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单词 impressionist
释义 Word family  noun impression impressionism impressionist impressiveness adjective impressionable impressive ≠ unimpressive impressionistic unimpressed verb impress adverb impressively impressionistically  Related topics: Painting and drawing, Musicim·pres·sion·ist /ɪmˈpreʃənɪst/ noun [countable]  1. IMITATEsomeone who copies the speech or behaviour of famous people in order to entertain other people 模仿名人的滑稽演员n2. → ImpressionistExamples from the Corpusimpressionist• The superstitious 35-year-old singer and impressionist was remanded on bail in his absence charged with affray.• Topping the bill will be comedy impressionist Al Meechie.• Saez is a gifted impressionist, conjuring a flickering illusion of other places and cultures.• The exhibition put to rest some of the myths surrounding impressionist paintings.• As a boy I liked the impressionists, but I soon turned away from them.• Sennelier is also noted for his profound knowledge of the impressionists and the birth of modernism.• They were impressionist paintings, glowing colours that swirled into form.nImpressionistsomeone who uses impressionism in the paintings or music that they produce 印象派画家;印象派作曲家 impressionist painters 印象派画家im·pres·sion·ist nounImpressionistLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  the speech or copies behaviour someone of who Corpus




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