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单词 imprison
释义 Word family  noun prison prisoner imprisonment adjective imprisonable verb imprison  im·pris·on /ɪmˈprɪzən/ ●○○ verb [transitive]  1  PRISONto put someone in prison or to keep them somewhere and prevent them from leaving 监禁;禁锢 The government imprisoned all opposition leaders. 政府把反对派领导人全部监禁起来。 She was imprisoned within his strong arms. 她被他强壮的手臂搂着。2  LIMITif a situation or feeling imprisons people, it restricts what they can do 〔状况或情感〕束缚,限制〔人们的行为〕 Many elderly people feel imprisoned in their own homes. 许多老年人感到待在自己家里跟坐牢一样。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusimprison• To his head they fixed a cage in which a rat had been imprisoned.• Freire was arrested and, for a time, imprisoned.• If he attempts to avoid paying, he may be fined or imprisoned.• In September of that year 55,457 people or 97.4 per 100,000 of the population were imprisoned.• Thousands of civilians were arrested, imprisoned and killed• An abandoned circus wagon with peeling paint is in the background, in it a hopeless dark woman imprisoned behind bars.• She had been imprisoned by Mary on charges of treason.• The talks are expected to move slowly because the Tupac Amaru rebels insist that the government release more than 300 imprisoned comrades.• If convicted, she will be imprisoned for at least six years.• The priest had been imprisoned for preaching the gospel.• Two of the boys have been imprisoned for theft.• He had been imprisoned for want of·pris·on verbChineseSyllable  to Corpus put in and them keep to somewhere someone prison or




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