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单词 switch
释义  switch1 /swɪtʃ/ ●●● S2 W3 verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]CHANGE FROM ONE THING TO ANOTHER to change from doing or using one thing to doing or using another 转换,转变,改变switch to She worked as a librarian before switching to journalism. 她在转行从事新闻工作前是图书馆管理员。switch from something to something Duval could switch easily from French to English. 杜瓦尔可以在法语和英语之间自如切换。switch between something and something He switches between TV and theatre work. 他的工作在电视业和戏剧界之间不断变换。 The terrorists will switch tactics. 恐怖分子会改变战术。switch sides/allegiance (=start supporting a different person, party etc) 转换立场/改变拥戴对象 He switched sides just days before the election. 就在竞选的前几天他改变了立场。switch attention/focus/emphasis We want to switch focus away from criticism. 我们想把重点从批评上转移开。2  [transitive]REPLACE to replace one thing with another, or exchange things 交换;调换;转换 SYN changeswitch something for something Tim may switch his BMW for something else. 蒂姆可能会把他的宝马车换成别的什么车。switch something from something to something We’ve switched the meeting from Tuesday to Thursday. 我们把会议从周二改到了周四。switch something around It’s not easy to switch clerical workers around. 想调换办公室工作人员并不容易。3  [intransitive, transitive] American English if you switch with someone who does the same job as you, you exchange your working times with theirs for a short time 〔与同事〕调换上班时间,调(班) SYN swapswitch with Tom said he’d switch with me on Saturday. 汤姆说他周六会和我调班。 He asked if we could switch shifts. 他问我们是否可以调班。4  [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to change the way a machine operates, using a switch 〔用开关〕改变〔机器的运转〕,转换switch something to something Switch the freezer to ‘defrost’. 把冷冻柜调到“除霜”模式。5 switch off phrasal verb a) SWITCH ON OR OFFto turn off a machine, light, radio etc using a switch 〔用开关〕关掉,关上switch something ↔ off The burglar alarm was switched off. 防盗警报器被关上了。 Don’t forget to switch off before you go. 离开之前别忘记关掉开关。b) informalATTENTION# to stop listening to someone 不再听;不加理睬[注意] He just switches off and ignores me. 他就是不听,不理我。c) to relax for a short time 〔短暂地〕放松 Switch off by listening to music. 听听音乐放松一下。6 switch on phrasal verb SWITCH ON OR OFFto turn on a machine, light, radio etc using a switch 〔用开关〕开,打开switch something ↔ on He switched the torch on. 他打开了手电筒。5 When a tape is put in the VCR, it switches on automatically .录像带放进录像机后,它会自动播放。n The lights switch on automatically when it gets dark.7 switch over phrasal verb a) to change from one method, product etc to another 改变,转变〔方法、产品等〕 to We’ve switched over to telephone banking. 我们已经改用电话银行服务了。b) to change the television channel you are watching or the radio station you are listening to 转换〔电视频道或电台〕 to Switch over to BBC 2. 换到英国广播公司二台。n COLLOCATIONSnounsswitch sides (=start supporting someone or something else)Three senators switched sides and voted for the ban.switch (your) allegiance (=start supporting someone else)Most of his supporters had switched their allegiance to his rival.switch channels (=start watching a different TV channel)Rod switched channels with the remote control.switch tacticsSensing that his victim was going to escape him, he switched tactics.switch your attention/focus to somethingLaura wasn't interested so he switched his attention to Tessa.switch brands46% of consumers surveyed were likely to switch brands to support companies they saw as socially responsible, the emphasis switches/is switched to somethingThe emphasis has switched to defence.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusswitch• Solbourne's product allows developers to create graphical user interfaces that dynamically switch between Motif and Open Look.• He switched easily and fluently from speaking English to French to German.• Then he switched his own torch off.• He went inside to her living room, switched off the lights on the bushes, and locked the front door.• We switched seats halfway through the show.• He parked close to where the land sloped downwards to a narrow pebble beach, and switched the engine off.• He was accused of switching the price labels on goods.• It was still switched through to the secretary's office, and it took an infuriatingly long time to get a line.• Would Parcells select either one, make Willie McGinest a defensive end and switch to a 4-3 defense?• She switched to forward when she joined the Tiburon Tornadoes at 14.• As a result, most of these countries have switched to orthodox fiscal and monetary policies to curb inflation.• It took a long time for Americans to switch to smaller cars.