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单词 indistinct
释义 Word family  noun distinction adjective distinct ≠ indistinct adverb distinctly ≠ indistinctly  Related topics: Colours & soundsin·dis·tinct /ˌɪndɪˈstɪŋkt◂/ AWL adjective  CCLEAR/EASY TO SEEan indistinct sound, image, or memory cannot be seen, heard, or remembered clearly 〔声音、影像或记忆〕不清楚的,模糊的 OPP distinct She muttered something indistinct. 她含含糊糊地嘟哝了句什么。 My memory of what happened next is indistinct. 接下来发生了什么我都不记得了。 —indistinctly adverbExamples from the Corpusindistinct• He knew it had featured Resenence Jeopardy, but the details were indistinct.• She murmurs, but her words are indistinct.• And who will pay the price for all these indistinct boundaries?• The light through the blind was going, and his features were indistinct, his eyes lost in their deep sockets.• Hrun himself was already an indistinct shape amid the tightening coils.• Even with the binoculars, I could barely make out the indistinct shapes gliding through the water.• All the police have to go on is a grainy, indistinct video clip.• It has been three weeks since the indistinct videotape image hit television screens with the impact of, well, a whip.• He spoke in a raspy, indistinct·dis·tinct adjectiveChineseSyllable  heard, indistinct an cannot be Corpus image, memory sound, seen, or




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