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单词 join
释义  join1 /dʒɔɪn/ ●●● S1 W1 verb  1  group/organization 团体/组织 [transitive]JOIN AN ORGANIZATION to become a member of an organization, society, or group 成为…的一员,加入,加盟 When did you join the Labour Party? 你何时加入工党的? I decided to join the army. 我决定去参军。 You can enjoy a sport without joining a club or belonging to a team. 不加盟俱乐部或球队也可以享受体育运动的乐趣。2  activity 活动 [transitive] to begin to take part in an activity that other people are involved in 参与,加入〔某项活动〕 Many sacrificed their weekend to join the hunt for the missing girl. 许多人牺牲周末时间,加入了寻找失踪女孩的行动。 the benefits of joining our pension scheme 参加我们的退休金计划的好处 Church leaders have joined the campaign to end foxhunting. 教会领袖参与了禁止猎狐的运动。3  go to SB 去某人那里 [transitive]MEET to go somewhere in order to be with someone or do something with them 加入,和…一道 She joined her aunt in the sitting room. 她到客厅去陪她姑妈了。 The immigrants were soon joined by their wives and children. 这些移民的妻子和子女很快就来与他们团聚了。 ► Don’t say ‘join with’ someone. Join is always followed by an object in this sense: I’ll join you later.不要说join with 某人,用于此义时join 后总是直接跟宾语: I’ll join you later. 我稍后会加入你们。4  WITHdo STH together 一起做某事 [intransitive, transitive] to do something together with someone else, or as a group 参与,加入join somebody for something I invited them to join us for a glass of wine. 我邀请他们和我们一起喝杯酒。join (with) somebody in doing something I’m sure you’ll all join me in thanking today’s speaker. 我相信大家会和我一起来感谢今天的演讲者。join (with) somebody to do something Parents have joined with health experts to produce a video for bereaved families. 家长们和医疗专家一起为痛失亲人的家庭制作录像。join together Three police forces have joined together to buy a helicopter. 三支警察部队共同出资购买一架直升机。5  connect 连接 a) [transitive]JOIN something TOGETHER to connect or fasten things together 连接,接合;联结 Join the two pieces of wood with strong glue. 用强力胶水把两块木头黏合起来。join something to something The island is joined to the mainland by a causeway. 一条堤道将这座岛屿与大陆相连。 b) [intransitive, transitive]JOIN something TOGETHER if two roads, rivers etc join, they come together and become connected at a particular point 〔道路、河流等〕结合,汇合;汇入 Finally, we arrived at Dartmouth, where the River Dart joins the sea. 最后我们到达达特茅斯,达特河就在那里汇入大海。 the point where the two roads join 两条道路的汇合点6  join a queue British English, join a line American EnglishWAIT to go and stand at the end of a line of people 排入队伍 He went in and joined the queue for the toilets. 他走进去排队上厕所。7  join hands if people join hands, they hold each other’s hands 手拉手 They joined hands and danced round and round. 他们手拉手转着圈跳舞。8  join the club spokenAGREE used to say that you and a lot of other people are in the same situation 彼此彼此〔指你和其他许多人的境况一样〕 ‘I’m having difficulty knowing what today’s debate is about.’ ‘Join the club, Geoffrey.’ “我听不懂今天的辩论在讲些什么。” “彼此彼此,乔弗里。9. join battle formalFIGHT to begin fighting 开始交战10. be joined in marriage/holy matrimony formalMARRY to be married 结婚,结成夫妇11. be joined at the hip informal if two people are joined at the hip, they are always together and are very friendly – often used to show disapproval 〔两个人要好得〕形影不离〔常含贬义〕12 join in (something) phrasal verb TAKE PART/BE INVOLVEDto take part in something that a group of people are doing or that someone else does 参加〔活动〕;加入进来 In the evening there was a barbecue, with the whole village joining in the fun. 晚上有烧烤活动,全村人欢聚一堂。 He stared at them without joining in the conversation. 他盯着他们看,没有参与交谈。 He laughed loudly, and Mattie joined in. 他大声笑了起来,马蒂也跟着笑了。13 join up phrasal verb a) JOIN AN ORGANIZATIONto become a member of the army, navy, or air force 参军,入伍b) British English to connect things, or to become connected (使)连接join something ↔ up The dots are joined up by a line. 这些点由一条线连接起来。14 join up with somebody/something phrasal verb WITHto combine with or meet other people in order to do something 与〔某人〕结伙〔干某事〕,联合 Three months ago, they joined up with another big company that sells arms. 三个月前,他们和另一家出售武器的大公司联手。 → join/combine forces at force1(9), → if you can't beat 'em, join 'em at beat1(23)n THESAURUS – Meaning 5: to join things togetherjoin to make two things come together and stay in that position. Join is used about fixing two things together permanently, so that they form a single thingDoctors used a metal rod to join the two pieces of bone together.attach to join one thing to another, so that it stays in position. Attach is often used when you can separate the two things laterShe attached the photo to the letter with a paper clip. The boards are attached with nails.On the wall, attached with adhesive tape, was a New York City subway map.connect (also connect up) to join pieces of equipment together, especially with a wire or pipe, so that electricity, gas, water etc can pass from one to anotherHave you connected up the speakers to the stereo?The hoses that connect the radiator to the engine are (also link up) to connect machines, systems, computers etc, so that electronic signals can pass from one to anotherAll the office PCs are linked to the main server.