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单词 Remedial
1. Remedial action must be taken now.
2. He is already walking normally and doing remedial exercises.
3. The building needs urgent remedial work to make it safe.
4. Some authorities are now having to take remedial action.
5. She is a teacher of remedial English.
6. The poorly designed bridge needs remedial work to make It'safe.
7. The bill requires owners to undertake remedial work on dilapidated buildings.
8. Some remedial work needs to be done on the foundations.
9. She teaches remedial English.
10. The poorly designed bridge needs remedial work to make it safe.
11. Yet despite remedial chemotherapy and amputation the syndrome continued.
12. Their placement in a remedial course confirmed their suspicions.
13. The semantic net of remedial was expanding and expanding.
14. I did not learn much about remedial therapists but this may reflect the state of knowledge rather than any criticism of the author.
15. We must complete full investigations prior to commencing remedial repairs.
16. For this reason, beyond a certain stage, any remedial measure to counteract gravity becomes self-defeating.
17. Some run efficient remedial courses, which could surely be used for youngsters who had taken a broader sixth-form course.
18. If remedial action is not forthcoming we would cease trading with them.
19. It is ideal for planning remedial work and helps identify which grammatical areas should be worked on.
20. Pressure is already developing, especially in the unions, for remedial action.
21. The 1970s saw the beginning of serious attempts to develop remedial services in local authorities.
22. This enables predictions of ozone formation at a particular location to be made and allows local authorities to take remedial action.
23. But members of the review team claimed that the remedial measures ignored or misrepresented their main findings.
24. About one quarter of entering college students now take at least one remedial course.
25. After a careful diagnosis he is able to prescribe intelligently the best remedial or corrective measures.
26. An even more important distinction is the fact that the remedial work is expressive rather than productive.
27. Remediation solutions Bioremediation is currently attracting a lot of attention as a remedial technique.
28. She enrolled at a Colorado community college and discovered how inadequate her education had been when she tested at the remedial level.
29. What Valverde and Nadelstern are proposing is a new model for higher education-the remedial college.
30. In the spring they would move up one rung on the remedial ladder.
1. Remedial action must be taken now.
2. He is already walking normally and doing remedial exercises.
3. The building needs urgent remedial work to make it safe.
4. The poorly designed bridge needs remedial work to make It'safe.
31. Brenda pointed this out to Albert, who took no remedial action.
32. Although traditional remedial education is undergoing radical reform, major problems remain.
33. Can public school teachers do remedial work in religious schools?
34. The prime purpose of John's nasal operation was remedial, now that he knew he wanted to make his career in ballet.
35. In Michigan, as in New York, all religious symbols were removed from the classrooms used for such remedial instruction.
36. On the technical side, remedial work is in many cases already on the way.
37. Barlow succeeded in establishing the case for radical, remedial measures to deal with the problems of London and the big cities.
38. They are not liable in negligence for the cost of remedial measures caused by a defect in the building's construction.
39. Not surprisingly, Dale had to entoil in a remedial mathematics course when he arrived on campus.
40. Despite remedial work, which Howard acknowledged on a second visit in 1786, the prison was clearly still inadequate.
41. Moreover, the assessment tests had ceased to function as barriers to the remedial curriculum on many campuses.
42. The question is whether remedial action would impose an unacceptable economic burden.
42. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
43. The environmental policy has progressed from its initial remedial approach to one of prevention and anticipation.
44. Later, the results are carefully compared with the intentions in order to identify remedial action or set new targets.
45. The Association has branches throughout the country that provide information and hold remedial classes.
46. In addition, the computer would run reading and diagnostic tests, offer remedial programmes and keep complete records of child attainment.
47. But, in fact, courses and programs that we could call remedial are older than fight songs and cheerleaders.
48. These students traverse course after remedial course, becoming increasingly turned off to writing, increasingly convinced that they are hopelessly inadequate.
49. Its profits plunged 60 percent to £31 million, though Sir Robert said remedial measures were now in place.
50. Out of 72 cases only 20 resulted in the ministry obtaining compensation or remedial work at no cost to themselves.
51. This type of program is useful for remedial work,[] revision and reinforcement.
52. It was very much the sort of developmental pedagogy that composition scholars and learning theorists prescribe for remedial students.
