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单词 Scotch tape
释义  Related topics: HouseholdˌScotch ˈtape noun [uncountable] trademark American English  DHthin clear plastic tape that is sticky on one side, used for sticking light things such as paper together 思高透明胶带 →5 see picture at 见图 stationery —scotch tape verb [transitive]Examples from the CorpusScotch tape• They were in terrible condition, Scotch tape on some of them, others all beat up and scuffed and folded.• I think it had a piece of Scotch tape holding one of the tubes together.• You just tape her by the wings to an applicator stick using Scotch tape.• A slip of paper was attached with Scotch tape.• It was in her hand, a bundle of tissue paper held together with Scotch tape, neatly.• A magazine photo of Castro was fixed to a wall with Scotch tape.ˌScotch ˈtape nounChineseSyllable  that clear side, sticky is tape one thin plastic on Corpus




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