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单词 junior
释义  junior1 ●●● W3 adjective [only before noun]  1  LOW POSITION OR RANKhaving a low rank in an organization or profession 〔在组织或行业中〕级别低的,职位低的,初级的 OPP senior a junior doctor 初级医生junior to There are several people junior to me (=with a lower rank than me). 有几个人级别比我低。2  relating to sport for young people below a particular age 〔体育运动〕青少年的 the junior football club 青少年足球俱乐部3  British English relating to a school for children below the age of 11 低年级的〔学校里低于 11 岁的学童〕 the junior classrooms 低年级教室4  American English relating to the year before the final year of high school or college 〔高中或四年制大学〕三年级(学生)的 the second semester of my junior year 我三年级的第二个学期 → senior1Examples from the Corpusjunior• He was also second in the Yorkshire Championships at Harrogate and is currently junior champion of Yorkshire.• At first it feels like high school, then junior high, and finally grade school.• By 1990, District 4 boasted 21 junior high schools, plus six alternative grade schools.• In junior high, she refined them, sent them off to contests, then scribbled more.• At least 20 of the rebel junior officers who staged the uprising surrendered by late afternoon.• The most junior officers wore a red stripe on their sleeves.• a junior partner• He started to learn the bagpipes at the age of nine and won several junior prizes.• She started work as a junior reporter on a local newspaper.• In my junior year a friend, a fledgling pilot, taught me the basics of handling a small plane.junior year• His junior year at Boulder High I went to all his home soccer games.• He did better junior year, despite the fact that he spent nearly all of it arguing with the priests.• When he took the SATs in his junior year, he scored an even 1600.• My junior year, I was one step higher.• Students in the program participate in three progressive summer internships, starting after their junior year in high school.• During the second semester of her junior year, Maggie had what was to prove to be a very positive experience.• I look older than I am, at the butt end of my junior year of high school.• He showed dramatic improvement from his junior year to his senior year.Related topics: Schooljunior2 ●○○ noun  1  be two/five/ten etc years somebody’s junior  (also be somebody’s junior by two/five/ten etc years)YOUNG written to be two, five, ten etc years younger than someone 比某人小两岁/五岁/十岁等 She married a man seven years her junior. 她嫁给了一个比她小七岁的男人。2  [countable] a young person who takes part in sport for people below a particular age 青少年运动员 The juniors use the courts on Tuesday night. 青少年运动员在星期二晚上使用这些球场。3  [countable] especially British EnglishLOW POSITION OR RANK someone who has a low rank in an organization or profession 低职位人员 an office junior 办公室低级职员4. [countable] British EnglishSES a child who goes to a junior school 小学生5. [countable] American EnglishSES a student in the year before the final year of high school or college 〔高中或四年制大学的〕三年级学生 → freshman, senior2(1), sophomoren6. → JuniorExamples from the Corpusjunior• Joann was a junior and had a beautiful singing voice.• a junior at NYU• Donna spent spring semester of her junior year in Paris.• He was replaced by a young graduate, 10 years his junior.• More than 30 players, including juniors and novices will be competing.• Sarah is six years my junior.• The good behaviour of our own Club members are still attending with some of the older juniors replacing retiring senior members.• Even if it s one of the juniors pissing around on their computer and modem.• Otton, the junior who shared time with Kyle Wachholtz at quarterback, started and did not relinquish the position.• The other reason she had disappeared with the juniors was that it kept her out of Jack's way.• I find it tough to delegate my work to juniors, to the associates.JuniorAmerican English spoken a name used humorously when speaking to or about a boy or a younger man, especially your son 男孩;年轻男子;〔尤指〕儿子〔幽默用法〕 Where’s Junior? 儿子在哪儿? → juniorJu·ni·or /ˈdʒuːniə $ -ər/ (written abbreviation Jr. American English, Jnr British English)  used after the name of a man or boy who has the same name as his father 小〔置于与父亲同名的男子或男孩姓名之后〕 John F. Kennedy, Jr. 小约翰·F. 肯尼迪From Longman Business DictionaryJuniorJu‧ni‧or /ˈdʒuːniə-ər/, written abbreviation Jr. American English, Jnr British English used after the name of a man who has the same name as his father, especially in the USJohn J. Wallace Jrjuniorju‧ni‧or1 /ˈdʒuːniə-ər/ adjective1having a low or lower rank in an organization or a professionjunior toBarron had refused to talk to anyone junior to Wickham.Some junior employees might lack the courage to approach the boss.2FINANCE a junior bond, debt etc will be repaid later or have a smaller part repaid than other bonds, debts etc, if the borrower is unable to repay everythingjunior toThe new bonds offered by Trump Plaza Associates were junior to the old ones.senior and junior debt holdersjuniorjunior2 noun [countable] JOBsomeone who has a low rank in an organization or professionThey treated her like a junior. → office juniorOrigin junior1 (1200-1300) Latin “younger”, from juvenis “young”junior1 adjectivejunior2 nounJuniorJu·ni·orLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  profession Corpus rank having low in or a Business organization an




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