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单词 Stay in
1. Whether we can stay in this situation is debatable.
2. Please send me to stay in the best time.
3. I must stay in bed.
4. Let's stay in and watch a film.
5. Stay in the shade it's cooler.
6. Old people prefer to stay in their own homes.
7. He was my only Chinese companion during my stay in Australia.
8. He was my only Chinese companion during my stay in American.
9. He packed off his wife and children to stay in a caravan in Wales.
10. He needs to win this game to stay in the match.
11. Switch to an interest-paying current account and stay in credit. Most banks and larger building societies now offer these accounts.
12. No, you really ought to stay in bed; remember, Mother knows best!
13. I'll stay in Mexico as long as my money holds on.
14. Her main/prime objective now is simply to stay in power.
15. A one-night stay in a modest hotel costs around £35.
16. Stay in your classroom until it is time to go home.
17. Athletes have to train continuously to stay in peak condition.
18. Where exactly did you stay in France?
19. He's decided not to stay in teaching/medicine/the army.
20. I should stay in bed if I were you.
21. Our students can also opt to stay in residence.
22. He is content to stay in his present job.
23. Stay in concealment until the danger has passed.
24. Let's stay in tonight for a change.
25. Visiting heads of state usually stay in the palace.
26. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.
27. In Japan we wanted to go native and not stay in a European hotel.
28. The President will need to use all her political guile to stay in power.
29. Life is like a hot bath. It feels good while you're in it, but the longer you stay in, the more wrinkled you get.
30. I just look at you now smiling silent pride lost so I follow you follow you happy and sad but I always stand now but you never stay in the past.
1. Whether we can stay in this situation is debatable.
2. I must stay in bed.
3. Let's stay in and watch a film.
4. Old people prefer to stay in their own homes.
5. He was my only Chinese companion during my stay in Australia.
6. He was my only Chinese companion during my stay in American.
7. He packed off his wife and children to stay in a caravan in Wales.
8. He needs to win this game to stay in the match.
9. Switch to an interest-paying current account and stay in credit. Most banks and larger building societies now offer these accounts.
10. No, you really ought to stay in bed; remember, Mother knows best!
11. In Japan we wanted to go native and not stay in a European hotel.
12. I'll stay in Mexico as long as my money holds on.
13. Her main/prime objective now is simply to stay in power.
14. The President will need to use all her political guile to stay in power.
15. A one-night stay in a modest hotel costs around £35.
16. Stay in your classroom until it is time to go home.
17. Athletes have to train continuously to stay in peak condition.
18. They're happy to stay in the same old groove.
19. I am not sure if these props will stay in long enough to do the work.
20. This hotel gives preferential treatment to people who stay in it regularly.
31. Moscow is anxious to stay in step with Washington.
32. Did you enjoy your stay in Prague?
33. Most evenings we just stay in and watch TV.
34. We stay in contact by email.
35. I have to stay in on weeknights.
36. We stay in almost every night and watch television.
37. Stay in on Saturday night? What a sad idea!
38. The nail couldn't stay in.
39. You can't stay in business without cash.
40. You need to stay in control of your emotions.
41. Where exactly did you stay in Portugal?
42. She likes to stay in shape.
43. What's the average length of stay in hospital?
44. We were packed off to stay in the country.
45. My aunt's coming to stay in the holidays.
46. They stay in and watch television every night .
47. You could stay in Hilton Hotel.
48. I was tired,[] so I decided to stay in.
49. Unlike me, my husband likes to stay in bed.
50. Rosemary likes to stay in the background.
51. I enjoyed my stay in Prague.
52. They're happy to stay in the same old groove.
53. She wrote a memoir of her stay in France.
54. Don't overextend your stay in Europe.
55. It'll stay in my mind till my dying day.
56. The doctor ordered you to stay in bed.
57. I'll tell you what-let's stay in instead.
58. Anyway, we must stay in touch.
59. They get to stay in nice hotels.
60. The doctor told me to stay in bed.
61. Let's stay in tonight and watch a video.
62. Stay in bed and drink plenty of liquids.
63. They are determined to stay in until their demands are met.
64. He had originally intended to stay in the country for only a year or two.
65. We decided to go for self-catering rather than stay in a hotel.
66. If the collar won 't stay in place, I shall have to pin it back.
67. He has lots of happy memories of his stay in Japan.
68. If you stay in the sun too long you'll get heat rash.
69. Whether to stay in the federated state or become independent is a decision that has to be made by the people.
70. There's no room for complacency if we want to stay in this competition!
71. Stay in a hotel? Don't be so soft. I want to camp out under the stars.
72. Have you told him the news yet? It is often used with 'that' clauses:Anne told me she was tired. Tell is usually when somebody is giving facts or information, often with what, where, etc.:Can you tell me when the movie starts? Tell is also used when you are giving somebody instructions:The doctor told me to stay in bed.
