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单词 lapel
释义  Related topics: Clothesldoce_195_ala·pel /ləˈpel/ noun [countable]   DCCthe part of the front of a coat or jacket that is joined to the collar and folded back on each side 〔西服上衣或夹克的〕翻领 →5  See picture of lapel 翻领 →4  See picture of 见图 lapelExamples from the Corpuslapel• Jim wore a blue ribbon on his black lapel.• Now police have seized 3,000 forged lapel tickets in a raid on this Birmingham pub and a number of houses.• She takes the pin from me, secures it back on her lapel, and drifts off.• He stumbled, but before he could fall, he was spun around and Buck Leeper grabbed him by his lapel.• Makeup began to whiten his lapels like droppings on a statue.• There is a lot of lapel twitching.• As Singer went back, he grabbed Pascoe's lapel, dragging him on, and they both fell.• He stood, and Squirt held up the silver jacket with the satin lapels and Mulcahey put his arms into it.Origin lapel (1600-1700) → LAP11 in the earlier meaning “part of clothing that can be folded over”la·pel nounChineseSyllable  of Corpus the part a the coat front or of




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