53. The latest system lists over 68000 chemical substances, their hazards and remedial actions.
54. And the remedial orders grew more expensive as shortfalls in revenue became more severe....
55. In his first year at City College he had taken nothing but remedial courses and the notoriously undemanding introductory black studies course.
56. At least this sort of pedagogy acknowledges the gravity of the remedial task.
57. I deduce a mental breakdown, remedial retirement and a less stressful job among the daffodils.
58. Then ninety one day with the glee club and remedial arithmetic.
59. The remedial programs we knew about did a disservice to their students by thinking of them as remedial.
60. We would not dream of seeking remedial help for a child who does not draw well.
61. For patients with postoperative dumping or diarrhoea it is prudent to assess gastric emptying before starting remedial surgery.
62. During these periods I was either to observe or else to go out and do remedial work with other classes.
63. An entrance exam guides students into one of four academic tracks, ranging from highly gifted to remedial.
64. One of the problems with traditional remedial teaching has been that spelling and neatness are fetishes.
65. It is worth examining briefly some of the possible explanations for this emphasis on remedial law.
66. These sites for concern are investigated and where cost-effective remedial measures are identified they are included in the works programme.
67. Appropriate remedial action has been taken to secure higher premium levels on current business.
68. Most of these students take remedial classes in all three fields.
69. Comparisons with targets and assumptions then allow remedial measures to be identified if necessary.
70. Like Stanley Feingold before him, he had violated the taboo against discussing the limits of the remedial process.
71. Middle-class children thus tend to fill the honors and advanced-placement classes while poor children take the general and remedial classes.
72. People were appointed to co-ordinate the work of remedial teachers in schools.
73. The important issue, before deciding upon remedial action, is to establish the cause of the movement.
74. His control in these cases is such that he alone decides whether or not to sample, whether or not to demand remedial action.
75. The elaborately staged conferences have acquired a reputation for issuing high-sounding communiques urging remedial economic or monetary action.
76. Under such circumstances, Dalzell believed Kenneff had an unambiguous ethical obligation to take remedial action with the court that convicted Lambert.
77. The saga of his single-minded remedial schedule, following the serious kneecap injury in New Zealand(), has been well documented.
78. Successes such as this suggest that remedial actions are feasible and can bring beneficial effects in a relatively short time.
79. The tenant should be careful also not to agree a too restrictive period of time in which to carry out remedial works.
80. The remedial idea with good what does periostitis have?
81. Who has remedial purulent secret recipe?
82. About the symptom of pyelonephritis and remedial method?
83. The remedial method wisdom tooth the most effective pericoronitis?
84. Which have remedial myopia? Help me glasses pick off!
85. Does the reason of halitosis reach remedial method?
86. Acute sore throat compares effective remedial method! Be urgent!
87. How is remedial dermatosis chronic nettle rash?
88. What tweak does remedial kidney stone have?
89. The remedial method of cankerous sex colonitis?
90. Small what is the definition that starts remedial operation?
91. What is the remedial method with best periodontosis ?
92. Does kidney stone have good remedial method?
93. What does the remedial method of liver hemangioma have?
94. Provide legal advises and remedial measures to project manager.
95. Often queasy, have what remedy, is remedial effect better?
96. Remedial treatment must be both eradicant and preservative.
97. Is the remedial method with unripe best aphtha?
98. How long does haemorrhage of remedial yellow spot want?
99. The origin symptom of nettle rash and remedial method?
100. Is remedial toenail phlogistic what good method is there?
101. Another important remedial issue relates to attorneys'fees.
102. Is rigidity sex rachitis optimal what is remedial method?
103. And have remedial effect to insomnious disease.
104. Does everybody have the method with good remedial head neuralgic blood-vessel?
105. This paper deals with the efflorescent damage in Baodingshan grotto, the remedial measures of using silicone,[/remedial.html] and performance of silicone are discussed.
106. After can be with microwave debaucjed of remedial palace neck affected fecundity?
107. Objective To investigate the remedial effects of the Capsulae Aloes Compositae(CAC) on the constipation.
108. The remedial bone proliferation with what OK and effective remedy to have excuse me? The bone that is lumbar is proliferous .
