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单词 Vegetation
1. The mountaintops were bare of any vegetation.
2. They hacked away at the dense vegetation.
3. Many slopes are rock fields with sparse vegetation.
4. Vegetation becomes sparse higher up the mountains.
5. The vegetation consisted of low scrub.
6. The beautifully landscaped gardens sprawl with lush vegetation.
7. As we drove towards the desert,[http://] the vegetation became sparse.
8. In summer, especially lush vegetation, holly leaves shiny shiny, elm tree with luxuriant foliage, give people put up a thick green shade.
9. There is little vegetation in the desert.
10. As the waterline advanced, the vegetation was swamped.
11. The inn has a garden of semi-tropical vegetation.
12. Birds are abundant in the tall vegetation.
13. We fought our way through the dense vegetation.
14. The lake was almost solid with silt and vegetation.
15. The earth bore a thick green mantle of vegetation.
16. The hills are covered in lush green vegetation.
17. Lefkas has an abundance of lush green vegetation.
18. The land was denuded of vegetation.
19. Desert areas have little vegetation.
20. A few stunted trees were the only vegetation visible.
21. Ahead the vegetation broke into bare rock.
22. The land is almost devoid of vegetation.
23. Vegetation patterns changed when goats were introduced to the island.
24. The land loses its protective cover of vegetation and soon turns into desert.
25. The sparse vegetation will only feed a small population of animals.
26. The air was filled with the overpowering stench of decomposing vegetation.
27. The railway track will have to be cleared of vegetation if it is to be used again.
28. Some parts of the country are almost bare of vegetation.
29. They are only doing what is necessary to prevent wholesale destruction of vegetation.
30. The air was perfumed with the scent of subtropical vegetation.
1. The mountaintops were bare of any vegetation.
2. They hacked away at the dense vegetation.
3. Many slopes are rock fields with sparse vegetation.
4. Vegetation becomes sparse higher up the mountains.
5. The vegetation consisted of low scrub.
6. The beautifully landscaped gardens sprawl with lush vegetation.
7. The air was filled with the overpowering stench of decomposing vegetation.
8. The railway track will have to be cleared of vegetation if it is to be used again.
9. As we drove towards the desert, the vegetation became sparse.
10. The earth bore a thick green mantle of vegetation.
11. The air was perfumed with the scent of subtropical vegetation.
12. The sparse vegetation will only feed a small population of animals.
31. We looked out over a bare, open landscape, stripped of vegetation.
32. Much of the region's native vegetation has been damaged by developers who are building hotels along the coast.
33. Removal of the natural vegetation has resulted in a loss of nutrients in the soil.
34. She would come back with rather strange vegetation.
35. Ampullaria, like most snails,[http:///vegetation.html] eat vegetation.
36. Precious minerals mutated into rotting vegetation.
37. Hotels and houses nestle among the vegetation.
38. My feet find only forest vegetation, ground creepers.
39. It looks an exquisite mess, but push through the vegetation bordering the path and the undergrowth clears.
40. It is an excellent swimmer and feeds on grasses and waterside vegetation.
41. Toxic substances bubble to the surface destroying vegetation, turning it brown or fluorescent.
42. This ability to live off poor vegetation is likely to have been crucial in the evolution of the mountain goat.
43. They circumvent waterfalls by wriggling through the sodden vegetation on the banks.
44. And once they have spotted you they suddenly disappear among rocks or melt into the vegetation.
45. A long climb through short vegetation was not helped by my taking my mountain bike.
46. But unlike earthworms, which eat rotting vegetation, the caecilians are carnivores.
47. At the height of the storm it rose about 3m, tearing the vegetation from islands, hurtling through trees.
48. Some tropical rivers are covered with floating vegetation, and so full of rotting leaves that they are black and turbid.
49. In general terms, the snow geese and ptarmigan feed mainly on vegetation.
50. Among other vegetation, coniferous and beech trees appeared most seriously affected by increased radiation.
51. They obtain most of the liquid they need through the intake of green vegetation.
52. This is due to competition for land between grazing and cropping as well as a reduction in the vegetation cover for fuelwood.
53. For long stretches there is almost no vegetation, just rocky fields divided by the winding asphalt.
54. There was concrete underfoot, cracked but reasonably clear of vegetation.
55. Half an hour later and we were ready for a ride through the dense vegetation and forests of palms.
56. A few species laid eggs beneath mounds of rotten vegetation that warmed as it decayed.
57. Neckar had four beautiful beaches, abundant vegetation and wildlife - but no fresh water supply.
58. I revelled in the capricious vegetation wrought in iron - even the sound of water running in the urinals was pleasing.
