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单词 infectious
释义 Word family  noun infection disinfectant adjective infectious infected verb infect ≠ disinfect adverb infectiously  Related topics: Illness & disabilityin·fec·tious /ɪnˈfekʃəs/ ●○○ adjective  1  MIan infectious illness can be passed from one person to another, especially through the air you breathe 〔疾病〕传染性的〔尤指通过空气〕 infectious diseases 传染性疾病 Flu is highly infectious. 流感传染性很强。2. MIsomeone who is infectious has an illness and could pass it to other people 〔病人〕有传染性的3  SPREADinfectious feelings or laughter spread quickly from one person to another 〔情感或笑声〕有感染力的 an infectious smile 有感染力的微笑 infectious enthusiasm 富有感染力的热情 —infectiously adverbExamples from the Corpusinfectious• Heavy drinkers are generally more susceptible to infectious diseases.• Doctors say that the disease is most infectious in the first twenty-four hours.• Sheila has an infectious smile.• The vaccine protects against Hepatitis B, a highly infectious virus.highly infectious• The nasal discharge and the discharge from the abscesses is highly infectious and this is how strangles is spread to other horses.• The countryside has been virtually shut down in a bid to contain the highly infectious disease.• Foot and mouth disease is caused by a highly infectious virus which animals either eat or inhale.infectious smile• He was a snub-nosed little fellow in a grubby shirt, with an infectious smile.• His infectious smile and sense of fun was highly reminiscent of Gedge·fec·tious adjectiveChineseSyllable  infectious person be one illness another, to an from passed Corpus can




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