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单词 congresswoman
释义  Related topics: Parliaments, Officialscon·gress·wom·an /ˈkɒŋɡrəsˌwʊmən $ ˈkɑːŋ-/ noun (plural congresswomen /-ˌwɪmɪn/) [countable]  PGPPGOa woman who is a member of a congress, especially the US House of Representatives 国会女议员〔尤指美国众议员〕Examples from the Corpuscongresswoman• Is it the party that selected Susan Molinari, a moderate, pro-choice congresswoman, as its keynote speaker?• They do not talk about Lynn Woolsey, the Democratic congresswoman from California.• She was in New York for a community forum sponsored by the local congresswoman, Carolyn Maloney.• The couple said that then, at the recommendation of their own congresswoman, Rep.• But the second-term congresswoman is also an ardent champion of free trade.• The Martins asked their congresswoman what to do.• Karen Thurman, D-Fla., their congresswoman, and gave her the tape at her district office in Gainesville.• Their congresswoman told them to take their tape to the ethics committee and give it Rep.con·gress·wom·an nounChineseSyllable  woman a congress, of is Corpus a who a member




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