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单词 indent
释义  Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishingin·dent1 /ɪnˈdent/ verb [transitive]  TCNWRITEto start a line of writing further towards the middle of the page than other lines 〔书写时〕将〔行首〕缩格 Use the Tab key to indent the first line of the paragraph. 用跳格键把该段的首行缩格。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusindent• You will notice that the first line of the paragraph is no longer indented.• You might want to indent a whole paragraph, like this one, to make a specific point stand out.• The ventral arm plates are pentagonal, the distal edge is convex but indented in the middle.• Place a sheet of copper or pewter, pressing quite hard, so that you indent it.• To indent more than one paragraph, you must press F4 or shift-F4 before you type each one.• To indent text on both sides, press Shift-F4.Related topics: Tradein·dent2 /ˈɪndent/ noun [countable] especially British English  1  BBTPMan official order for goods or equipment 〔正式的〕订(货)单indent for He cancelled the indent for silk scarves. 他取消了真丝围巾的订单。2. BBTan indentation 行首空格;凹口Examples from the Corpusindent• My boots were by each indent of pressure keeping the route and the spirit of those who walked before alive.• This time the paragraph will jump up one line, but there will be no indent.Origin indent (1300-1400) French endenter, from dent “tooth”in·dent1 verbin·dent2 nounChineseSyllable  a of towards start writing Corpus further line the to




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