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单词 legless
释义  leg·less /ˈleɡləs/ adjective  1. DRUNK[not before noun] British English informal very drunk 烂醉如泥的2. without legs 无腿的Examples from the Corpuslegless• We ran out of crisps and conversation and were growing increasingly legless and puzzled.• A legless beggar pulled himself along through the slush on wooden slats.• Mr Ridley appeared against the surreal backdrop of a vast headless, legless belly floating over his shoulder from the bench behind.• They were barely humanoid, with bodies that dwindled from wide torsos to legless, conical abdomens.• The shadow his mind made legless lurched against the wall, glass raised.• Watch a legless man in a wheelchair completing the London Marathon and we cry, or at least I do.• I was more than once surprised to see men going into those rooms, paying visits to the legless men.• They'd gone from legless to stone cold sober in nothing flat.leg·less adjectiveChineseSyllable   drunk Corpus very




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