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单词 Theology
1) He studied theology at college.
2) In the Middle Ages, philosophy and theology were inextricable.
3) According to Muslim theology there is only one God.
4) I'm doing a theology degree by distance learning.
5) He read theology at university.
6) This interaction of science and theology is not one-sided.
7) But in theology we commit enormous howlers.
8) Charles grew up well-read, particularly in theology.
9) The theology of the Exposition was anything but subtle.
10) The perspective of liberation theology is historical.
11) Philosophical theology with particular reference to Tillich.
12) The split between science and theology threatens to widen.
13) I enjoy reading, traveling, dominion theology,[http:///theology.html] political discussions.
14) Santa Claus was not prominent in his theology.
15) In theology, Free Presbyterians are Calvinists.
16) Runciman had always found theology both fascinating and entertaining.
17) Prior to Theology, he may have pursued an Arts course when he was a young man.
18) But the Princeton theology has also had a much wider influence among more conservative Christians to the present day.
19) Disorganized though it always was, classical theology centered upon a single, often irresponsible but always dominant figure.
20) The liberal theology of a figure like Adolf von Harnack represents the genre in its virtually pure form.
21) Theology must somehow be playing on a different pitch, with revelation determining the rules and faith the outcome.
22) It should be said that his range of original and indeed trail-blazing contributions to modern theology was wider even than this.
23) After completing his studies, in which he excelled in philosophy and theology, he was ordained and was assigned to preaching.
24) They were no more testable than the claims of Paley and the other advocates of natural theology.
25) In the longer term, it was Reformed rather than Lutheran theology that came to dominate Elizabethan Protestantism.
26) The Western tradition, however, has never subscribed to such an extreme theology of silence and unknowing.
27) That it turned aside from the traditional teaching of scholasticism and theology is certain.
28) Each pair in fact began to gravitate to opposite poles within the horizon which Dialectical Theology had opened up.
29) When these pictures were broadcast live across international television screens, it was obvious that the issue was misogyny, not theology.
30) I find myself constantly asking what experience, what encounter with the numinous, lies behind and beneath this or that theology?
1) He studied theology at college.
2) According to Muslim theology there is only one God.
3) He read theology at university.
31) Apparently Neely Terry had not given Sister Hutchins a comprehensive report about his theology.
32) There were Henry Drummonds in every generation who did make connections between their theology and their science.
33) Birch fails to convince me that a more traditional theology could not do the job.
34) Unlike, if I may say so, the dabblings of your brother in the theology of physics.
35) Earlier we traced the new emphasis which, by contrast, Liberal Theology laid upon the historical approach to the New Testament.
36) This theology slipped over the iron hand of the capitalist market like a silk glove.
37) Now Feuerbach's critique came into its own within the new movement of theology itself.
38) Gruff and inordinately self-reliant, Gordon was highly conservative in attitude, theology, and lifestyle.
39) After an eight-day silent retreat at the Jesuit spirituality center in Wernersville, she came home knowing she wanted to study theology.
40) When, generations after his death, theology rediscovered him, it also found it necessary to move beyond him.
41) Three recent books help shed some light on the centuries-long evolution of Mariology, the branch of theology that studies Mary.
42) This professor of theology at Rheims had a falling-out with the archbishop.
42) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
43) A properly theological response can not treat suspicion merely as a positive or a negative impulse from outside the source of theology.
44) The Puritans had no more interest in astronomy or physics than in the fine points of Catholic theology.
45) Specifically she develops two areas, feminist theory and liberation theology, as potential candidates to regenerate the social group work movement.
46) But suppose that these ideas are couched in the language of parable and theology as most believe.
47) Noble bookstore in Georgetown, where Llanos helped customers find works on theology, philosophy and other subjects.
48) In 1867 he was appointed professor of dogmatic and moral theology at Maynooth, in 1878 vice-president, and in 1880 president.
49) But a small, growing school of Catholic intellectuals argue that natural theology actually supports the morality of homosexual unions.
50) Yoo believes that in recent years he can detect a convergence between pentecostalism and minjung theology.
51) These two universities have been involved as two of the few in Britain with expertise in both theology and development. 3.
52) After the birth of her second child, Annie began to have religious doubts and returned to her preoccupation with theology.
53) Some cathedral organists have developed considerable liturgical flair and some have a good grasp of theology.
54) In 1911 he was appointed dean of the faculty of theology at London University.
55) Rolle was a prolific writer in Latin about his mystical theology.
