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单词 congruent
释义  Related topics: Mathscon·gru·ent /ˈkɒŋɡruənt $ ˈkɑːŋ-/ adjective  1. formalSUITABLE fitting together well 相配的;符合的;合适的2. HM technical congruent triangles are the same size and shape 〔三角形〕全等的 —congruence noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpuscongruent• Yet their values are not congruent.• Moreover, female well-being was defined in terms congruent with both women's reproductive function and ideal feminine behaviour.• He simply asserts that their perceptions are congruent with his own view that the family is the important unit.• This partisanship is reinforced when parents' preferences are congruent with the influences to be identified below.• The retreat design was also congruent with the power styles of Tom Rice and the consultant.• But all of those societies had political and social ideologies that were congruent with their economic realities.Origin congruent (1400-1500) Latin present participle of congruere “to come together, agree”con·gru·ent adjectiveChineseSyllable  together Corpus well fitting




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