59. As he followed Isaac, the air felt almost as hindering as the insect-ridden vegetation underfoot.
60. Rake out as much leaf debris and rotting vegetation as you can - a spring-lined garden rake will help.
61. They often represent the last vestiges of the ancient practice of hacking back the vegetation along well-used tracks.
62. The vegetation within, protected from the dry air, begins to decay and the mound starts to warm.
63. The gun lapped up snow and vegetation with a blow-torch thirty feet long.
64. The island became covered with vegetation,[] fossils of which are sometimes found in the volcanic ashes.
65. The vegetation consists of coastal sage scrub, chaparral and groves of Englemann oak and live oak.
66. It was an enormous step for man to cease to be reliant on vegetation, and to add meat to his diet.
67. Crop yields will improve dramatically as vegetation thrives on an atmosphere rich in carbon dioxide.
68. Pockets of live vegetation dot the otherwise black-and-white landscape, places randomly spared by arbitrary shifts of wind and fire.
69. Higher up the vegetation thinned out(), but the climb was so steep I didn't care to look down.
70. Most of the island was cleared for phosphates, leaving it devoid of vegetation.
71. At the beginning of the season, when the vegetation within is actively fermenting, it may overheat.
72. There is sun, heavy silence, a pervasive scent of parched vegetation, a lizard materialized on a rock.
73. The vegetation had a dank and wintry look to it still, quite different from the lowlands.
74. Derek stumbled off into the nearest clump of vegetation and disturbed three petrified rabbits.
75. This is especially true of open reservoirs, less so on established pits or lakes where bankside vegetation restricts movement.
76. Table 1 shows the losses of different semi-natural vegetation types summed for the 12 parishes.
77. Trampling of vegetation is one of the most widespread environmentally degrading repercussions of recreation and can also lead to excessive soil erosion.
78. The actual vegetation may not be identical owing to varying local conditions but there is sufficient affinity to make correlations reasonably certain.
79. On the low ground nearby where the vegetation cover was extensive, birds were also plentiful.
80. Feel the moisture in the air from the lush, green vegetation.
81. The most sophisticated farmers are the leaf-cutting ants, which cultivate fungus on fresh vegetation thanks to an assembly-line of specialised castes.
82. While ploughs are clearing land, expanding livestock populations are denuding the land of vegetation.
83. This may require the complete removal of the vegetation or trees.
84. The forecast is not entirely gloomy. Crop yields will improve dramatically as vegetation thrives on an atmosphere rich in carbon dioxide.
85. Inland and coastal fresh and brackish waters and marshes in lowlands, especially with plenty of vegetation and shallow muddy water.
86. Firefighters could not get near the blaze because of the dense vegetation.
87. This is particularly true in areas of dense vegetation such as tropical rainforest.
88. Ripping out deep-rooted forest vegetation and planting shallow-rooted crops is causing groundwater to rise to the surface.
89. Vegetation indirectly created the protective ozone shield by pumping oxygen into the atmosphere.
90. These attractive tetras make a good, peaceful community fish if the aquarium has dense vegetation with open water for swimming.
91. Here, they are still able to dig through the snow to uncover whatever sparse winter vegetation remains below.
92. Thus firewood is the most important source of energy in desert areas, where vegetation is sparse.
93. They can, therefore, exist quite happily in areas of sparse vegetation.
94. This era was characterized by a marked change in the nature of the Earth's vegetation.
95. The wall can be cleaned of graffiti and masked by vegetation.
96. A very humid climate fostering tropical vegetation in a swampy and lagoonal surrounding is characteristic of this period.
97. The river banks changed from jagged rock with little vegetation to luscious green slopes covered with olive trees.
98. There had been rain earlier in the week and the soil under the thick vegetation was still damp.
99. Stay still and wear camouflaged clothing and you blend into the bankside vegetation.
100. I could see them now, slowly advancing and snipping off, scissor-like,[sentence dictionary] the vegetation.
101. The lakes created behind the barriers often become de-oxygenated through rotting submerged vegetation.
102. Ducks and geese are stripping the shoreline of vegetation, triggering erosion that muddies the shallow lake.
103. A sound wave has a much greater chance of being scattered and absorbed by such dense vegetation.
104. In some areas of the park the vegetation is tinder dry and poses a real risk of a serious moorland fire.
105. Some suggest that the monster is rotting vegetation lifted by bubbles of gas, produced in the loch bed by bacteria.
106. Would it be possible, for example, to have a dredger clear all the silt, rubbish and vegetation?
107. Several workers have devised systems of classifying either habitat or vegetation for one or both regions.
108. The most important breeding habitat is lakes or ponds with good marginal vegetation.
109. This much oxygen is produced in full sunlight by typical vegetation covering a floor area of between 5 and 20 square metres.
