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单词 Notion
(1) I have long since abandoned the notion that higher education is essential to either success or happiness. Hot houses of learning do not always grow anything edible. 
(2) "Breach of the peace" is a notoriously imprecise notion.
(3) I have no notion of resigning.
(4) At first I scoffed at the notion.
(5) I haven't the faintest notion what they mean.
(6) I haven't the faintest notion how to get there.
(7) idea/notion what you mean.
(8) She was prepossessed with the notion of her own superiority.
(9) I have only a vague notion of what she does for a living.
(10) The notion of abuse has wider connotations than the physical.
(11) We each have a notion of just what kind of person we'd like to be.
(12) I had a notion that she originally came from Poland.
(13) The traditional notion of marriage goes back thousands of years.
(14) One common Chinese notion is that the elders ought to be respected.
(15) Some people have the erroneous notion that one can contract AIDS by giving blood.
(16) I tried to disabuse him of that notion.
(17) He has a notion that I'm cheating him.
(18) She was stiff with disapproval at the notion.
(19) notion of wanting to change the world.
(20) I would like to bag this notion.
(21) He has no notion of what I mean.
(22) This is not a romantic notion but verifiable fact.
(23) They reject the notion of group guilt.
(24) She dinged the notion into our ears.
(25) I had a notion to write them a letter.
(26) Statecontrol is a very un-American notion.
(27) I haven't the faintest notion what you're talking about.
(28) She's got some starry-eyed notion about reforming society.
(29) Good studies are needed to lend credence to the notion that genuine progress can be made in this important field.
(30) It might be considered heresy to suggest such a notion.
(1) "Breach of the peace" is a notoriously imprecise notion.
(2) At first I scoffed at the notion.
(3) I haven't the faintest notion what they mean.
(4) I haven't the faintest notion how to get there.
(5) I have only a vague notion of what she does for a living.
(6) The notion of abuse has wider connotations than the physical.
(7) We each have a notion of just what kind of person we'd like to be.
(8) Good studies are needed to lend credence to the notion that genuine progress can be made in this important field.
(9) The traditional notion of marriage goes back thousands of years.
(10) It might be considered heresy to suggest such a notion.
(11) One common Chinese notion is that the elders ought to be respected.
(12) Some people have the erroneous notion that one can contract AIDS by giving blood.
(13) I haven't the faintest notion what you're talking about.
(14) He had a sudden notion to visit all his relatives.
(31) She had no notion what he meant.
(32) An employee sold him on the notion that cable was the medium of the future.
(33) We must dispel this notion that you can rely on the state for everything.
(34) They have always looked askance at the western notion of democracy.
(35) It is essentially a simple notion, but explicating it is difficult.
(36) Do you have the slightest notion of what this means?
(37) I still believe in the notion of an egalitarian society.
(38) She had only a vague notion of what might happen.
(39) They have come to reject the traditional notion of womanhood.
(40) I don't think he has any notion of the seriousness of the situation.
(41) Their relationship turned the standard notion of marriage on its head.
(42) The President is attempting to dispel the notion that he has neglected the economy.
(43) She had only a vague notion of what she wanted to do.
(44) They espoused the notion of equal opportunity for all in education.
(45) Many Victorians were shocked by the notion that Man had evolved from lower forms of life.
(46) He has no notion of the difficulty of the problem.
(47) These days, even hotels are flogging the notion that anything is better if you cyberize it.
(48) She has no notion of the difficulty of this problem.
(49) He's had some vague notion that people will be queuing up to finance the project.
(49) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(50) The very notion of price competition is foreign to many schools.
(51) It was then that I conceived the notion of running away.
(52) I reject absolutely the notion that privatisation of our industry is now inevitable.
(53) The notion of a Channel Tunnel first saw the light of day more than a century ago.
(54) Where he got that singular notion I just can't think.
(55) The notion that art should be controlled by intellectuals sickened him.
(56) There seems to be a general notion that nothing can be done about the problem.
(57) Their view of country people was that they like to please strangers. I did not disabuse them of this notion.
(58) I have to reject the notion that greed can be a good thing.
(59) He had a sudden notion to visit all his relatives.
