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单词 hundredweight
释义  Related topics: Measurementhun·dred·weight /ˈhʌndrədweɪt/ noun (plural hundredweight) [countable] (written abbreviation cwt)  TMa unit for measuring weight, equal to 112 pounds or 50.8 kilograms in Britain, and 100 pounds or 45.3 kilograms in the US 英担,美担〔重量单位,一英担等于112磅或50.8公斤,一美担等于100磅或45.3公斤〕Examples from the Corpushundredweight• An acre became a field, a hundredweight a ton, and a guinea became a fortune.• Digging up danger ... half a hundredweight of bullets in a rose bed.• The cheapest I can buy them for my dinner is £2.50 per half hundredweight bag.• A pack-camel could carry a load of some six hundredweight or 300 kilograms.• He's so underfed, his weight is three hundredweight below normal.From Longman Business Dictionaryhundredweighthun‧dred‧weight /ˈhʌndrədweɪt/ written abbreviation cwt noun [countable] a unit for measuring weight equal to 112 pounds or 50.9 kilogramsa hundredweight of flourhun·dred·weight nounChineseSyllable  unit measuring Business pounds Corpus 112 a weight, or 50.8 equal for to




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