56) Theology had long been familiar with this kind of argument, and had on occasion made very extensive use of it.
57) At the outset we may note the following about the practice and theology of the early church.
58) We know that Madison read theology at this time, though he made little reference to it in his later career.
59) When not experiencing visions, ecstasies, or prophecies, he authored Moral Theology and Glories of Mary.
60) Here was a community in which people argued fiercely about theology, even sang ballads about predestination.
61) In spare time - between politics and classics there was little spare time - he began to read a few books of theology.
62) Henry Ford's assertion that history was bunk was itself bunk: theology seemed to me a much better candidate.
63) There is one important difference, however, that has changed the cultural context in which theology does its work.
64) He was also more adept at using his rhetorical skills in the service of theology and asceticism.
65) In another way too, the advance of science has posed a challenge for theology.
66) I did not hear any name-it-and-claim-it theology at Sheffield Family Life Center that night.
67) These developments face the churches and theology with a whole series of difficult and delicate questions.
68) Several passages from these chapters appear here in slightly revised form. philosophical theology right up to the present.
69) Educated Protestants were all too aware of the popular ignorance of the basics of theology.
70) This puts theology in a much stronger position to accept the challenge posed by historians and philosophers.
71) In our theology, hard work was its own justification, a guard against corruption.
72) They were, nevertheless[Sentence dictionary], men loyal to the catholic practices and theology of the Society.
73) Much of the history of theology in the past two centuries is the chronicle of those bridge-building projects.
74) The papacy, to maintain orthodoxy, placed restrictions on which universities could teach theology.
75) From the late 1920s, Brunner had become increasingly interested in the question of natural theology.
76) It was a theology of pruning and purification, and this impulse was reflected in how they understood language.
77) But in the main, he found that a man must hammer out his theology alone.
78) The not very exacting demands of a theology degree gave him time to make a lot of useful Anglican friends.
79) If not from theology, then, they asked themselves, where did we gain our knowledge of the world?
80) Karl Barth's theology can thus be accurately described as a semiology, a theological semiotics.
81) An educated cleric well versed in Shia theology, he presents reasoned arguments for the beliefs of the conservative establishment.
82) In both of these lines one central issue was that raised by Lessing of the relation between theology and history.
83) Fukuyama is unlikely to attach much weight to Liberation theology, which he would no doubt classify as a doomed subspecies of Marxism-Leninism.
84) Theology has sometimes forced a certain logic upon the thought of Irenaeus which plays it false.
85) Licentiate in Theology A three-year course allowing a choice of options within the theological field.
86) Another wildfire movement was liberation theology, expressed in Base Ecclesiastical Communities.
87) Wiggins was a student of theology for many years before leaving the seminary.
88) The demand for tuition in mathematics fluctuated so Smith often found himself teaching other subjects such as classics, theology and philosophy.
89) Theology tests and determines the sense of the images, it does not create it.
90) In particular, there appears to be a paucity of effective teaching on the theology of music and its significance in worship.
91) A theology teacher once advised his class to read one good book of heresy a year.
92) Either way, the choice involves fundamental perceptions of the source and task of theology as such.
93) It has 3 schools: Theology, Intercultural Studies and Psychology.
94) Natural theology was a link between science and religion.
95) One man's theology is another man's belly laugh.
96) Theology occupied the first place among the sciences.
97) He wanders through a mysterious world of arcane theology.
98) A central idea of liberal theology is divine immanence.
99) It avoids the intellectualism of Christian theology.
100) Beware of a theology produced by spontaneous generation.
101) Theology should be the handmaiden of ethics.
102) Kierkegaard spent a great deal of his youth as a man-about-town and a student, studying for a degree in theology.
102) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
103) Dutch Renaissance scholar and Roman Catholic theologian who attacked the theology of Martin Luther ( 1466 - 1536 ) .
104) Luther's Protestantism is a grand theology, a sonorous earnest hardheaded Christianity.
105) But more recently professing evangelical scholars have advocated revisionary versions of numerous doctrines. A revisionary doctrine of God has been advocated by proponents of "openness theology."
106) It's the most Christological of the Gospels, it's the most divine rather than simply being human and so it's very important for doctrine, and for theology,and for faith.
107) Paul Tillich, one of the most representative thinkers in the contemporary religion philosophy, is well known as a great master of contemporary theology.
108) Natural theology settled philosophical foundation of modern science in the aspects as ontology, epistemology, methodology. Actually it is "prior science" of modern science.
