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单词 autocrat
释义  Related topics: Governmentau·to·crat /ˈɔːtəkræt $ ˈɒː-/ noun [countable]  1. TELL/ORDER somebody TO DO somethingsomeone who makes decisions and gives orders to people without asking them for their opinion 独断专行的人2. PGGOVERNMENTa ruler who has complete power over a country 独裁者,专制君主 —autocratic /ˌɔːtəˈkrætɪk◂ $ ˌɒː-/ adjective an autocratic leadership style 专断的领导作风 —autocratically /-kli/ adverbExamples from the Corpusautocrat• He governed as an autocrat but also as a twentieth-century politician.• But the self-made billionaire is an autocrat who seems not to understand the essentials of democracy.• But the blood-and-iron autocrats did not help the kid-glove moderates.• In others Communist apparatchiks remade themselves as nationalist autocrats, and stifled democracy in its crib.• After an upbringing like his, dealing with an old autocrat like Balestre was, well, child's play.• Faced with public anger about the Gulf war, the royal autocrat did make some·to·crat nounChineseSyllable  makes orders asking people who and someone without gives to Corpus decisions




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