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单词 instrumentalist
释义  Related topics: Musicin·stru·men·tal·ist /ˌɪnstrəˈmentəlɪst/ noun [countable]  APMsomeone who plays a musical instrument 乐器演奏者 → vocalistExamples from the Corpusinstrumentalist• It was like playing for Toscanini would be for an instrumentalist.• From this point on, she was more of a composer than an instrumentalist.• These can be used simultaneously should you wish to play with another instrumentalist.• The playing throughout the evening was truly superb, every instrumentalist bowing and blowing and thumping as though for dear life.• I am sure that Einstein, Heisenberg, and Dirac didn't worry about whether they were realists or instrumentalists.• All the instrumentalists, of course, weave solos through this fabric of sustained notes, but the focal point is Threadgill.• Then the instrumentalists would take up the melancholy tune themselves and we would see the title card.• First, the ballet livrets of this period treat the instrumentalists as members of discrete·stru·men·tal·ist nounChineseSyllable  someone a Corpus plays instrument who musical




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