109) In fact, as far as both Christian theology theories and Russian history are concerned, Russian social process could not be described without consideration of the Orthodox.
110) It is unnecessary to juxtapose the legal and relational aspects of covenant theology. In all three covenants, personal relations are premised upon just legal relations.
111) The University of St. Andrew's was established as a university in 1410, theology and medicine may have been taught there since A. D. 900.
112) Here I believe Van Til is simply making the traditional distinction between natural theology as communicating God's nature and wrath, and revealed theology, as communicating the gospel.
113) Taiping Scriptures takes the theory on Yin and Yang as the philosophic base of Taoism, and expounds the theology and religious doctrine with it, implying lots of brilliant thoughts on woman rights.
114) As in Christian theology, Plotinus believed in a tripartite of divinities, these being the One, the Intellect and the Soul.
115) First, the writer interprets the fore-mentioned points in terms of both rational theology and revelational theology. A.
116) Others considered academic theology too far removed from the needs of the unchurched masses.
117) To enhance these inculturation efforts, the forum recommended researching local traditions with the aid of experts in sociology, cultural anthropology, music and theology.
118) Systematic theology is the interpretation and application of the Bible.
119) Apologetics (from the Greek apologia: a defense) is that branch of Christian theology which seeks to provide a rational justification for the truth claims of the Christian faith.
120) Marxism and liberation theology condemn religion for supporting the status quo and legitimating the power of the oppressor.
121) This article, based on the liberation theology, expounds the inner relationship between Christianity and Marxism, and makes a primary analysis on the contextualization of the Chinese Christianity.
122) Of or relating to the theology of Jacobus Arminius and his followers, who believed that predestination was conditioned by God's foreknowledge of human free choices.
123) The Place of Wesley in the Christian Tradition (1976); R Tuttle, John Wesley: His Life and Theology (1978).
124) Anselm's form of realism led him to the belief that by giving proper attention to universal concepts one could prove the truths of theology.
125) Stevens began life as a choirboy and as a Christian, but his work is all about replacing Christian theology with poetry.
126) In the 1770s Edward Gibbon had little difficulty imagining Islamic theology being taught in Oxford and across Britain—if only the battle of Tours-Poitiers in 732 had turned out differently.
127) The most common graphic representation of Taoist theology is the circular Yin Yang figure.
128) Criticism of Hume's empiricism, direct destruction of the traditional religion, theology, all reasonable evidence, camel, led to drastic moves to the bankruptcy of its theoretical foundation.
129) As Schopenhauer does , Kierkegaard criticizes traditional rationalism and Christian theology and initiates modern humanism.
130) Hawthorne is a pious Christian, and is deeply influenced by the theology.
131) Paul Tillich is a great thinker who made great contributions in both philosophy and theology.
132) The naissance of modern science is closely connected with natural theology of Christianity,[http:///theology.html] which is not limited to the lay of religious ethic as Merton 's Propositions pointed out.
133) Such premisses contain no explicit reference to education, and hence do not belong specifically to the philosophy of education but to other branches of philosophy, to science, or to theology.
134) Song of Roland was written after this speech, for before this Turpin's militant theology would likely have been considered heretical.
135) In the abolition of such Biblical ordinances he laid down the principle of Abrogation which forms the basis of Islamic theology.
136) The Pontifical Lateran University was founded by Pope Clement XIV in 1773 entrusted the Faculty of S. Theology and Philosophy del Collegio Romano to the clergy of Rome.
137) That spiritual practice begins with what Robinson calls a "theology of self-culture."
138) a degree in Theology.
139) We will start by looking at each Reformer's Eucharistic theology in particular, and then we will turn to the Reformers' views of Christ's humanity and their debate over "flesh" and "spirit.
140) Plotinus' theology further promotes the relationship of Plato' ideas and gods, meanwhile, it evades the Person of God mentioned by Augustine.
141) In this paper, we try to find the modem significance of natural theology out in the classical context, which focus on Cicero and Augustine.
142) Therefore, reconciliation theology is also a kind of understanding on Christian faith from the perspective of Chinese post-denominational unity.
143) You have new methods now being brought back into seminary education, like feminist analysis,or literary criticism, or liberation theology,or African American approaches, or Latino approaches.
144) This dissertation aims to prove that Reinhold Niebuhr's theology belongs to neo-liberalism by deeply and wholly studying from perspective of political theology.
145) After Dr. Kennedy it became impossible to say that Calvinists can't evangelize because of their theology.
146) For consumers at the bottom of the pyramid, microfinance has become a form of liberation theology.