109. Remedial arthritis has what secret recipe , or law of cubic meter of earth also goes, withered!
110. Plantar craze and a lot of dead skins, the remedial method of what to use?
111. Below narcotism, patient muscle is loosened adequately, ability suffers the technique with a lot of force or older range, achieve remedial goal adequately.
112. The simple small recipe that who has remedial pharyngitis that?
113. Genuflect begs: What specific does remedial enteritis have to perhaps surprise square?
114. "Remedy" means any remedial right to which an aggrieved party is entitled with or without resort to a tribunal.
115. What makes spend valve prolapse gently? Remedial way, what should notice?
116. Definition of remedial action: action taken to remedy a nonconformance.
117. Yunnan Baiyao ( farinaceous ) how is injury of remedial abrade substandard used?
118. What medicaments can effect a radical cure remedial irritability rhinitis?
119. Is the remedial method that had better ringworm of the nails use?
120. Is health head bolus opposite beneficial wisdom remedial head year gawkish whether to have curative effect?
121. Because medical congee has decoction, fluidity, pappy characteristic, this is, not only sweet and goluptious , facilitate absorb, and can raise gastric spirit, remedial chronic.
122. The government should as soon as possible action, make relevant funding, policy gives aid to on remedial measures.
123. What does the sort of sparge agent of precaution and disease of remedial brothers mouth call?
124. In present, its etiopathogenesis are not entirely exact and remedial methods are limit.
125. Is hepatic hemangioma dangerous? What should notice? Is there remedial folk prescription?
126. The Commercial Instrument Law of China provides three remedial measures for the loss of the commercial instruments for the losers' choices.
127. Does remedial blain mark get best medicines and chemical reagents to have?
128. The Nevada Board of Regents, for example, recently adopted a plan that will eliminate state subsidies for remedial courses.
129. His remedial teacher sees signs of progress in his reading and writing.
130. As a remedial procedure of the law case cognizance after the event, the civil re-trial procedure holds the balance to all of the civil action system.
131. Reassessing the environment quality after the remedial measure is taken.
132. The incoming government in 1983 led by Bob Hawke, a former trade unionist, was the first to take serious remedial action.
133. With the cure of standardization, the service that human nature changes, guide friend of broad lose one's hair to walk out of remedial error.
134. Who has transmissibility the remedial method of ulcer of chronic oral cavity?
135. You could argue that to invoke Sputnik is merely to say that America needs to wake up and take remedial action.
136. Yet, in 2006, the Justice Department charged the ABA with violating provisions of the decree and called for it to take remedial action as well as to pay Justice $185,000 for its enforcement troubles.
137. Cure: Basically be remedial the primary affection, with hormone cure is given priority to, it is a cortin commonly usedly.
138. What does the medicaments with remedial acuteness wet best wart have?
139. Remedial actions are to be " cost - effective ", considering total short and long - term costs.
140. It is a remedial response to protect the interests of the promisee, it is also the most basic, most important and general liability for breach of contract.
141. The remedial method of what specially good effect does the child's bronchopneumonia have?
142. Use standard costing systems to measure and control business performance and to identify remedial action.
143. The world's financial institutions are poised to take remedial action, if a decent settlement takes shape.
144. Does remedial cervical vertebra want to perform an operation really?
145. Conclusions The operation performance should be simplified for patients with thoracoabdominal injuries in shock and remedial surgery may be performed after the condition is stable.
146. How is remedial lumbar pointed dish highlight and is bone proliferous ? The idea of what dietotherapy to have?
147. Have reduce trichomonad effect puissantly, it is medicaments of ill first selection of remedial vagina trichomonad.
148. An analysis is made on the blading fracture in LP rotor of a GEC 362.5 MW turbine, and the remedial measure and its result are described.
149. Remedial measures are suggested for problems like large feeding size, system air leakage etc.
150. After cerebral hemorrhage operation, the remedial method that optic nerve injures?
151. Remedial classes become popular as soon as the winter vacation comes.
152. Local sex lose one's hair, spot is bald one's head shaved, remedial method! Invite expert answer!
153. The control blood cedar is the fine urine gets sick a remedial measure which the myocardiopathy prevents and controls.
154. The causes and relative factors of the surface shrinkage trace for injected products are discussed, and the design ideas of preventive and remedial measures are presented.
