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单词 labour relations
释义  Related topics: Labour relations, unionsˈlabour ˌrelations British English, labor relations American English noun [plural]  BELthe relationship between employers and workers 劳资关系 a company with good labour relations 劳资关系和谐的公司Examples from the Corpuslabour relations• The New Order Informal workers are playing a key role in the return to pre-1930s labour relations in the West.• The Authority also had specific powers over the retail tariffs and labour relations machinery of the Area Boards.• He believes this is the result of a highly-educated and willing workforce with an excellent labour relations record.• Critics were quick to blame the government for the new levels of strife and violence in labour relations.• Informal labour relations tend to be more exploitative than those within the legitimate economy.• New labour relations are being introduced in industries where they were technologically or politically unthinkable a decade ago.• Some industries acquired chairmen with a reputation for cost-cutting and a tough stand on labour relations.• Over the past 12 years, we have transformed labour relations.ˈlabour ˌrelations nounChineseSyllable   Corpus and the between relationship workers employers




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