147) His perspective is very unique in that it is a Janus-faced combination of theology and Marxism. Therefore, the ultimate horizon of his criticism is Messianic redemption which he terms"origin".
148) The distinctives of Reformed theology and practice are useful only to the degree that they undergird and clarify the gospel, the evangel.
149) Orthodox Lutheranism appears to have rejected Reformed covenant theology because they saw in it a confusion of Law and Gospel.
150) He won a scholarship to the University of Ibadan where he read English, history and theology.
151) Before 1859 it would have seemed natural to agree with the Reverend William Paley, in "Natural Theology, " that the creation of life was God's greatest work.
152) As his theology became more syncretistic and eclectic, a schism developed, and the more conservative faction remained under the leadership of Tagore.
153) By the 12th century the works of Plato and Aristotle had been rediscovered and reinterpreted by the scholastics who attempted to synthesise early Greek ideas with medieval theology.
154) In contrast, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, which shares the same theology and ideology as Hamas but lacks a social-service-provision network, is no more lethal than the secular nationalist groups.
155) You get a master in theology, and you get certified in Islamic chaplaincy.
156) It emphasizes the initiative of human spirit, becomes the forerunner of idealism and transcendental philosophy, and finally results in a type of theology.
157) This arrangement may suggest Dante's adoption of Siger's point of view about philosophy's separation from theology as the bedrock of his own political idea of the separation of church and state.
158) These three essays show how Karl Barth's later work moved beyond his revolt against the theology dominant in the first decades of this century.
159) It's what is your theology of Jesus Christ, that's Christology and we've already seen different ones.
160) "Science must stick to its own field of competence," concurs Monsignor Richard K. Malone, a professor of moral theology at the Pope John XXIII National Seminary in Massachusetts.
161) Origen, the founder of Greek Christian theology and biblical science, followed Clement as head of the school.
162) The rule thought of Oin Dynasty is a kind of eclectic thought. It makes use of theology thought of the religion to deify and rule.
163) And some Christian sects, like the Society of Friends, to which I belonged for many years, avoided theology entirely!
164) If theology is that church is thinking, I'd like to say reconciliation theology is a kind of theological thinking from Chinese Post-denominational Protestant Church.
165) Reformed theology has historically been the branch of evangelicalism most strongly committed to the sovereignty of God.
166) In general kenotic theology was formulated in the light of three crucial concerns.
167) They had no qualms about banishing a Roger Williams or an Anne Hutchinson and few about hanging the occasional Quaker, all for the sin of daring to differ on points of theology.
168) Speculative theology is not the same as philosophy of religion, or is it identical with theology in the sense of dogmatics .
169) The cool thing about Mormonism, says Kimball, is that it was a rational theology that you could put your arms around.
170) Princeton theologians Archibald Alexander and Charles Hodge believed that their theology faithfully reflected Reformed beliefs and should be central in American Presbyterianism.
171) Tillich constructs his cultural theology from man's existential situation with an ontological approach.
172) The most famous dissidents within the Puritan community Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson were banished following disagreements over theology and policy.
173) With an incongruousness that was characteristic, his favourite study was theology.
174) The rise of feminist theology studies are closely linked with the feminist movement, the theology of the black people, and the liberation theology in Latin America of this period.
175) On the other hand, as Mark Noll and others have shown, revivalism was a disaster for American Christian theology and thought.
176) Tillich's starting point of his theoretical in cultural theology is the nature of religion.
177) Felix, though an offshoot from a far more recent point in the devolution of theology than his father, was less self-sacrificing and disinterested.
178) Positivism, a philosophy system established by Comte, is regarded not to embrace theology or metaphysics.
179) The medieval universities generally had four faculties: theology, law, medicine and the liberal arts.
180) He investigates theology, and metaphysics and all sorts of subjects.
181) In Britain, William Paley's Natural Theology saw adaptation as evidence of beneficial "design" by the Creator acting through natural laws.
182) But that does not explain why Calvinism should be the preferred theology of the house churches and the intellectuals now.
183) He was admitted to a lay ministry program sponsored by the Milwaukee Archdiocese, a program that introduced him to contemporary theology and the history of Catholic social action.
184) In theology, the study of "final things, " such as death, resurrection, immortality, the second coming of Christ, and the day of judgment.
185) Levitov's translation, though , was at odds with the Cathars'well - documented theology.
186) The system of Auguste Comte designed to supersede theology and metaphysics and depending on a hierarchy of the sciences, beginning with mathematics and culminating in sociology.