• I used to play golf but I switched to tennis to get more exercise.• Professor Rigby's talk may be switched to the main hall.• We must have switched umbrellas by mistake.switch attention/focus/emphasis• I will switch emphasis from attending Branch meetings to meeting on a one to one basis with these people in each branch.switch something from something to something• He switched over from manual to remote operation, putting Betty now under control of Hal.switch something to something• Switch the oven to "broil."Related topics: Daily lifeswitch2 ●●● S3 noun [countable]  1  on/off 开/关SWITCH ON OR OFF a piece of equipment that starts or stops the flow of electricity to a machine, light etc when you push it 〔机器、电灯等的〕开关;电闸 Where’s the light switch? 电灯开关在哪儿? an on–off switch 开关键press/flick/throw etc a switch Tom flicked the switch, but nothing happened. 汤姆按了下开关,但什么反应也没有。 She claims she is willing to throw the switch of the electric chair. 她表示她愿意按下电椅开关。at the flick of a switch (=very quickly and easily, by pressing a switch) 按一下按钮就会… Petrol can be chosen at the flick of a switch. 只要按一下按钮就可以选择汽油。 →5 see picture at 见图 plug12  change 改变CHANGE FROM ONE THING TO ANOTHER [usually singular] a complete change from one thing to another 〔彻底的〕改变,转变 an important policy switch 一项重要的政策改变switch from/to the switch from agriculture to dairy production 从农业向乳品生产的转变switch in a switch in emphasis 重点的转移 More shoppers are making the switch to organic food. 更多顾客开始改买有机食品。that’s a switch American English spoken informal (=used to say that someone’s behaviour is different from usual) 那真不寻常 ‘Ed’s the only one who’s not eating.’ ‘That’s a switch!’ “只有埃德没在吃。”“这真少见!”3. railway 铁路 American English a piece of railway track that can be moved to allow a train to cross over from one track to another 〔铁路的〕转辙器,道岔4. stick 枝条D old-fashioned a thin stick that bends easily 细软的枝条n COLLOCATIONSverbspress a switchHe pressed a switch on the wall and the door opened.flick/flip a switch (=move it so something starts or stops)You start the fan by just flipping this switch.throw a switch (=move it so something starts or stops, especially something big)Could a nuclear war really be started by someone just throwing a switch?ADJECTIVES/NOUN + switch a light switchHe reached for the light switch.a dimmer switch (=a switch that can change the brightness of a light)an on-off switchI couldn’t find the on-off switch.the power switchThey have reverted to placing the mains power switch at the back of the unit.the mains switch (=one that controls the supply of electricity to a house)The mains switch is located inside a cupboard near the front door.phrasesat the flick/touch of a switch (=very quickly and easily, with a switch)The advantages of having electricity available at the flick of a switch are obvious.Examples from the Corpusswitch• For example, if the price of metal rises too high there may be a switch to plastic.• Then, he flicked a switch and stood well back.• There is a board in the reception office, cashier's office and housekeeper's office with a switch in every bedroom.• A switch to complete different new foods may cause stomach upsets.• Jim walked over to the overhead, placed a transparency on it, and flicked on the lamp switch.• a light switch• Additional features include an IrDA interface for wireless connection and a locking switch for printer transport.• Where's the power switch?• His sudden switches of mood are difficult to deal with.• In a surprise switch, he heads into soft-edged landscape in a fifth work.• All other flying leads for the switches and indicators are at low voltage and these can be soldered directly to the p.c.b.• The switch from political activity to family life was hard to handle.• The switch to a free market economy will not be the flick of a switch• These days about 15 percent of our energy is obtained at the flick of a switch.making the switch• Even previously committed invertebrate labs like Alkon's Hermissenda group were making the switch.nSwitch trademark the past, a type of system used for paying for goods and services in the UK, by which customers used a type of plastic card called a debit card, and money was immediately taken out of their bank account. Since 2002, Switch has been replaced by Maestro, the Mastercard brand of debit card.Origin switch2 (1500-1600) Perhaps from Middle Dutch swijch “small thin stick”switch1 verb →n COLLOCATIONS1switch2 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1SwitchLDOCE OnlineChinese  to using from change to Corpus or one doing thing




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