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单词 incorrect
释义 Word family  noun correction correctness corrective adjective correct ≠ incorrect corrective verb correct adverb correctly ≠ incorrectly  in·cor·rect /ˌɪnkəˈrekt◂/ ●●○ adjective  1  WRONG/INCORRECTnot correct or true 不正确的;不真实的 The information you gave us was incorrect. 你给我们的信息不准确。► see thesaurus at wrong2  RIGHT/PROPERnot following the rules of polite or fair behaviour 〔行为〕不恰当的,不合礼节的 SYN impolite It would be incorrect of me to comment. 我发表意见不合规矩。 —incorrectly adverb Sorry, you answered incorrectly. 对不起,你答错了。Examples from the Corpusincorrect• These adjacent police forces were physically aberrant in nuance of bodily style and were therefore deemed to be socially incorrect.• The information about current prices was incorrect.• But it seems that the assumption underlying this method is incorrect.• Conversely, correct answers were sometimes treated as if they were incorrect.• He said that he had presumed that Khumalo was speaking on behalf of Buthelezi, but realized that he was incorrect.• an incorrect answer• The 20-question survey had seven so-called positive questions about health care, which had correct or incorrect answers.• A student with an incorrect computation may receive some credit for the process used in arriving at it, Pugmire said.• They discovered later that the doctor had made an incorrect diagnosis.• It never seemed to occur to him that anyone would give him incorrect information.• incorrect spelling• It's simply incorrect to say that tobacco advertising does not influence young·cor·rect adjectiveChineseSyllable  correct Corpus true not or




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