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单词 politicize
释义 Word family  noun politician politics politicization politicking politico adjective political politicized apolitical politic verb politicize adverb politically  po·li·ti·cize (also politicise British English) /pəˈlɪtɪsaɪz/ verb [transitive]  1  POLITICSto make a subject or a situation more political 使政治化,使具有政治性 The Olympic Games should not be politicized. 奥运会不应该政治化。2  to make someone become more involved in political activities 使参与政治;使对政治敏感 He became politicised during his years in prison. 他坐牢的那些年开始关心政治。 —politicized adjective Abortion is a highly politicized issue. 堕胎是一个被高度政治化的问题。 —politicization /pəˌlɪtəsaɪˈzeɪʃən $ -sə-/ noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuspoliticize• The experiences of 1966 and the imprisonment of the three ministers politicized a number of ministers and elders in this way.• The long-distance market is less politicized, he says.• All Jack ever admitted to reading was the sports pages, and Polly had dreamt of politicizing him.• The civil service found itself penetrated and politicized in the mid-1980s in a manner unknown since the days of Lloyd George.• It is highly unlikely that any formal moves will be made to politicize senior civil service appointments.• Implicit in that demand is the widespread sentiment among Republicans that Democrats egregiously politicized the ethics process during the Gingrich probe.• Or should we politicize the principle of altruism on the grounds that it is no more than enlightened self-interest?• Sheppard cautioned against politicizing the study's findings.highly politicized• They were all friends, or friends of friends, of the original group and highly politicized.• This is obviously easier in a relatively rational environment like Sunnyvale than in a highly politicized city or state.po·li·ti·cize verbChineseSyllable  a to make Corpus or subject a more situation




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