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单词 lack
释义  lack1 /læk/ ●●● S3 W2 noun [singular, uncountable]  NOT HAVEwhen there is not enough of something, or none of it 不足,缺乏;没有 SYN shortage OPP surpluslack of new parents suffering from lack of sleep 缺少睡眠的新爸爸新妈妈们 Too many teachers are treated with a lack of respect. 有太多老师得不到尊重。 comments based on a total lack of information 全无根据的评论 Does their apparent lack of progress mean they are not doing their job properly? 他们看来没有什么进展,是不是说明他们没有做好本职工作? tours that are cancelled for lack of bookings 因预订人数不够而取消的旅游 There was no lack of willing helpers. 主动提出帮助的不乏其人。 health problems linked to poor diet and a relative lack of exercise 与不良饮食和运动相对缺乏相关的健康问题n COLLOCATIONSadjectivesa complete/total lack of somethingI was amazed by his almost total lack of interest in music.a relative/comparative lack of somethingThere is a relative lack of research into this medical condition.a distinct/marked/conspicuous lack of something (=very noticeable)She looked at him with a marked lack of apparent lack of something (=one that seems to exist)Adam's apparent lack of concern angered his brother.phrasesthere is no lack of something (=there is plenty of it)There is no lack of information on the subject.Examples from the Corpuslack• She showed a complete lack of interest in her own baby.• The options never reached a vote, however, as the meeting was cancelled for lack of support!• I think a lot of people are surprised by my lack of being overwhelmed.• Daniel prefaces his interpretation with a review of Nebuchadnezzar's prideful fall from grace and Beishazzar's own lack of humility.• I wonder if the company have any idea how much wildlife has been killed by the lack of water.• Largely this arises from the lack of adequate time-series data on resource levels.• The lack of comprehension can be attributed in part to the paucity of electronic commerce applications that the consumer has personally experienced.• The lack of oxygen at this height saps power.• Tobaccocontrol advocates agree, saying their lack of vigilance in decades past had allowed the Tobacco Institute to gain power and influence.relative lack of• From this position there is a relative lack of regard for the Symbolic order.• This may be related to a relative lack of social stability: being more frequently single and in less permanent accommodation.• They say they consider him uncorrupted, and are impressed by his relative lack of political ambition.• Proof of this may be demonstrated by the relative lack of pleasure when smoking a cigarette with one's eyes shut.• The lesson, the drama, the learning all appear to be at risk because of the relative lack of structure.• These factors may have contributed markedly to the relative lack of success of the minor marriages.• The relative lack of input from Texas means a relative lack of interest from the candidates.lack2 ●●○ W3 verb  1  [transitive]NOT HAVE to not have something that you need, or not have enough of it 没有;缺乏 Alex’s real problem is that he lacks confidence. 亚历克斯的真正问题是缺乏信心。 ► Do not use ‘in’ or ‘of’ after the verb lack: We lack ideas (NOT We lack in/of ideas). However, you can use these prepositions after be lacking in and a lack: We are lacking in ideas. | There is a lack of ideas.动词 lack 后面不要用 in 或 of: We lack ideas ( 不说 We lack in/of ideas). 我们没有主意。 但是 be lacking 和 a lack 后面可以用 in 或 of : We are lacking in ideas. 我们没有主意。 | These is a lack of ideas. 没主意了。2  not lack for something formalRICH to have a lot of something 某物应有尽有,不乏某物 He does not lack for critics. 挑他毛病的人很多。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuslack• Glenn has the discipline that Forman lacks.• Kevin lacks a willingness to try new things.• Many people lack adequate pension arrangements.• Tom lacks confidence and needs a lot of encouragement.• Obviously, even parents who have lacked early contact with their infants after hospital births generally become bonded to their babies.• And yet they have lacked enough concentration to lose five games.• They lived in appalling conditions, lacking even the most primitive sanitation.• I think I lacked inner peace.• And the Ports have lacked real aggression in midfield since McCreadie's departure!• Fourth, the fund may lack the accounting systems and performance measurement techniques to incorporate futures, so discouraging their use.• He lacked the energy to argue with him.• However, our real weakness is not that we lack the potential, but that we lack the will to act.• And so she lacked the seniority to get into that high or into that new school.• Napoleon lacked up-to-the-minute information at the crucial moment; he didn't know what Bluücher was doing.Origin lack2 (1200-1300) Middle Dutch lakenlack1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1lack2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  when there Corpus of is enough not something,




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