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单词 itinerant
释义  i·tin·e·rant /aɪˈtɪnərənt/ adjective [only before noun] formal  TRAVELtravelling from place to place, especially to work 〔尤指工作上〕巡回的;流动的 itinerant labourers 流动劳工 —itinerant noun [countable]Examples from the Corpusitinerant• Three or four centuries ago a group of itinerant actors had asked for the protection of some traveling Raika.• Most local news directors are transients, moving from market to market like itinerant baseball players.• itinerant farm workers• The use of itinerant magistrates gradually increased, making prosecutions more convenient.• Farmers fled to work as itinerant merchants; the amount of cultivated grain land shrank from 12,350 acres to less than 5,000.• From boyhood he worked on local farms and became an itinerant Methodist preacher.• Shunned, he remained an Episcopalian but in 1772 turned itinerant to add a six-hundred-mile circuit to his regular charge.• The pickers came every summer when the hops were ripe: families of itinerant workers who moved about the island like gypsies.Origin itinerant (1500-1600) Late Latin present participle of itinerari “to go on a journey”, from iter “journey”i·tin·e·rant adjectiveChineseSyllable  to travelling place, especially work place to from Corpus




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