110. At this stage no green vegetation existed, so only photolysis could have created oxygen.
111. Cranes nest on the ground, building a mound of vegetation usually in the middle of a swamp.
112. The resulting ungrazed vegetation would be less susceptible to erosion; floristic diversity would increase considerably.
113. Water was still flowing across the island, carrying along a matted raft of vegetation and srnall household items.
114. In summer, spotted flycatchers intercept insects emerging from the tangle of vegetation beneath.
115. Collectivisation in particular is disastrous for nomadic peoples, who need to roam freely to feed their animals on sparse vegetation.
116. The real danger to the mountain vegetation comes not from cycle wheels but from acid rain and global warming.
117. Lefkas has golden sandy beaches, mountainous scenery and lush vegetation.
118. As the flooded forests decompose, insoluble mercury in the soil and vegetation turns into soluble methyl mercury.
119. When the weather gets warm, they become hard, woody, prickly bushes which crowd out other vegetation.
120. The birds spend much of their day foraging in dense, varied vegetation and return to roost together at dusk.
121. The course switch-backed along the main road through hills covered in lush vegetation.
122. Insects that winter on land, under snow, among rocks and vegetation or in soil are similarly exposed to extreme cold.
123. Surrounded by the tall, heavy-stemmed vegetation that filled the niche of trees, they felt safe and unobserved.
124. Woman is God’s supreme creation. Only after the earth had been formed, after the day had been separated from the night, after the waters had been divided from the land, after vegetation and animal life had been created, and after man had been placed on the earth, was woman.  Gordon B. Hinckley 
125. The southernmost has the densest vegetation, the most complete cover, and the widest variety of both angiosperms and plant communities.
126. The only vegetation was scrubby trees and patches of coarse grass.
127. The bottom was mud and rocks, with some overhanging plants but no aquatic vegetation.
128. Termites are necessary to decompose old woody vegetation, but they were fond of eating the sealant around the windows.
129. Dense masses of vivid green vegetation swayed and lapped in slow motion.
130. The species may be encountered in any suitable marsh or dense area of aquatic vegetation at the coast or inland.
131. Each time she does so, the male has to dig down to the buried vegetation and cover it over again.
132. I am sure, looking back on it, that it was rotting vegetation and lack of sanitary facilities.
133. Vegetation at the intersections is kept low to aid visibility.
134. Caesium accumulates up the food chain from the soil through vegetation to contaminate meat.
135. The mud on his lips tasted of rotting vegetation and the stench of it was thick in his nostrils.
136. An average-sized locust swarm devours in the region of 20,000 tons of vegetation every day.
137. The camp lies on a flat plain, completely without vegetation.
138. Major vegetation types are described, as are the nature reserves, and the place is given where each photo was taken.
139. They made their way through the thick vegetation in the valley.
140. The red spruces and balsam firs that dominated the vegetation near the mountaintop thrived under high rainfall and cool temperatures.
141. In Sussex they are much more important for their breeding birds than reservoirs as they generally have much more marginal vegetation.
142. You might also want to protect especially sensitive vegetation with plastic.
143. Its plush vegetation crowded the restraining fence that had been made strong, damned near impregnable, to hold it back.
144. Climate, and particularly site water balance, largely control the structure and productivity of vegetation.
145. A deep path cut through the lush and noisy vegetation.
146. For a while it looks like the red earth, green vegetation and gentle hills of Sedona.
147. Bristol is penetrated by calcium-loving vegetation growing on the limestone cliffs of the Avon Gorge.
148. These days, the earth bakes beneath the cloudless midday sky, and the vegetation on the mountainsides turns a mournful brown.
149. The resulting openings, devoid of protective vegetation cover, were then subject to erosion which in turn precluded regeneration.
150. Once the ground has lost its protective cover of vegetation it quickly turns to desert.
151. Readings showed levels of 56,000 becquerels per kilogram in vegetation and soil samples.
152. The heavy rains have brought luxuriant green vegetation to these normally arid islands.
153. It should also be remembered that the spectral reflectance curve of living vegetation will change continuously throughout the growing season.
154. For example, pack horses hauled some vegetation from the floor of Supai Canyon,[] home of the Havasupai people.
155. The vegetation heaped up again, swatches and feathers, thunderheads and inky lace, opaque on the screen of night sky.
