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单词 Orthodoxy
1. These ideas rapidly became the new orthodoxy in linguistics.
2. He challenged the political orthodoxy of his time.
3. What was once a novel approach had become orthodoxy.
4. She is a strict defender of Catholic orthodoxy.
5. These ideas have now become part of educational orthodoxy.
6. His orthodoxy began to be seriously questioned by his parish priest.
7. The current economic orthodoxy is of a free market and unregulated trade.
8. Challenging the orthodoxy of insulin resistance.
9. Andrew's own orthodoxy was never impugned.
10. Students are encouraged to challenge orthodoxy, to be critical.
10. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
11. Much of Afrikaner historical orthodoxy emanated from Stellenbosch University.
12. Nor has the return to political orthodoxy reduced corruption.
13. This much is social democratic orthodoxy.
14. Now blended with Orthodoxy, such ancient beliefs are resurfacing.
15. How all-pervasive is the orthodoxy of right-thinking people.
16. Prevalent conservation orthodoxy advocates protection through production.
17. Financial policy, which deviated increasingly from monetarist orthodoxy, also pursued a more distinct course with Nigel Lawson as Chancellor.
18. As orthodoxy, it must systematize its precepts and legitimate them.
19. An official orthodoxy based on Neo-Confucian doctrines emphasized the preservation of order and maintenance of social hierarchy.
20. Government adhered to the prevailing orthodoxy that balanced budgets were necessary and desirable and that deficit financing was neither.
21. Sniping between the forces of liberalism and orthodoxy showed no signs of letting up.
22. The inculcation of political orthodoxy and instruction of a more coercive nature was left strictly in the hands of the Party.
23. Orthodoxy is a relaxation of the mind accompanied by a stiffening of the heart. Edward Abbey 
24. Indeed little of what had been unchallengeable orthodoxy since the 1920s remained untouched.
25. Nevertheless, Orthodoxy provided a real haven for faithful Christians right throughout this period.
26. Previously you had to be part of a quarrelsome, uneconomic unit of orthodoxy known as a church.
27. These post-ideological times are rough on an avant-garde that always needed an orthodoxy against which to kick.
28. An inheritor of Marcel Duchamp's anarchic estate, he regards all forms of artistic orthodoxy with deep scepticism.
29. But it failed to stem the growth of Modern Orthodoxy.
30. This new sort of avant-garde promotes, not heterodoxy and modernist autonomization, but orthodoxy and dis-autonomization.
1. These ideas rapidly became the new orthodoxy in linguistics.
2. He challenged the political orthodoxy of his time.
31. Taken together, these studies comprise a substantial body of work notable for its diversity, its competence and its orthodoxy.
32. By making an example of Holy Trinity he could punish his Jesuit adversaries and demonstrate his orthodoxy in a single swoop.
33. True, bolder challenges to orthodoxy, especially when they touched upon the role played by the party, provoked fierce resistance.
34. While Bourdieu's self-deprecatory claims to priesthood and orthodoxy turn out to be a cover for a very avant-garde sociology of culture.
35. The traditionalist rabbinate viewed Modern Orthodoxy with a good deal of alarm.
36. Methodological orthodoxy seems to be the price many feminist psychologists pay to be considered psychologists.
37. The militancy of sectarian party orthodoxy is fused with the militancy of rebellion against personal oppression.
38. Imaginations fettered by today's highly successful orthodoxy will break free.
39. The young magistrate had embraced orthodoxy with the fervour of a recent convert.
40. It was also in the interest of secular rulers that Catholic orthodoxy was maintained.
41. The state, for Fine and Harris, is more autonomous than in Soviet orthodoxy, although they remain instrumentalists.
42. Early feminists challenged the social and political orthodoxy of their time.
43. Hence without the existence of heterodoxy and orthodoxy, collective struggles diminish greatly in importance in traditional societies.
44. By the late 1980s, then, a new moral orthodoxy in relation to blooddoping had been established.
45. Economic orthodoxy over the past decade has rightly stressed the role of the private sector in development.
46. They are not neutral with respect to what is seen to be the current orthodoxy.
47. You can precisely determine the orthodoxy of scientists' opinions by getting them to place themselves on that continuum.
48. It was newly furnished in a style guaranteed not to offend, a nice compromise of bureaucratic orthodoxy and modern functionalism.
49. Orthodoxy and national identity were inextricably intertwined, and religious leaders became the spokesmen of national revolt.
50. Through such thought and writing the spirit of Dicey was fashioned into orthodoxy in public law.
51. Critics raised their voices with the consciousness of challenging a ruling orthodoxy.
52. Although the aims of these events were far from revolutionary, they gave the supporters of Francoist orthodoxy particular pause.
53. Evidence introduced to bolster orthodoxy in one field frequently carried unforeseen implications for conventional wisdom in another.
