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单词 invulnerable
释义  in·vul·ne·ra·ble /ɪnˈvʌlnərəbəl/ adjective  HARM/BE BAD FORsomeone or something that is invulnerable cannot be harmed or damaged if you attack or criticize them 〔人或物〕无法伤害的,攻不破的 OPP vulnerable Gerry’s confidence made him feel invulnerable. 自信让格里觉得自己无懈可击。invulnerable to We will not be satisfied until this city is safe and invulnerable to attack. 只有这城市安全可靠、牢不可破时,我们才会满意。 —invulnerability /ɪnˌvʌlnərəˈbɪləti/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusinvulnerable• But some accidents happen because of their egocentric tendency to think of themselves as invulnerable.• It was necessary to appear as though innate good fortune made one invulnerable.• The fused, bony plates that protect their soft parts make them well-nigh invulnerable.• As he gazed at the press reports of Woolton's endorsement, he felt invulnerable, almost home.• Her feminism has to do with making yourself the most attractive, invulnerable, compelling object that you can.• To make the city safe and invulnerable to attack, his architects designed a circular plan.• To declare enthusiasm for feminist ideals is almost a new mode of macho, a way to flaunt an invulnerable virility.invulnerable to• Malaria that is invulnerable to drugs is spreading across the·vul·ne·ra·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  cannot harmed or invulnerable that someone be something is Corpus or




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