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单词 piggery
释义  Related topics: Agriculturepig·ge·ry /ˈpɪɡəri/ noun (plural piggeries) [countable] British English  TAa pig farm, or the place on a farm where pigs are kept 养猪场;猪舍,猪圈Examples from the Corpuspiggery• It was used as a piggery and the stench hovered about it.• In 1278 the abbot's men destroyed a piggery belonging to the bishop in Godney Moor, and again in 1315.• For forty days she banishes him to the stables and piggeries.• I didn't anticipate spending days mucking out some of the dirtiest piggeries I had ever seen.• It was some time before we retrieved them and went into the piggery.pig·ge·ry nounChineseSyllable  farm, on a the Corpus place or pig




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