187) It is certain that this substratum of law in Western theology lies exceedingly deep.
188) The first is the radical theology, and the second is this poem's equally radical and equally daring original verse form.
189) Christian theology the reappearance of Jesus as judge for the Last Judgment.
190) Goal of the church theology : The Christianization of Chinese culture ?
191) I believe this theology of self-culture has the power to transform us and to transform our churches.
192) St. Anselm founded Scholasticism, integrated Aristotelian logic into theology,[/theology.html] and believed that reason and revelation are compatible.
193) Thus, dispensational theology made a lot of sense to both Pentecostal and evangelical believers at this point in history.
194) At the request of the archdiocese, he completed his liscense and doctorate in theology Gregorian University.
195) And his micro - history of Christian theology is inaccurate in places.
196) Rather, speculative theology is the ontology of the ens realissimum , the highest actuality as such.
197) In 1583 "Bernardus, John, a Moravian", was allowed to supply BD He had studied theology for ten years in German universities and was now going to the universities of Scotland.
198) Voluntarism and covenant theology together constitute Hobbes' conceptualization of sovereign.
199) As other branches of theology, eschatology was explained according to the private, individual, and existential method.
200) The legal philosophy research undergoes three periods of theology, science and interpretation orientations.
201) The theology was complicated, despite the jut - jawed charm and aquiline intensity with which it was expressed.
202) All forms of classical orthodoxy either explicitly reject or reject in principle kenotic theology.
203) His work crosses the boundaries of philosophy, theology, psychology, literary criticism, devotional literature and fiction.
204) But for many of the bustling Londoners whom the young Tyndale met, questions of diplomacy, taxes and war were at least as pressing as those of theology or linguistics.
205) He was the successor to Eusebius as bishop of Caesarea and a proponent of his predecessor's subordinationist theology.
206) Second, we demonstrate that theology, specifically an orientation toward this world or heaven, determined whether religious resources were available to antislavery organizations.
207) How can this Transcendentalist theology of self-culture serve as the foundation for a contemporary Unitarian Universalist spiritual practice?
208) Harnack was a German historian and theologian, one of the main representatives of liberal Protestant theology.
209) Tillich analyzes people"s ontological anxiety as well as its times" characteristics from the angle of Christian theology, and explores the nature and origin of modernists" existence dilemma.
210) He wants to know more about liberal latitudinarianism in theology.
211) The rational spirit of modern science stem from ancient Greek rational which was carried on by natural theology.
212) In chapter 2, through the analysis of Plotinus' theology ideas, this thesis exposes the status and function of "the holy beauty" in his theology.
213) It has been written assuming that you know nothing about Christian theology.
214) Hume rational basis for critique of traditional religions,[http:///theology.html] primarily reflected in the design of deism that with the traditional theory of rational argument on the theology of the revealed religions.
215) There's also a more specific, a more local, reason for which our John Milton was susceptible to this profit-and-loss rhetoric of Calvinist puritan theology.
216) He also completed the course works for Master of Theology.
217) The Russian Orthodox Church has also a school of "Sophiology" to explore the theology of Sophia without contradicting the Russian Orthodox theology.
218) It makes use of theology thought of the religion to deify and rule.
219) Tillich, one of the most representative thinkers in the philosophy ideological trend of contemporary western religion, holds the good reputation of "great master of contemporary theology".
220) Abelard is credited with the introduction of theology as a critical discipline in Christianity.
221) Kenotic theology is a theology that focuses on the person of Christ in terms of some form of self - limitation by the preexistent Son in his becoming man.
222) Along with theology and law, medicine was usually one of the basic faculties.
223) Luther became a doctor of theology and did not yet know that we cannot expiate our sins.
224) Nobody knows how many there really are, or how many have since been removed from catacombs and buried in cemeteries by priests uneasy with the theology of keeping votive corpses.
225) On the other hand, in too many seminaries the teaching of ecclesiastical law is not sufficiently distinguished from that of moral theology.
226) It brings in the Trinity,so you have Trinitarian theology becoming a bit more solidified at the council of Nicaea.
227) No.'He said no to the Latin American movement liberation theology.
228) Traditional western literature had been realized as the free symbol of knowing and exceeding the necessity under the shelter of theology and philosophy within the framework of Rationalism.
229) By rejecting the two-apartment ministry of Christ for us, the "new theology" turns attention away from the exalted place where the law resides beneath the mercy seat of the ark.




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