73. She had to stay in hospital overnight, just as a precaution.
74. We crammed in as much sightseeing as possible during our stay in New York.
75. In order to stay in business , you must do better than your competitors.
76. He had no conscious memory of his four-week stay in hospital.
77. The problem with employing people who are overqualified for the job is that they often don't stay in it for long.
78. It's nice to stay in a home rather than in an anonymous holiday villa.
79. We can eat out if you like,[http:///stay in.html] but I would prefer to stay in.
80. We will stay in this country, as we don't want her schooling to suffer.
81. There are no bank charges if you stay in credit.
82. He was nearing the end of his stay in India.
83. The police are advising motorists marooned by the blizzards to stay in their cars until the rescue services can reach them.
84. Shall we eat out or stay in? It's up to you.
85. If I stay in the sun too long my skin peels.
86. I'd rather stay in this evening, if that's all right with you.
87. I only saw her once during my stay in Rome.
88. The troops would stay in position to squash the first murmur of trouble.
89. I would die a very happy person if I could stay in music my whole life.
90. As a result of the growing fears about home security, more people are arranging for someone to stay in their home when they'reaway.
91. The doctor told you to stay in bed, and she knows best.
92. 'But how long can you stay in the house?'--'I don't know. It depends.'.
93. Stay in the foyer if you wish, but bear in mind the performance begins in two minutes.
94. You'll have to stay in after school if you still fail to pass the examination.
95. The doctor advised me to stay in for a few days.
96. Sweepstakes winners will enjoy a week-long stay in luxury accommodations in Las Vegas.
97. He took a job to finance his stay in Germany.
98. Their furniture will stay in the warehouse until they have paid the storage fee.
99. He looked up his old friends during his stay in London.
100. I'd accept a job abroad any day rather than stay in this country.
101. Jack never wanted to stay in one place for very long, so they were always on the move.
102. I'm not going to stay in that fleabitten old place.
103. He was the first of the Eastern leaders to read the runes and make political changes to stay in power.
104. You can go out to play as long as you stay in the back yard.
105. You would be well advised to stay in bed and rest.
106. I want to ask your advice about where to stay in Taipei.
107. Stay in this position and feel the stretch in your legs.
108. She went to the seaside to convalesce after her stay in hospital.
109. Reduce the drawing so that all the elements stay in proportion.
110. Pamper yourself with a stay in one of our luxury hotels.
111. The doctor told me I had to stay in bed. OR The doctor said I had to stay in bed. NOT The doctor said me to stay in bed.
112. It took all his will power to stay in and study.
113. They prefer to stay in their home country because of family ties.
114. I met her towards the end of my stay in Los Angeles.
115. Her article contained one or two verbal felicities which will stay in my mind for years.
116. Stay in the hospital for a few more days to recuperate.
117. In a rip-off of the hit movie Green Card, Billy marries one of his students so he can stay in the country.
118. I'll stay in bed as long as I like there's no law against it.
119. I don't have to stay in my room penned up like a prisoner.
120. She was told to stay in bed to rest her injured back.
121. Her children went back every year to stay in a farmhouse near the cottage.
122. It's illogical to pay for homeless families to stay in hostels instead of building new houses.
123. The ruling party jiggered the election results to be sure they would stay in power.
124. A stay in hospital may be the first time a child is ever parted from its parents.
125. When there is a full moon, this nocturnal rodent is careful to stay in its burrow.
126. A stay in the country will be beneficial to his health.
127. The doctor told you to stay in bed, and he knows best.
128. I fondly imagined that surgery meant a few stitches and an overnight stay in hospital.
129. We used to stay in bed all morning and party all night. Those were the days!
130. I took the job in the mistaken belief that I would be able to stay in London.
131. 'I don't think I should stay in this house.'--'But why?'.
132. During my three months' stay in the village, I collected enough material for two or three books.
133. If you stay in the job for more than 10 years, you get stale .
134. I was determined not to stay in hospital for any longer than was strictly necessary.
135. The company has managed to stay in the black for the year ending December 31.
136. I am not sure if these props will stay in long enough to do the work.
137. The doctor told him that he would have to stay in hospital for another two weeks.
138. This hotel gives preferential treatment to people who stay in it regularly.
139. She told her children to stay in the shallow end .
140. He's going to have to pull his socks up if he wants to stay in the team.
141. She did not want to stay in nursing all her life.
142. I'd prefer to stay in tonight, if you don't mind.
143. During his stay in England he boarded with a family in Bath.
144. You'll have to stay in at playtime today, because it's raining.
145. It's cheaper for you to hire a flat when you stay in Europe.
146. We never did stay in the apartment.
147. Or, rather, arrange to stay in his field of vision until he marries her.
148. He was as anxious as Betty for Russell to stay in this sunny home with the starched curtains.
149. You can't stay in the dark for too long. Something inside you starts to fade, and you become like a starving person, crazy-hungry for light. Amy Tan 