(60) He has some fanciful notion about converting one room of his apartment into a gallery.
(61) Maybe Lou's notion wasn't so crazy after all.
(62) The notion of required disclosure was still years away.
(63) Florin dismissed any notion of martial law-like conditions prevailing.
(64) This notion is a deeply entrenched article of faith.
(65) These two fine packages should dispel that notion.
(66) This notion merely induced derisive laughter.
(67) In this paper we explicitly consider sociological factors, namely social custom(), and the notion of individual commitment.
(68) Even in such a brief survey of this notion of contradiction two things become clear.
(69) My notion is that the complicated issue of welfare is the biggest problem facing this nation and this society at this time.
(70) This was an infinitely old notion, going back to the early Bronze Age.
(71) The result is that any notion of musical futurism has fallen into abeyance.
(72) They were highly competitive, didn't belong to trade unions and lacked any notion of worker solidarity.
(73) This notion of a criterion could be used to show the argument from analogy to be unnecessary.
(74) It was only towards the end of the colonial period that the notion of a public corporation was raised.
(75) This is isolation and, in the broader context, the notion of what it means to be an island.
(76) It suddenly seems as peculiar a notion as the balance of one's mind.
(77) The notion of transparent reporting which can be understood by the untutored layman is a chimera.
(78) The 1977 Homicide Act introduced the notion of diminished responsibility, which reduces a charge of murder to manslaughter.
(79) That notion is quite compatible with a certain residue of benevolent despotism exercised by Tory squires.
(79) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(80) Contractual obligations are distinguished from other legal obligations because of this fundamental notion of agreement.
(81) The notion that spending and taxation would be balanced over some notional trade cycle was never realistic politics.
(82) Without a clear notion of these two relationships, there may be no opportunity to proceed further.
(83) He formulated the notion to elucidate the particular problem of how scientific ideas become represented in popular consciousness.
(84) We must forget the notion that the highest intellectual achievement is that of specialized and detailed knowledge.
(85) Horton dismisses any notion that his students are being bribed to stay in school.
(86) Still, I comforted myself with the notion that I wasn't a coffee junkie.
(87) The theory uses the notion of a possible world in order to give its account of truth conditions for subjunctive conditionals.
(88) Conservative propagandists have sold taxpayers on the notion that welfare recipients are ingrates dependent on wasteful programs perpetuating idleness.
(89) I hope to disabuse you of the notion that all employees are lazy.
(90) The notion of level in a hierarchy can be construed in two different ways.
(91) The whole plastic notion of a pop star begins to ring the bells of truth.
(92) The Republican takeover of Congress deflated that notion, though, and he no longer stresses it.
(93) Analysts at the Rand Corp. have proposed a notion that could address all of these concerns.
(94) But the notion of buried treasure in Arizona is not crazy.
(95) The earlier notion that the lower continental crust is largely basaltic in composition has received little support from more recent studies.
(96) His notion of cracking an egg is to shoot an atomic blast at it.
(97) This would seem to contradict, however, the notion of major transgressions being the much-delayed after-effects of an orogeny.
(98) So you start out from some curious notion you have hit on, or even not so curious.
(99) Alexei did not understand why Jotan seemed to be amused by the notion, and so he said nothing.
(100) For they suggest that more is at stake in the dispute about holism than the comparatively technical notion of reducibility.
(101) And this brings me to my fourth point, and that is the notion of domestic - public opposition.
(102) The notion that the Social Security system is facing a severe crisis is a vast and cynical overstatement.
(103) That comedians are sad people is a wrong notion. Yes, I am an observer of life and that’s what has helped my art. Asrani 
(104) But it is not immediately obvious how to write a similar argument against the notion of justified belief.
(105) For those afflicted with the notion that national politics is on the level and two-dimensional, the following yarn is logical.
(106) After initially reading the manuscript, David Kaczynski said he dismissed the notion that his brother was the Unabomber.
(107) Such knowledge has rendered meaningless the notion that every conjugal act should be open to the transfer of life.
(108) This would allow some room for choice, but would not detract from the fundamental notion of a centrally planned service.
(109) On 18 January 1956 the Committee's Joint Declaration rejected the notion that integration should be confined to only six countries.
