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单词 kitty
释义  Related topics: Cards, Petskit·ty /ˈkɪti/ noun (plural kitties) [countable]  1  MONEY[usually singular] the money that people have collected for a particular purpose 〔为某目的〕筹集的钱款 How much money is there left in the kitty? 大家凑的钱还剩多少?2. DGC[usually singular] the money that the winner of a game of cards receives 〔纸牌戏中赢家赢得的〕赌注3. DHPa word for a cat, used especially by children 小猫,猫咪〔尤为儿语〕Examples from the Corpuskitty• Here, kitty, nice kitty.• The funds go into the kitty, to be used for special school projects.From Longman Business Dictionarykittykit‧ty /ˈkɪti/ noun [singular] informal an amount of money that has been gathered and is available for several people, organizations etc to useThe Dutch pay more per capita than any other country into the collective EU kitty.Origin kitty 1. (1800-1900) kit2. (1700-1800) kittenkit·ty nounChineseSyllable  money Corpus collected have the Business people that




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