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单词 invest
释义 Word family  noun investment investor verb invest  Related topics: Financein·vest /ɪnˈvest/ ●●○ S3 W3 AWL verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]BF to buy shares, property, or goods because you hope that the value will increase and you can make a profit 投资 I’ve got a few thousand dollars I’m looking to invest. 我有几千美元想作投资。invest (something) in something Oliver made a fortune by investing in antique furniture. 奥利弗投资古董家具发了财。 Williams invested a large sum of money in Swiss stocks. 威廉斯投资了一大笔钱购买瑞士股票。 He had invested heavily (=invested a lot of money) in the bond market. 他在债券市场作了大量投资。2  [intransitive, transitive] if a government, business, or organization invests in something, they spend a large amount of money to improve it or help it succeed 〔政府、企业或机构〕把〔资金〕投入,投资invest (something) in something The city has invested millions of dollars in the museum. 这座城市对该博物馆已投入了数百万美元。 The factory plans to invest in new computers. 该工厂计划投资购买新电脑。 RegisterIn everyday English, people often say put money in/into something rather than invest in something: 在日常英语中,人们常说put money in/into something,而不说invest in somethingHe put money into his brother’s business. 他把钱投资到他弟弟的企业里。The government put in millions of pounds. 政府投资了几百万英镑。3  [transitive]DO something/TAKE ACTION to use a lot of time, effort etc or spend money in order to make something succeed 投入〔大量时间、精力、金钱等以成就某事〕invest something in something It was very difficult to leave a home we had invested so much in. 那个家我们投入得太多,要离开真的很难。4 invest (something) in something phrasal verb BUYto buy something or spend money or time on something, because it will be useful for you 购买;投入〔金钱或时间〕在〔对自己有用的东西上〕 It’s about time you invested in a new shirt. 你该买件新衬衫了。 Everyone here has a lot invested in their careers. 这里的每个人都在自己的事业上投入大量时间。5 invest somebody/something with something phrasal verb formal a) POWERto officially give someone power to do something 把…授权给 Jody has invested Alan with great power over her career. 事业方面的事,乔迪几乎都听艾伦的。b) GIVEto make someone or something seem to have a particular quality or character 使似乎具有〔某种特性或品性〕 Richard’s heavy-rimmed glasses invested him with an air of intelligence. 理查德的厚边眼镜使他看上去很有智慧。n THESAURUSinvest verb [intransitive, transitive] to buy shares or property, in order to make a profitWhy don’t you invest the money on the stock market?He invested £50,000 in his brother’s business.Investing in property is probably not a good idea right now.put money into something to give money to a business, organization, activity etc, in order to help it develop and be successfulWe’re looking for an investor who will put money into our business.Every year the charity puts millions of dollars into research to find ways to treat cancer. back [transitive usually passive] to invest in a project or business, especially when the fact that you do this shows you support itThe scheme has been backed by several major companies.The movie is backed by a powerful state-owned bank.interest noun [countable] if you have an interest in a particular company, you own shares in itIn 1986 GM acquired a controlling interest (=enough shares to control what decisions are taken) in the sports car maker Lotus.He has business interests throughout Europe.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusinvest• I invested £5000 in my brother's printing business.• The Singapore government is interested in investing abroad.• He had invested heavily in risky assets like junk bonds.• Shares in CMG Information, which invests in Internet-related businesses, declined sharply in the spring.• Investing in property is no longer as safe as it used to be.• I want to invest the money my aunt left me.invested heavily• Another pocket of gloom was among managers who invested heavily abroad.• To head off competition, the telcos have invested heavily in fiber optics and sophisticated switching technology.• These trading houses have invested heavily in global networks of information-gathering affiliates and extensive communications systems.• Many of us had invested heavily in high-tech stocks.• Resources Telford College has invested heavily in new technology related to visual communication.• Clinton had invested heavily in Peres' election prospects.• They had invested heavily in their branded products and in the machinery to make them.• Since 1979 we have invested heavily to secure that status.invest something in something• It's a chance for students to invest time in non-profit work.From Longman Business Dictionaryinvestin‧vest /ɪnˈvest/ verb [intransitive, transitive]FINANCE1to buy shares, bonds, property etc in order to make a profitPeople are so pessimistic about the future that they won’t invest at the moment.The Singapore government is interested in investing abroad.invest inThe fund hadinvested heavily in risky assets like junk bonds.2to save money in a high interest bank account or to buy an insurance policy that pays BONUSESBefore investing, investors should ask about the financial soundness of the company that issues the annuity.3to spend money on things that will make a business more successful and profitableIt is investing some $60 million to maintain its edge in technology.invest inThe company has been investing hundreds of millions of dollars in new production facilities.→ See Verb tableOrigin invest (1500-1600) Italian investire “to dress, invest”, from Latin, “to dress”, from vestis “piece of clothing”in·vest verb →REGISTER1 →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Business to goods property, shares, buy or Corpus




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