our new licence to broadcast came into force.• Sherwood has just won the licence to sell socks at Paris's EuroDisney park.From Longman Business Dictionarylicenceli‧cence /ˈlaɪsəns/ British English, license American English noun1[countable]LAWCOMMERCE an official document giving you permission to own or do something for a period of timeThe charity organization has applied for a city business license to operate weekly bingo games.The factory’s operating license will not be granted until after the inspection. → compare permit → export licence → import licence2[countable, uncountable] disapproving official permission to do something, which seems wronglicence forState Governments are concerned that the revised tax laws will provide a license for tax evasion.3licence to print money disapproving used in order to say that a situation gives someone a chance to make a lot of money very easily, without much workFranchising isn’t always a licence to print money. It can take a lot of hard work and personal effort.4[uncountable]LAWCOMMERCE if something is sold, made etc under licence, it is sold etc with the permission of the company or organization who owns the PATENT (=the legal right to make or sell a new product) or the COPYRIGHT (=the legal right to be the only producer or seller of a book, play, film, or record)It can appoint a foreign company to manufacture its product under licence.The license agreement has not led to a reduction in its own design·cence noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus an official permission giving to own do Business or document you




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