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单词 Iron Age
释义  ˈIron Age noun  the Iron Age SHthe period of time about 3,000 years ago when iron was first used for making tools, weapons etc 铁器时代 → Bronze Age, Stone AgeExamples from the CorpusIron Age• Bronze Age settlement and Iron Age cemetery.• Nothing like their earthworks had been seen since the earlier Iron Age of pre-Roman times.• Modern building work has revealed Iron Age remains, old almshouses and a Quaker burial ground.• They must have been the Iron Age equivalent of the mediaeval castle with the village and everything clustered round.• Most of them date from the Iron Age.• On Roman tombstones and in the Iron age in the Celtic period we find a mounted night killing serpents.• The Iron Age also produced the first evidence of polled cattle in Britain.ˈIron Age nounChineseSyllable  the of 3,000 Corpus years about period time




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