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单词 inshore
释义  Related topics: Nature, Geographyin·shore /ˌɪnˈʃɔː◂ $ -ˈʃɔːr◂/ adverb  DNSGnear, towards, or to the shore 靠近海岸;向海岸 OPP offshore The fishing boats usually stay close inshore. 渔船通常停留在近岸海域。 —inshore adjective inshore waters 近岸的水域Examples from the Corpusinshore• A couple of fishermen had sighted the boat close inshore.• On the second night out of Hong Kong we blundered into the middle of a fishing fleet working close inshore.• The boat was there, tied up and rocking gently to the swirl of the dark water inshore.• This could now be having an effect on the numbers of immature fish inshore.• Soon, the tide would turn and it would begin to creep inshore again.• The idea was to use her for short patrols inshore and around the large estuaries and harbours of the south Coast.• Meanwhile, the watchers by the beacons above Portwrinkle and at Rame were waiting for the fleet to head inshore to Plymouth.• We made it in a smother of white water close inshore towards Buckie.• These were marshalled into their landing sequence before the run inshore while a bombardment by naval and air forces covered the·shore adverbChineseSyllable  or Corpus to towards, near, shore the




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