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单词 insurmountable
释义  in·sur·mount·a·ble /ˌɪnsəˈmaʊntəbəl◂ $ -sər-/ adjective formal  TOO/TOO MUCHan insurmountable difficulty or problem is too large or difficult to deal with 〔困难〕难以克服的,不可逾越的;〔问题〕难以处理的 The language difference proved an insurmountable barrier. 语言差异是难以克服的障碍。Examples from the Corpusinsurmountable• Graham overcame seemingly insurmountable transportation barriers to complete his tour.insurmountable barrier• Yet language difficulties have never been insurmountable barriers.• For a start, sheer distance put a well-nigh insurmountable barrier be-tween me and my peers.• Then it seemed that class differences were an insurmountable barrier, but this too was not the only answer.• When it comes to entrepreneurship there are no insurmountable barriers except those we impose on ourselves.• The cost was an insurmountable barrier for many small businesses, and these new business strategies created many side effects.• The railroads overcame what, until then, had been insurmountable barriers of time and·sur·mount·a·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  insurmountable problem or too is difficult Corpus difficulty large an or




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