155. What is the symptom of nettle rash? Remedial method is there?
156. The remedial method with good what does rigidity sex rachitis have?
157. If endless quick take remedial action, that business will grow the condition that break down.
158. Why guttural chairman is follicular, besides laser treatment, still have the remedial method with effective other.
159. The remedial method with wisdom tooth the most effective pericoronitis?
160. With what medicine remedial halitosis is good, and without side - effect?
161. Headachy trouble, not anxious, more anxious easier inside igneous flourishing, close to instead unripe blain, begin from fountainhead together, in joining remedial adjustment daily skin to nurse.
162. Remedial gall - stone, can you use drug? Not is the operation OK?
162. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
163. You could argue that to invoke Sputnik is merely to say that America needs to wake up and take remedial action. But harking back to Sputnik is hardly consistent with "friendly competition".
164. With effect of which kinds of drug is remedial irritability rhinitis good?
165. Removal actions are short - term , emergency responses, while remedial actions are intended to provide long - term solutions.
166. Once stop remedial hind, criterion L- bacterium can recover from an illness, grow progenitive , continue to cause disease.
167. It is remedial measure whether the administrable permission is legality and just.
168. Objective To evaluate the patients' kidney disfunction which were caused by simple jaw fracture or jaw fracture with brain injury and investigate the remedial methods.
169. Remedial action is always expensive and, in some cases, may actually exacerbate the problem.
170. In addition, this chapter quotes some correlative regulations in Code on Civil Laws of Germany to discuss the remedial system of sellers' breach of contract in Germen law.
171. An academic session during the summer, usually for remedial or supplementary study.
172. Objective To analyse current infection status, clinical character, and biological character of Chromobacterium violaceum so as to strength the diagnostic and remedial abilities to this disease.
173. Although hernial celiac lens is small, achieve remedial operation to have a lot of advantage, but still did not begin extensively in home.
174. Although be pregnant during this, also 42% is in gestation needs the 10th week to stop gravid, or initiative abortion, or remedial sex aborts .
175. Additional, my individual has a remedial constipation and eupeptic tweak, the both hands before sleeping namely is put on abdomen left, both sides is kneaded 100 times each, very the canal uses!
176. Have after lacteal cancer excises operation more effective than changing cure safer remedial method?
177. The medicaments that where can you buy remedial blood filariasis excuse me ( hetrazan )?
178. The compensation for injury at work and the insurance indemnity for the work injury are the two basic models of the legal remedial systems for work injury.
179. Perfectly. and when this happens, the other party is entitled to claim damage or demand other reasonable remedial measures.
180. Is periostitis ailment of a serious illness? Is remedial period long?
181. The anticipatory breach system that was established in British precedents at the earliest provides potent remedial measures for the parties concerned.
182. The Seller shall, after taking the remedial measures hereinabove, compensate for the losses, if the Buyer suffers from other losses.
183. The remedial idea with good what does retinal pigment pathological changes have?
184. We cannot wait for snail-paced remedial efforts to have their effect.
185. Condom off in vagina should take immediate remedial measures to prevent pregnancy.
186. Results All the 33 children were treated by remedial operation in time, and the results were satisfactory.
187. Remedial method is excision of bake corn plaster apply, pinprick, refrigerant therapeutics, report, operation to wait.
188. Trigeminal nerve aches, how to treat? Remedial method is there?
189. Does chronic dislocate have remedial shoulder joint what is advanced method?
190. The law that turn over a back is the joint after lumbar sprain of remedial waist protrusion of the intervertebral disc, acute, lumbar one of traditional technique that wait mussily .
190. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
191. Because irritability searches the hand oedema that hives causes to remedial method there is?
192. Third, the Act creates a Hazardous Substances Trust Fund to pay for removal and remedial actions.
193. Diabetic, nephrosis, hypertensive, heart disease, the remedial method of 4 ill syncretic.
194. Perfect mildew element , remedial a nose to light candles at, or be achieve?
195. Is remedial external auditory meatus phlogistic what medicine to eat to have effect quite fast?
196. It is a remedial response to protect the interests of the promise. It is also the most basic, most important and general liability for breach of contracts.




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