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单词 base
释义 Word family  noun base the basics basis adjective baseless basic based verb base adverb basically  base1 /beɪs/ ●●● S1 W1 verb  1 [transitive] to have your main place of work, business etc in a particular place 把基地设于,以…为基地 The paper had intended to base itself in London. 这家报社原来打算把总部设在伦敦。be based in something The new organization will be based in Dallas. 这个新的机构总部将设在达拉斯。 → basedn Grammar In this meaning, base is usually either passive or reflexive (=followed by myself/itself etc).2 base something on/upon something phrasal verb COME FROM/ORIGINATEto use something as the thing from which something else is developed 以…为基础,以…为根据 → basis Their relationship was based upon mutual respect. 他们之间的关系以相互尊重为基础。 an economy based on farming 以农业为基础的经济→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbase• It is too early, he says, to base any firm recommendations on the work so far.• The West could do worse than to base its policy towards the Middle East on that aspiration.• The problem with any such guesstimate is that, of course, we are basing our calculations on a statistical sample of one.• Critics of the market economy base their position on the following points.• Most airlines base their waiting lists on the cost of the individual ticket.• What are you basing this on?be based in something• Eileen, who is based in Birkenhead, Wirral, mainly practices reflexology which treats ailments through foot massage.• T: The new Mod scene is based in Hackney, you know.• I told you, Father was based in Hong Kong.• Although the firm was based in Minneapolis, the executive search firm found Ed in New York.• These activities are based in the organization's Walton Street premises in Oxford.• The gallery is based in Trinity College and shows work by contemporary artists from both Ireland and abroad.Related topics: Military, Baseball, Compounds, Maths, Chemistrybase2 ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  lowest part 最低的部分 [countable usually singular]BOTTOM a) the lowest part or surface of something 底部;根基;基础 SYN bottombase of There is a door at the base of the tower. 塔基上有一扇门。 the base of a triangle 三角形的底边 a frozen dessert with a biscuit base 一个以脆饼作底的冻甜品 a wine glass with a heavy base 一个杯底厚实的葡萄酒杯 The leather of his left trainer was coming away from its rubber base. 他左脚运动鞋上的皮面快要从橡胶底上脱落下来了。 b) the lowest point on a plant or part of your body, where it joins another part 〔植物或身体部位的〕基部,连接处 SYN bottombase of a hole in the base of the tree 这棵树根部的一个洞 He was killed by an axe blow to the base of his skull. 他是颅底遭斧子重创死亡的。► see thesaurus at bottom2  knowledge/ideas 知识/想法 [countable]BASIC the most important part of something, from which new ideas develop 〔思想的〕基础,根据 SYN foundation India has a good scientific research base. 印度有良好的科研基础。base for They were laying the base for a new economic recovery. 他们正在为经济的再次复苏打基础。3  military 军事 [countable]PM a place where people in a military organization live and work 〔军事〕基地military/naval/air base 军事/海军/空军基地4  company/organization 公司/组织 [countable, uncountable]COME FROM/ORIGINATE the main place from which a person, company, or organization controls their activities 基地,根据地,总部,大本营base for He used the house as a base for his printing business. 他把这房子作为他印刷业务的基地。5  people/groups 人/群体 [countable usually singular]ALL/EVERYTHING the people, money, groups etc that form the main part of something 〔人、经济、集团等的〕基础,支柱 The company has built up a loyal customer base. 该公司已经建立了一个稳定的客户基础。 By broadening the tax base (=all the people who pay taxes), he could raise more revenues. 通过扩大征税来源,他就可以增加财政收入。 an attempt to strengthen the city’s economic base (=things that produce jobs and money) 加强本市经济基础的一项举措 The country’s manufacturing base (=all the factories, companies etc that produce goods in a country) has shrunk by 20%. 该国的制造业基础萎缩了20%。 → power base6  substance/mixture 物质/混合物 [singular, uncountable]MIX the main part of a substance, meal etc to which other things are added 基础成分,主要成分 paint with an oil base 油基涂料base for Vodka is the base for many cocktails. 伏特加是许多鸡尾酒的基酒。7. sport 体育运动 [countable]DSB one of the four places that a player must touch in order to get a point in games such as baseball 〔棒球等的〕垒 →5 see picture at 见图 baseball8  be off base WRONG/INCORRECT American English informal to be completely wrong 完全错误,离谱 His estimate for painting the kitchen seems way off base. 他对粉刷厨房的费用估计似乎差得太远了。