150. Not every employer is able to accommodate every work / family conflict and stay in business.
151. Novacek also gives of his time to drug abuse programs and to the Stay in School campaign.
152. Why do some memories live only on your tongue or in your nose? Why do others always stay in your heart? Amy Tan 
153. If I stay in my apartment, or if I go home to my house, I am lonely.
154. Our past may explain why we're suffering but we must not use it as an excuse to stay in bondage. Joyce Meyer 
155. Fuel is needed if you want to stay in the air because the Epical engines consume fuel at an alarming rate.
156. Losses by candidates he has supported could affect his ability to extend his stay in power as Yugoslav president.
157. I hear the whip at his back compelling him to shed his will, to stay in line.
158. Investing in specialist advice to squeeze more from fertiliser inputs now could help you stay in front of those changes.
159. Patients still need to recuperate but do not need to stay in an acute hospital to do so.
160. It's all right for some. I've got to stay in and work this evening.
161. To be successful you have to be selfish, or else you never achieve. And once you get to your highest level, then you have to be unselfish. Stay reachable. Stay in touch. Don't isolate. Michael Jordan 
162. Analysts said the company had done just what it needed to do to stay in the telephone company ball game.
163. The aged naturalist was thus kept in touch with London affairs when compelled to stay in Essex on account of ill health and slender means.
164. The administrator's stay in Minneapolis was an enjoyable one.
165. Golding will need more successes to stay in office.
166. I became homesick after a week's stay in Japan.
167. Our army will stay in Sparta.
168. If I stay in my boyfriend cooks a wonderful lasagne or chicken or steak.
169. Of course, it takes all the running you can do to stay in place.
170. If the collar won't stay in place, you'd better pin it back.
171. Mary's father had to stay in a rest home for a long time after his operation.
172. A married man 28, stay in Guangzhou along, feel lonely.
173. Splurge on pretty padded hangers so clothes stay in store - bought shape.
174. Liangzhou After the talks, the Sarbanes stay in Liangzhou on, carry forward the Tibetan Buddhism.
175. He was hard put to it to decide whether to stay in England or go abroad.
176. Hayes needs to just be able to stay in games.
177. Q 16 . Can a unit owner use his 45 - free stay in another Crown Regency Resort in Boracay?
178. Not good. The doctor said that he stay in bed for SODOM months.
179. Colin: How do movie stars stay in such good shape?
180. Are we saying Senator Palmer should stay in for the duration?
181. Medium density products also work great as stay in place distribution media.
182. The length of stay in the recovery room varies with each patient.
183. Christian Slater : For us, I think, as actors it was easier to stay in the moment.
184. Conclusion Administration of FTCA benefits early tracheal extubation after operation and shortens the stay in ICU.
185. Sally had a winning streak at the casinos during her stay in Reno.
186. The family was rude and refused to let the angels stay in the mansion's guestroom.
187. Stay in contact with the masses and mobilize the people.
188. Only when he is seriously ill will he stay in bed.
189. Hank: I thought you were going to stay in this evening.
190. My short stay in Khartoum working on the history programme was soon derailed.
191. During my stay in North Lincolnshire I never heard the word rubber boot.
192. Stay in a long - monogamous relationship, one in which you are certain of your partner's fidelity.
193. During holidays, we like to stay in our jammies and veg on the couch.
194. Ckient: I work with R & D , stay in kab kkk day.
195. I want to stay in the nursing home for a while.
196. During his stay in Yin Tin Tsai island , Fr.
197. Diarrhea and vomiting made me stay in restroom all night.
198. If you stay in that bathtub any longer, you'll shrivel up into a prune.
198. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
199. Needing a big win to stay in contention, China achieved their target with customary panache.
200. B : Great! A prank call! That's it. We're going to stay in a hotel tonight.
201. Some birds, such as the hummingbird, beat their wings very fast to stay in one spot.
202. Stay in this state of action and reaction and revel in the feeling of in unison.
203. Spotted in a safari park: Elepants! Please stay in your car!
204. We have sent a request to the ranch to stay in the sod house.
205. The siloviki have shown they can squash opposition, suborn the courts and stay in charge.
206. The big sail won't stay in position unless you trice it up.
207. Some Americans start their workday 15 minites after they wake up. Some even stay in their nightclothes.
208. Spotted in a safari sark: Elephants! Please stay in your car!
209. The county Party secretary has gone to stay in a village to gain firsthand experience.
210. I tell you to stay in your room and you sneak out?
211. And the king said, Stay in Jericho until your beards grow back , then return.
212. Her hospitality diluted my homesickness during my stay in the country.
213. The children stay in the nuclear family until they up and marry.
214. If God gives me the choice, I will stay in my lifetime TA side.
215. Can a unit owner use his 45 - free stay in another Crown Regency Resort in Boracay?
216. Why do white people always stay in the damn house?
217. Two children ordered their mother stay in bed one Mother's Day morning.




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