(110) Johnson's notion of poetic diction distinguishes it clearly from prose.
(111) Some challenge the notion of corporate culture as the primary culprit.
(112) But she rejected the notion as he leaned back against the cushions and took a quick swig of his brandy.
(113) Furthermore,(sentence dictionary) Oakeshott's notion of tradition does contain within it - in the idea of coherence - criteria of self-reflection.
(114) The purist will feel the greatest disappointment though in the abandonment of any notion that pitches should be uncovered.
(115) Novick dismisses this notion without difficulty: the plan was considered, and found to be impractical.
(116) The notion of self-consistency is certainly not adequate for this.
(117) It ultimately relies on the notion that we order our world through the categorical distinctions of our language.
(118) What, then, of the notion of a late classical fusion of legacy and trust?
(119) But we have to accept the blame ourselves, because we have institutionalised the notion of cheap food.
(120) But lately some researchers are challenging the notion that memory loss is inevitable.
(121) I have been arguing here for what might be termed appropriate research, analogous to the notion of appropriate technology.
(122) Thus even the notion of genuine choices among alternative candidates can be ambiguous.
(123) The notion of apprenticeship as an almost religious vocation survives best, oddly, in martial arts movies like Bloodsport on Showtime.
(124) This notion is based on the assumption of a perfect financial market, with perfect knowledge and complete certainty about the future.
(125) The other argument deployed against the adversary politics thesis calls into doubt the relevance of the notion itself.
(126) And as this notion made his mouth curve upward in amusement at his optimism, he found what he was searching for.
(127) It is already clear, however, that the notion of acquired distinctiveness is of central importance in discussions of perceptual learning.
(128) Human rights in general and the right to communicate in particular are bound up with the notion of democracy.
(129) Yet this notion was conquered by a stronger urge I could not deny.
(130) The chain made up an organization that was clinging to an outmoded notion of its own uniqueness.
(131) But they have more to lose: their traditional dominance of the field, their lock on the very notion of athleticism.
(132) Wednesday, the Senate is scheduled to consider the balanced-budget amendment, a notion that has been argued for decades.
(133) The assumptions about classical conditioning that are implied by this notion must be rather different from those embodied in the standard model.
(134) And in the longer term it should try to bring back into favour the notion that we all belong to a community.
(135) As a result, the notion is now squirreled away on city planners' charts.
(136) The notion of relative autonomy raises the question of the limits within which the state's autonomy may vary.
(137) The latent thought is the notion that Gloucester may be plotting to murder him - an idea too horrifying to contemplate.
(138) I am against the notion that comedians are loners. However the fact remains that we comedians and character artistes are far more sensitive than heroes. We feel more, observe more, convey more and are easily hurt. With he¬roes it is not the case. They would rather hurt than be hurt. They rarely express what is inside them. Asrani 
(139) Here he challenges the notion that practice is activity and not thought./notion.html
(140) Is the notion of a distinct foreign policy arena as obsolete as it is ambiguous?
(141) There are some who dismiss the notion that results from the East will have much effect on California.
(142) It's a vague enough notion, that something unauthorized was then loaded under cover of the dark.
(143) But any notion of a central planning authority, with if not exactly omnipotent powers over other government departments, soon foundered.
(144) The group approach explicitly rejects the notion that a small elite dominates the resource allocation process.
(145) Such accounts dismiss any notion of reproduction and treat consumption as wholly, as opposed to relatively, autonomous.
(146) Black psychologists crushed the notion that child rearing was the same, regardless of cultural background.
(147) Fries's argument is dependent upon the notion of a fixed human lifespan.
(148) Apparently, then, Hegel is extending a notion of full autonomy to the sphere of love-making.
(149) Beyond these formal structures, the folks at Thayer challenge yet one more notion that often shapes the structures of schooling.
(150) Because setting varies enormously, since each watercourse possesses its own unique characteristics, pollution is a highly relative notion.
(151) She may have originated with the notion of human sacrifice to ensure plentiful crops, for her actions were often bloodthirsty.
(152) It says devolution, the Good Friday peace agreement and globalisation have undermined the notion of Britishness.
(153) In other words it enables one to modify the artificially simplistic notion of clear-cut dependent and independent variables having one-way causal links.