54. The papacy, to maintain orthodoxy, placed restrictions on which universities could teach theology.
55. Fry opposed the penal reformers' prevailing orthodoxy of solitary confinement.
56. Orthodoxy, by its very nature, disapproves of tampering with tradition.
57. A pillar of orthodoxy, he challenged the theological liberalism fashionable at the time.
58. The gradual assimilation of oppositional art into institutional orthodoxy represents one of the failed utopias of the modern period.
59. Far from hanging on to its radical credentials, abstract expressionism was seen by many to have sedimented into mainstream orthodoxy.
60. There were local differences between the practice of the different churches long after there was a semblance of conformity and orthodoxy.
61. The Labour government was elected at a time when Keynesian economics was moving towards being accepted as economic orthodoxy.
62. Equally, revisionist conclusions conflict with many of the central tenets of Soviet orthodoxy.
63. Berel had remained true to the old orthodoxy.
64. an economist arguing against the current financial orthodoxy.
65. Orthodoxy means not thinking -- not needing to think.
66. Yesterday's Heresy, Today's Orthodoxy, Tomorrow's Anachronism.
67. Ricardo was not the first to challenge the mercantilist orthodoxy.
68. Implication : liberalism, neo - orthodoxy and neo - evangelicalism are NOT orthodox.
69. However, the accepted foreign policy orthodoxy in China is that the United States is a hegemonic power that aggressively pursues its own interests at others' expense.
70. Pastor Wundt, the shepherd of the Columbus church, was a sincere and ardent Christian,[] but his bigotry and hard-and-fast orthodoxy made him intolerant .
71. When they ( scientists ) stop questioning orthodoxy, mankind will have given up the search for truth.
72. The world of medicine has become splintered into two factions, that of orthodoxy and its counterpart, alternative or complementary medicine.
73. Western church refers to Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestantism, the branch of Christian.
74. At the same time, it upset Christian orthodoxy, even the attenuated Unitarian form.
75. Since then, economists have vied with each other to overturn this orthodoxy.
76. Methodism , however, developed its own theological system as expressed in two principal standards of orthodoxy.
77. Surely only the most jaded and damaged would challenge the orthodoxy of romantic love.
78. There was a direct intimate connexion between chastity and political orthodoxy.
79. For instance(), the scholars in the China section of the book look closely at the innovations required in Marxist-Leninist orthodoxy .
80. Greek patriarch of alexandria and leading defender of Christian orthodoxy against arianism.
81. The characteristics of Beijing traditional Culture are all embracing, blending, dissolving, epitomizing, orthodoxy and steadiness.
82. In Chinese "Confucian orthodoxy" , lacking in any institutional organization, there was only personal morality.
83. Before the marriage, Philip renounced his Greek and Danish titles and converted from Greek Orthodoxy to Anglicanism.
84. For the first two-thirds of the twentieth century, American liberals distinguished themselves from conservatives by what Lionel Trilling called "a spiritual orthodoxy of belief in progress."
85. As pope he won wide support for his strict orthodoxy.
86. According to this new orthodoxy, macroeconomic stability should be achieved through interest rates.
87. In addition, this paper studies RBF network, realizes the method of orthodoxy least square, gets rapid speed than BP network by 20, and the quality of speech has a little improvement than BP.
88. And don't forget the across-the-board tax cuts, key to keeping the Republican base happy as the president strayed from conservative orthodoxy in other areas.
89. Now, facing its own choice between the domestic pain associated with economic orthodoxy or postponing it by compromising long-cherished principles, pragmatic authorities have chosen the latter.
90. It is astonishing that such a bohemian man always believes in orthodoxy.
91. Acting in a Rooseveltian manner involves defying orthodoxy, challenging powerful interests, and giving voice to the public's disgust at the corrupt financial establishment.
92. But no: over the last few months there has been a stunning resurgence of hard-money and balanced-budget orthodoxy.
93. We are not obliged to sound the Bishop of D ---- on the score of orthodoxy.
94. All forms of classical orthodoxy either explicitly reject or reject in principle kenotic theology.
95. And who will pay the price for this triumph of orthodoxy?
96. Based on the synthesis of Q phase by the predecessors, the paper studied the sintering conditions of various minerals of Q phase- CA- C12A7 system cement by the orthodoxy experiment.
97. First, British and French clerics demonised Russian Orthodoxy as a semi - pagan creed.
98. He it was who summoned the Second Ecumenical Council, this time at Constantinople in 381, where the Nicene Greed, the standard of orthodoxy , was drawn up in its final form.
99. In short, he cares very little about traditional Orthodoxy and regards God's covenant with Abraham as "just so much chin music."
100. Every truth has geological strata, and you cannot have an orthodoxy without a heresy.
101. The demonization of Mr. Frank aside, it’s now obviously orthodoxy on the Republican side that government caused the whole problem.
102. But one problem is that the economics profession "has gotten much more intolerant of divergence from orthodoxy," says Philip Mirowski, an economic historian at Notre Dame.
103. "Orthodoxy, Autocracy and Nationality "was the slogan of the czars until the Romanov regime fell in 1917.
104. The "originally simplicity approach"is closely related with the relationship between orthodoxy and heterodoxy in the course of literary development.




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