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单词 authoritative
释义 Word family  noun authority authorization authoritarian authoritarianism adjective authoritarian authoritative authorized ≠ unauthorized verb authorize adverb authoritatively  au·thor·i·ta·tive /ɔːˈθɒrətətɪv, ə- $ ɒːˈθɑːrəteɪtɪv, əˈθɔː-/ ●○○ AWL adjective  1  BELIEVEan authoritative book, account etc is respected because the person who wrote it knows a lot about the subject 权威性的,可信的,可靠的 the most authoritative work on English surnames 有关英语姓氏的最权威著作2  CONFIDENTbehaving or speaking in a confident determined way that makes people respect and obey you 权威的,有威信的,威严的 He has a commanding presence and an authoritative voice. 他仪态庄重,声音威严。 —authoritatively adverbExamples from the Corpusauthoritative• The results provide the most authoritative and conclusive evidence to date of some enduring inequities in participation in such facilities.• an authoritative biography of Theodore Roosevelt• Soon an authoritative clinking of knife on wine-glass demands our attention.• An authoritative energy-labelling system will assist them to do that.• A clear, authoritative statement of the new doctrine evolving is yet to be announced.• Not very imaginative, it amounted to a genuflection to Papini and his authoritative views.• In common with Boyd's previous works the text is authoritative while at the same time highly readable.• Bagehot's work continued to be regarded as an authoritative work long after the Constitution had undergone fundamental·thor·i·ta·tive adjectiveChineseSyllable  etc Corpus an account is book, respected authoritative




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