(154) The notion that an enzyme might exist in a number of forms decided purely on probability is anathema to many scientists.
(155) Both were escaping from an historicist notion of evolutionary development, traditional to their disciplines.
(156) At first I thought this peculiar, then I adjusted to the notion, then I joined her crusade.
(157) But the observations threatened a notion fundamental for many Aristotelians, namely, that all celestial bodies are perfect spheres.
(158) Republicans, meanwhile, are mulling whether to abandon the notion of filing ethics charges against Rep.
(159) Each has his own highly developed notion of a free trading market of closely associating nation states.
(160) We seem to be laboring under the naive notion that teen-age girls get pregnant after going too far with their high-school classmates.
(161) Anti-debt campaigners in the South are urging their counterparts in the North to challenge the official notion of poverty reduction.
(162) We must also examine critically the notion that individual practitioners enjoy an autonomy which is somehow derived from that of the collectivity.
(163) I made my way home each night with at least some notion of hope and plans for a new assault on Wilde.
(164) Probability is a very difficult notion, much debated by philosophers.
(165) This finding challenges the notion that carbohydrate malabsorption is uncommon in patients with chronic pancreatitis.
(166) Indeed, the notion that all students should engage in serious academic work and learn it deeply is a relatively recent phenomenon.
(167) They intend to give us some notion of what they are when they roll out the application programming interface in 90 days.
(168) Books were a jumble and I had no notion of discriminating between them.
(169) The notion of the overriding importance of applicability of learning is born of long immersion in community education.
(170) Nevertheless, the notion of collective decision-making about patient care, about priorities and treatment options, is quite alien.
(171) The starting-point for any aesthetic evaluation of the art object was based on a consensual notion of beauty.
(172) They may approach the task with very little precise notion of what they wish to achieve.
(173) I have a cynical notion that all religious revivals spawn from times of extreme economic disparity.
(174) The notion of fact is apt to cause difficulties only if facts are treated as some special species of existences.
(175) Far better, with the demise of lifetime employment, to switch to a notion of lifetime employability.
(176) Heaven knew why; and the ridiculous notion crossed her mind that the cup itself had wanted her to.
(177) People who run countries have all too often fallen for the notion that sporting success somehow confers political legitimacy.
(178) This type of decision is typically made by appealing to an intuitive notion of topic.
(179) This notion was further supported by the strong correlation revealed for cellular IgG1 proportions in healthy and affected ulcerative colitis twins.
(180) Instead, he took issue with the notion that being fat is bad for you at all.
(181) That notion had a long history, and had by no means been deserted by post-classical law.
(182) One is the notion of human dignity which has come to pervade modern ethical and social thought in the West.
(183) This means that these devices actually allow pregnancies to begin and then abort them, a notion out of line with biblical concepts.
(184) The notion of complete dependence upon a Higher Power is the major impact of step three.
(185) Reform Christianity, particularly of the sort’s that highly informed by Calvinism, tends to erode the notion of guilt.
(186) The notion that mainland Asia is about to supplant the US, EU and Japan in the near future is risible.
(187) She said keeping the seventh-day Sabbath was a "stupid notion, " for you can't tell which is the seventh day.
(188) It provided Jews with a direct approach to God, a notion regarded as heretical and pantheistic by Orthodox Judaism.
(189) Dr. Benjamin Rush, also known as the father of American psychiatry, was among the first to promote the notion that alcoholism was a disease.
(190) I reject the notion that any user is a freeloader or a leech.
(191) Although it can be argued that breaking bad news insensitively or inadequately can lead to poor long-term adjustment for patients (18), the research to support this notion is limited.
(192) This article expatiates two important factors influencing the price making: the market and the government, and discusses the notion of constituting metro price.
(193) Other Titles: Are Content Externalism and the Notion of Self-Knowledge Compatible ?
(194) The notion of teaching with impartation -acceptance as its main method holds the primary place of university teaching activity.
(195) The taxation ADR mechanism is the overall name of all the non-official taxation dispute resolutions, meanwhile it manifests the multiple dispute resolutions directed by modern rule of law notion.