156. The hills and mountains are covered in lush green vegetation.
157. We were inching along this pathway that was nothing more than a tiny tunnel through the vegetation.
158. The Hwange national park alone is said to have 45,000 elephants: three times as many as the vegetation can support.
159. They are already threatened with environmental destruction, since 88 % of their original vegetation has been destroyed.
160. In the tundra there is a massive growth of ground vegetation and insect life in a very short spring and summer.
161. Similarly the term polar desert covers both the area and the vegetation characteristic of it.
162. It is the basic organic process of vegetation, which results in the adult or final form of this complex organism.
163. It was the sort of time and place where poems flourished along with the vegetation.
164. A steep, wall as clean as a whistle, without a scrap of vegetation.
165. If it had been carved to life all the detail would have disappeared in a dense and unreadable thicket of vegetation.
166. And where was his companion, who went down with him just now, into a sprawl of vegetation?
167. Differences in the vegetation cover can affect erosion by direct protection of the ground and by binding the soil mantle together.
168. Papers which include information on the vegetation of particular islands are given in an appendix.
169. The richest centres have the most complicated mosaics of different habitat types reflected in topography, soils and vegetation.
170. Breeds on still and slow-moving fresh water with dense fringe of vegetation, also marshes, fens, bogs.
171. Vegetation is green, and bare ground is pinkish brown.
172. Non - vegetation , ruthless Practice makes perfect.
173. There may be an interaction between vegetation and climate.
174. Vegetation synthesis is dependent on vegetation analysis.
175. Bush fallow: Poor quality land covered with scrubBy vegetation.
176. Isolation strips should be cleared of all inflammable vegetation.
177. Under the peculiar eco - environment the damaged vegetation has a natural capacity of recovery and regeneration.
178. These can provide the theoretical basis for exploration using remote sensing technology in the vegetation area. The abnormal information on spectra was extracted by remote sensing (TM) data.
179. The vegetation on Cangshan, Yunnan and the distribution of genus Rhododendron.
180. Alpine Valley ravine, rolling peaks, plunging valleys, waterfalls and vegetation intact.
181. Based on NOAA - AVHRR images , a color composition method for vegetation change detection is introduced.
182. Montane mixed evergreen and deciduous broadleaved forests is endemic forest vegetation type of China.
183. All the vegetation is gone. Only a young tree remains.
184. Based on vegetation investigation of Dapeng Peninsula, the characteristics of spermatophyte resources are analyzed and suggestion about its sustainable utilization and conservation is put forward.
184. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
185. Wu is the flora of North China - semi - arid grassland vegetation forest flora Cong.
186. Base on investigation of soil and water loss in Baipenzhu reservoir catchment area, experimental research on rainfall-runoff-sediment yield of typical erosion landform and vegetation was carried out.
187. Restoration and rehabilitation of degraded vegetation in mountainous land are pressing jobs in view of the strategy of sustainable development of forestry and agriculture.
188. During this period, the destruction of the vegetation in Wenyu drainage area leads to the ecology environment depravation of the area.
189. Chimonanthus, which includes 5 vegetation form, mainly grows in the evergreen defoliate broad- leaved mixed forest and evergreen broad- leaved forest.
190. In the soil environments, bacteria species or strains are very abundant. The diversities are related to the vegetation, soil moisture and depth.
191. This paper probes emphatically into the accuracy uncertainty of LSMM from atmospheric condition and terrain undulation by taking unmixing vegetation abundance based on LSMM as an example.
192. The soil erosion in the alluvial gold deposit is serious because of the vegetation destroyed.
193. The results revealed a vegetation compostion change by Lasisus flavus. The density of the Leymus chinensis in the two communities became higher, and the fruit was less, but heavier.
194. Moreover, GHI image could illustrate vegetation pattern, especially patch structure, better than other indices.
195. Serai process of vegetation on the sand of Zhanggutai in Liaoning province is from moving dune.
196. These results indicate that the halophytic vegetation in the study area was in a transition from zonal to azonal vegetation.
197. Herb was the main coal forming plant at the early stage, but arborescent vegetation was dominant at both the middle and late stages.
198. The dwellers in temperate zones can have no idea of the luxuriance of tropical vegetation.
199. Invading woody vegetation, especially of the same species, should be controlled periodically to prevent confusion.
200. Abundant lions imply abundant games , and that again means abundant vegetation.
201. Any of numerous grasshoppers of the family Acrididae, often migrating in immense swarms that devour vegetation and crops.
202. This paper summarizes the mechanism of vegetation systematically on the basis of the study of the research materials on hand.
203. The results of restoration of vegetation in Xiaobazi sandlot were analysed and a series of techniques were concluded.
