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单词 injured
释义 Word family  noun injury the injured adjective injured ≠ uninjured injurious verb injure  in·jured /ˈɪndʒəd $ -ərd/ ●●○ AWL adjective  1  INJUREhaving a wound or damage to part of your body 受伤的 → wounded an injured bird 受伤的鸟 Chelsea have three injured players. 切尔西队有三名受伤队员。 Grandpa was badly injured in the war. 祖父在战争中受过重伤。 The car accident left him seriously injured. 他在这场车祸中受了重伤。 →4  See picture of 见图 injured2  the injured INJUREthe people who have been hurt 伤者 → the wounded Many of the injured are still in a serious condition. 很多伤者仍然情况危殆。3. injured look/expression etc UNFAIRa look that shows you feel you have been treated unfairly 委屈的样子/表情等4. injured pride/feelings etc UPSETa feeling of being upset or offended because you think you have been unfairly treated 受到伤害的自尊/情感等〔由于觉得受委屈〕5. the injured party formalUNFAIR the person who has been unfairly treated in a particular situation 受到不公正待遇的一方Examples from the Corpusinjured• Runners should not run while injured.• Firefighters had to cut off the roof of the car, so that the injured man could be lifted out.• The injured were rushed to St Thomas's Hospital.left ... injured• Six years ago a road accident left him severely injured.• Trouble erupted again outside in the street which left a man injured.• A crash in a Formula 3000 race at Brands Hatch left him seriously injured and his career in jeopardy.• The Galks left the injured Cun and began to walk amongst the slaves searching for the·jured adjectiveChineseSyllable  your Corpus part a having damage to of wound or body




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