(196) In progressive scanning, the notion of two fields composing a video frame does not apply.
(197) And it may lead to a vicious cycle in which women are first objectified and, as a result, underperform, confirming the notion that women's looks are more important than what they can do.
(198) The Scrum notion of 'backlog' is a single, prioritized list of user stories for the team to implement.
(199) The current urban landscape characterized by this notion of temporariness is colonized by the signs and the instruments of transformation.
(199) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(200) The application of Multimedia CAI courseware in fosbury flop training will help students have a complete and correct notion of the action, and master the skills to improve their performance.
(201) Historically, a cornerstone of classical empiricism has been the notion that every true generalization must be confirmable by specific observations.
(202) A review of scientific studies compiled in Britain finds that the notion that Vitamin C wards off the common cold is nothing more than an old wives' tale.
(203) The notion of a mixed constitution that involves collaboration between global monarchical and aristocratic forces is a good introduction to the concept of imperial sovereignty.
(204) The founder of Time, Henry Luce, would pour scorn upon the notion that his company should provide a value-free forum? for the exchange of ideas.
(205) Given economists' almost theological commitment to the notion that markets clear, the presence of unemployment in the world requires a theodicy[7] to explain it.
(206) So, here I should warn you that there is a serious discrepancy between the usual intuitive notion of acceleration, the one that you are aware of when you drive a car and the one that we will be using.
(207) The notion came to her to improve upon the accompaniment with little trills and flourishes.
(208) The language includes the notion of batch program, which can be generated to run without end user interaction, for example for reports production or for batch database load/update.
(209) The notion that children's taste in toys might somehow be genetically determined has long been disparaged by psychologists, pooh-poohed as unscientific, sexist or both.
(210) This theory is necessary because Rawls's account of deontology and the notion of priority of the right over the good do not really deal with the problem of motivational priority.
(211) I will give some examples of artist and their works to emphasize the notion of modernity and contemporaneity discussed above.
(212) This study introduces the notion of alliance portfolio internationalization (API), which refers to the degree of foreignness of partners in a firm's collection of immediate alliance relationships.
(213) So, what I want to do is, I want to discuss the scientific notion of language, at first restricting myself to systems like English and Dutch and American sign language and Navajo and so on.
(214) When the psychologist attempts to employ statistical methods her encounters the usual obscurantist notion that you can prver anything with statistics.
(215) The primitive notion of " product" –be it plant, animal, obstetric or pyrotechnical—gives rise to symbols of " progress" in time.
(216) Karen is well aware that the notion of sacrificing animals in a religious ritual strikes many people as unconscionable.
(217) This problem is concerned with a subtlest notion relevant to both of mind and thing-in-itself, namely, the notion of order, which is closely related to the notion of "meaning".
(218) The notion that you can generate a viable architecture by starting with a blank screen and then writing one test case after the other is sheer folderol.
(219) R.M. Howard makes the point succinctly "If there is no originality and no literary property, there is no basis for the notion of plagiarism" ("College English, " 1995).
(220) Newton's absolute time may feel like an accurate description of the beast that rules our daily lives, but in science the notion was shattered in 1905 by Einstein's special theory of relativity.
(221) Most of these systems have a notion that one of the equivalent set of names is the canonical or primary name and all others are aliases.
(222) This Indian fighter firmly grasped the notion of Manifest Destiny saying that America's extermination of the Indians and thefts our their lands was ultimately beneficial as it was inevitable.
(223) With the deeper realization the notion of convexification is extended for a continuous function and it is defined as a closed set and it is not necessarily convex or compact set.
(224) After weighing over the problem of translating "meaning", the author tries to show that the "meaning" of the original is conveyable, hence an integral notion of e...
(225) Using the notion of coefficient matrix and maximal element. We prove that the Lie algebra is semi-simple and it has no abelian two dimensional subalgebra.
(226) In this comment, he opposed Comrade Mao Tsetung's line on the socialist transformation of agriculture, maligning it as an "erroneous, dangerous and utopian notion of agrarian socialism".
(227) But President Dwight D. Eisenhower believed that any armed conflict with Moscow would accelerate into a thermonuclear holocaust, and he rejected outright this notion of "limited" nuclear war.




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