204. Objective To explore the value and standards of computed tomography ( CT ) in diagnosing adenoid vegetation.
205. Natural vegetation in temperate, warm temperate deciduous, broad - leaved, coniferous forest and deciduous shrubs dominated.
206. Maintain your landscape to eliminate dead vegetation that could catch fire and use fire - resistant plants.
207. Semi arid climate, poor vegetation cover and highly erodible loess can be regarded as the main natural factors responsible for the formation of hyperconcentrated flows in the Loess Plateau, China.
208. Longitude - latitude areas around the region in different landforms, vegetation, very different style.
209. The research results are of importance for establishing the constitutive model of GRS and understanding the mechanism of vegetation protection of slope.
210. Water is dark blue, vegetation is bright green, and clouds are pale blue-green.
211. "The Kalahari is not like the Kruger National Park in South Africa, which is rich with vegetation, it is very harsh and dry, " he said.
212. Irregular reddish tan vegetations overlie valve cusps that are being destroyed. Portions of the vegetation can break off and become septic emboli .
213. As a result of the difference of meteorological conditions, there were greater differences of forest vegetation contribution between two regions.
214. The community dynamics of egg parasitoids that could parasitize the brown planthopper in non rice habitats such as bunds and roadside vegetation were studied.
215. It encompasses soil degradation and the deterioration of natural landscapes and vegetation.
216. They should concentrate on rejuvenating the existing vegetation, like grass and shrubs.
217. Annual net primary productivity(NPP) of terrestrial vegetation is the net amount of carbon fixed by plants through photosynthesis in one year.
218. This represents a substantial measure of nutrient conservation in soil and vegetation systems.
219. The dynamics of accumulatively appeared family, genus, and species in the vegetation succession process were well described by logarithmic function.
220. Vegetation rehabilitation and ecological construction in the karst mountains is always a difficulty in land management in the tropical and warm sub-tropical zone of China.
221. On this breezy idyllic retreat , 36 beachfront bungalows nestle amidst lush vegetation.
222. It concluded that the shrubby vegetation was the keystone for the biodiversity conservation in the region.
223. Based on the characteristics of fuzziness and impreciseness of soil, topography, rainfall and vegetation, the parameters were defined as triangular fuzzy numbers.
224. To walk along the beach at night, explore the lushness and the vegetation, and to experience the mystery of the island would be a priceless experience.
225. Using by the method of Difference Analyze and the theory of Regression Analyze, the analyzed the spatial characteristic of vegetation change in arid land.
226. The nutrient value of the sludge is beneficial to vegetation, and its granular nature may serve as a soil conditioner.
227. Vegetation is red, urbanized areas are blue-gray, water is navy,() and clouds are white.
228. We deem it suitable to apply fuzzy graph theory to the classification of vegetation.
229. Knowledge of related vegetation in other areas is usually not considered when defining the vegetation units.
230. Light brown ash covers the snow above the flow deposits, and a tiny plume rises from Shiveluch's growing lava dome. Vegetation surrounding the volcano is colored dark red.
231. The current local vegetation is the degraded secondary vegetation: savanna and succulent thorny shrub.
232. The strain of a vegetation system can be rehabilitated by the ability of self-organization at the light disturbance which is under the elastic limit.
233. Outside scenarios with vivid colors, beautiful forests with colorful vegetation, shinny and beautiful waterfalls where even rainbows take place.
234. Objective To analyze the correlation of secretary otitis media ( SOM ) with adenoid vegetation in children.
235. This place boasts a plethora of different kinds of vegetation.
236. Though the moose are a great icon and tourist attraction of the Adirondacks, Gross notes that too many moose could destroy vegetation and several bird habitats.
237. It is a savage world, filled with badlands and bluffs and hardscrabble vegetation.
238. Through comparing effects between grazing systems and a feedlot system on the degenerated vegetation, the roles of rotational grazing system playing in vegetation recovery were investigated.
239. He wanted to work on the vegetation inventory for a pitcher plant bog he had going.
240. Green vegetation becomes white, whereas human skin becomes pale and ghostly.
241. This paper presents concepts on the combining engineering revetment and vegetation revetment based on systematic analysis of regular methods of slope protection.
242. This is reflected in the vegetation typology, with clusters of low trees on a geometric distribution.
243. Comparatively intact forest layer, the clear layer of the arbores, thicket and vert. (5)Obvious continuity of vegetation community's distribution and poor productivity of community.
244. In addition, the conclusion of artificial sand fixing vegetation researching missing long period investigation and analysis is doubtful.
245. Planting concrete is also called plant compatibility ecology concrete or vegetation concrete.




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