9. chemical 化学品 [countable]HCC technical a chemical substance that combines with an acid to form a salt 碱,盐基10. numbers 数目 [countable usually singular]HM technical the number in relation to which a number system or mathematical table is built up, for example 10 in the decimal system 基数〔如十进制的10〕11. touch base (with somebody) to talk to someone to find out what is happening about something (跟某人)联系上 —basal adjective → cover (all) the bases at cover1(12)n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: the most important part of something, from which new ideas developadjectivesa good baseThis data provided a good base for further research.a solid/firm/strong baseA good education should give you a solid base for life.a sound/secure baseA child needs a responsive mother in order to form a secure base for future development.a broad baseThe first year of the course aims to provide students with a broad base of knowledge.a knowledge baseYou’re building up a knowledge base that you’ll be able to use later.verbshave a basePermanent staff have a better base from which to plan their career development.provide a baseIt is essential to provide a sound base from which economic progress can be a baseBy concentrating on our core businesses we will build a strong base from which to exploit future opportunities.give somebody a baseThe training gives you a broad base in actually running an organization.Examples from the Corpusbase• Cuba was seen as a base for Communist activity throughout Latin America.• Both French and Spanish come from a Latin base.• a naval base• You should paint the outside walls with an oil base.• Where that popular base does not exist such laws are only imposed on the population with great difficulty, if at all.• a black vase with a round base• Microsoft's base is in Redmond, Washington.• The lamp has a square base.• This decision is likely to be influenced by the age and tax base cost of the company's plant.• Put a liquid fertilizer around the base of each plant.• He directs us to a good campsite a half mile down the beach at the base of a fresh-water estuary.• And he has emerged from the base of a bridge to warn city officials that it was about to collapse.• The base of the column was cracked.base of• Pour the concrete around the base of the post.• Spirit Lake is at the base of Mount St. Helens.• the base of a trianglebase for• A good elementary school education provides a solid base for the rest of a child's school years.military/naval/air base• The 550-acre naval station at Treasure Island is one of 29 California military bases closed in 1993 by Congress.• Fresh air bases were set up in Bank Mine and a team of brave and dedicated doctors went underground to assist.• Enlistedmen control the main military base, where the army's weapons are stored.• Then I went to work at the Alameda naval air base, as a machinist's helper.• Some convention delegates live near military bases that were closing or had closed.• Their targets were the air bases.customer base• From a small, localised clientele, the company has now expanded into a customer base which stretches from Southampton to Wick.• Are there other untapped demographics you can identify to build an additional customer base?• It would even, he added, be interested in the odd competitor to increase its customer base.• The clothier doesn't serve consumers in general, it caters to its own customer base.• This information is supplemented by a wealth of subscriber-supplied data from a wide-ranging customer base.• A bookshop's customer base might well change as a result of changing stock profile.• The company's customer base is growing.• The customer base was considerably strengthened and a variety of new products launched.base3 adjective  1 BADnot having good moral principles 卑鄙的,下流的,无耻的 base attitudes and desires 卑鄙的态度和欲望 → base metalExamples from the Corpusbase• base passions• A further cut in base rates to 6% is now likely to stay on ice till next year.• The Bloomberg Indiana Index has risen almost 17 percent since it was started in September 1994 with a base value of 100.From Longman Business Dictionarybasebase1 /beɪs/ noun1[countable, uncountable] the main place from which a company or organization controls its activitiesReps will be invited to Bristol, the company’s base, for a briefing.The Group’s operating base is in Norway.2[countable usually singular] the part of something from which new things can be developed or achievedSmall-scale industries provide a better base for employment growth.3[countable usually singular] a figure against which later amounts or other amounts are comparedAll employees earned a salary above the wage base.4[countable usually singular] all of the people or things that something depends on, considered as a whole → client base → consumer base → cost base → installed base → knowledge base → manufacturing base → monetary base → product base → tax basebasebase2 verb → base something on/upon something→ See Verb tableOrigin base2 (1300-1400) Old French Latin basis; → BASIS base3 (1300-1400) Old French bas, from Medieval Latin bassus “short, low”base1 verb →n GRAMMAR1base2 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1base3 adjectiveLDOCE OnlineChinese   of Corpus business your main etc work, place have in to Business




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