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单词 indiscriminate
释义  in·dis·crim·i·nate /ˌɪndɪˈskrɪmənət◂/ adjective  DON'T CAREan indiscriminate action is done without thinking about what harm it might cause 不分青红皂白的,不加区分的indiscriminate attacks/killing/violence/bombing etc terrorists responsible for indiscriminate killing 应为滥杀无辜负责的恐怖分子 the indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers 化肥的滥用 —indiscriminately adverb Soldiers fired indiscriminately into the crowd. 士兵们不分青红皂白地向群众开枪。Examples from the Corpusindiscriminate• Troops were accused of indiscriminate killings of civilians.indiscriminate attacks/killing/violence/bombing etc• Their participation was notable mainly for its enthusiastic and seemingly indiscriminate violence.• This is especially important since, as mentioned above, the indiscriminate attacks of the 1939-45 War were generally justified as reprisals.• Drug dealing, indiscriminate violence, other crime and family disorientation and disintegration are now all aspects of everyday·dis·crim·i·nate adjectiveChineseSyllable  is indiscriminate without thinking Corpus an action done




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