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单词 peach
释义  Related topics: Food, dish, Plants, Colourspeach1 /piːtʃ/ ●●● S3 noun  1. [countable]DFFHBP a round juicy fruit that has a soft yellow or red skin and a large hard seed in the centre, or the tree that this fruit grows on 桃(子);桃树 →4  See picture of 见图 FRUIT 1 →5 see picture at 见图 fruit12. [uncountable]CC a pale pinkish-orange colour 桃红色3  [singular] old-fashionedENJOY/LIKE DOING somethingNICE something or someone that you think is very good 有吸引力的物[人],特别惹人喜爱的物[人] Anderton scored a peach of a goal. 安德顿射入一个好球。 Jan’s a real peach. 简真讨人喜欢。4  peaches and cream DCBused to describe skin that is an attractive pink colour 〔肤色〕白里透红的 a peaches and cream complexion 白里透红的肤色Examples from the Corpuspeach• Then why not just eat a peach? we asked.• Talking of laughter, last night's 3-3 draw at Old Trafford was a peach.• Cantona's eventual finish, a delightful turn and shot to claim his first goal for United, was a peach.• So he raced from dogwood to blossoming peach.• Arrange grilled peaches on a platter and garnish with lime slices.• Until now the only sure solution has been to grow peaches under glass, but help may be at hand.• This little gem delivers irresistible flavors of peach, apples, honey, spices and even strawberry, by golly.• Jan's a real peach.• It has an all-pervading stench of goat and rotting peaches.a peach of a• But it seemed such a peach of a way out of trouble.peach2 adjective  pinkish-orange in colour 粉红色的;桃红色的 peach curtains 桃红色的窗帘Origin peach (1200-1300) Old French peche, from Late Latin persica, from Latin persicus “Persian”peach1 nounpeach2 adjectiveChinese  has round a that fruit Corpus juicy




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