单词 |
lever yourself up |
释义 |
lever yourself up lever yourself up → lever yourself up at lever2(1) to move your body by pushing on something with your arms to help youlever yourself up |
随便看 |
- Benz
- benzene
- benzine
- Benz, Karl
- benz,-karl
- benz,karl
- be obligated
- be obsessing about
- be obsessing about/over something/somebody
- be obsessing about sb
- be obsessing about somebody
- be obsessing about something
- be obsessing about sth
- be obsessing over
- be obsessing over sb
- be obsessing over somebody
- be obsessing over something
- be obsessing over sth
- be of
- be of a be of an expert
- be of a gardener of an expert
- be of a piece
- be of extraction
- be off air
- be off base
- Blood serum
- Qatari
- Wage slave
- In no small measure
- Skin-diving
- Kingdom of thailand
- Light-colored
- Closely linked to
- Physical life
- Draw level with
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- Substrate句子
- Denouncement句子
- Crystal clear句子
- To top it all句子
- Dabbler句子
- Budded句子
- Rappel句子
- Religiously句子
- Spaniel句子
- Deferens句子
- Tarot句子
- Bellowing句子
- Bronco句子
- Bucking句子
- Bottom out句子