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusjoin• Eight new members are expected to join.• The wooden buildings are joined by ivy-covered walkways.• He did join, hoping to reform the church before it deformed him.• Why should we join in and help them to unite against us?• In each the primitive, sometimes bestial is joined obdurately to the modern and sophisticated.• There appears to be substantial numbers of people who join or leave, become active or inactive, over time.• The pipes join right over here.• A lot of people want to join, so there's a long waiting list.• Any child wanting to join the after-school club should see Mrs Williams.• During the war he joined the Air Corps and became a pilot.• The advertising campaign is trying to persuade people to join the armed forces• At the age of twenty-three, Bernard persuaded four of his brothers and twenty-seven friends to join the Cistercian order.• 2000 people joined the library last year.• He joined the navy when he was 16.• It is not known if the other parties will join the peace talks.• They met at the spot where the creek joins the river.• In 1933 Princess Victoria joined the royal Yacht from this quay.• Join the sleeve and the shoulder parts together.• Doctors had to use a metal rod to join the two pieces of bone together.• Join the two pieces of wood using a strong glue.• And the Lakers, 4-1 since he joined them, have claimed victories in 11 of 13 to reach 28-19 overall.• Her parents are going to Paris next week and she will join them later.• We're sitting over there. Why don't you join us?• In lieu of a dance, you can always ask that cute girl or guy to join you for a duet.join together• A girder is a beam that supports other beams or is made up of separate beams joined together.• I believe the two events will join together.• It can be 100 yards long, even more if two or more nets are joined together.• After the visits, guests and Faculty members will join together for a buffet supper.• He was proud that their freedom parade and service and the mayor's installation should be joined together in this way.• There may, for instance, be a requirement to join together lecturers of a similar qualification or age group.• Not all of it could be joined together prior to delivery as size precluded it from being transported in one piece.• The map sections should be joined together without the seams being visible.join2 noun [countable]  1 JOIN something TOGETHERa place where two parts of an object are connected or fastened together 〔两个物体的〕连接处 It’s been glued back together so well you can hardly see the join. 重新粘得很好,几乎看不出接缝。Examples from the Corpusjoin• They are then cut by one of the several methods to effect a good join.• The leaf tracing is then pasted on to the assembly so that the centre vein coincides with the join.• Every wooden join was tongue and groove reinforced with knotted rope.From Longman Business Dictionaryjoinjoin /dʒɔɪn/ verb1[intransitive, transitive] to become a member of a group, team, or organizationShe was invited to join the company’s board.Turkey is not a member of the EU, but wants to join.2[intransitive, transitive] to start working for a company or an organizationHe first joined Allianz as a salesman.She left in 1995, the year I joined.3join forces to take action together in order to achieve somethingAT&T and NEC agreed to join forces to develop a new mobile telephone system.join forces withMany small insurance companies are joining forces with other insurers.4join together to do something with another person, company, or organizationEight Japanese and two American companies are joining together to design communications equipment. → join in something → join with somebody/something→ See Verb tableOrigin join (1200-1300) Old French joindre, from Latin jungerejoin1 verb →n THESAURUS1join2 nounLDOCE OnlineChinese  to Corpus Business organization, or society, an a become of member




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