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单词 Gaddafi
1. If Gaddafi survived, would it weaken or strengthen his position as leader?
2. Gaddafi later called for restraint and ordered troops to protect foreign missions.
3. And can they defeat Gaddafi?
4. And whether those were mistaken for Gaddafi armaments, we don't know, but that could be one explanation.
5. Entering his 40th year in power, Gaddafi — at a Sept. 1 ceremony marking his 1969 coup, above — has many reasons to celebrate.
6. Deby and Gaddafi have also worked together on saving the rapidly shrinking Lake Chad, and exploring how the African Union can become more involved in conflict-resolution.
7. Before Libyans rose up against him, Muammar Gaddafi used money, and well-timed diplomatic overtures, to worm his way into the West's good graces.
8. The spokesman said that if Colonel Gaddafi had escaped the capital, he could have fled to the Algerian border.
9. But whether Gaddafi will see his 42nd anniversary in power, on Sept. 1, could depend on the outcome of the talks in Washington, Brussels and the U. N. about what military action to take in Libya.
10. Gaddafi forces also carried out the second air raid in as many days on the key rebel-held port of Brega, home to the country's second largest oil facility, Al Arabiya news network reported.
11. One clue: dozens of Gaddafi kin and colleagues have had their assets frozen by the U. S. Treasury Department—but not Kusa.
12. Downing Street confirmed that Gordon Brown had written a personal letter to Muammar Gaddafi calling on Libya to "act with sensitivity" and to ensure a "low-key return" for Abdelbaset al-Megrahi.
13. Earlier, the international police organisation Interpol issued an arrest warrant, or red notice, for Saadi Gaddafi for crimes allegedly committed while head of his country's football federation.
14. You can kvetch all you want about Hugo SAYING that he considers Gaddafi a friend.
15. The Swiss government said it had frozen assets belonging to Gaddafi and his family.
16. The Sri Lankan cricketers had been travelling in a well-armed convoy to the city's Gaddafi stadium, to commence the third day of a five-day game against Pakistan's national side.
17. That, said Mr Hague, was why the charged'affaire, who represents Colonel Gaddafi in London, had been ordered to leave Britain along with all the other Libyan embassy staff.
18. Perhaps the two explosions that echoed around Tripoli this afternoon were backing up the message from Doha that Colonel Gaddafi must go.
19. Produced by an international events company in cooperation with Libyan state broadcasting, the Gaddafi show was a sophisticated display of adulation and agitprop, Libyan-style.
20. Ajdabiya is seen by the rebels as the gateway to the west and with this victory they have been given, they say, much needed momentum in their campaign to topple Col Gaddafi.
21. The issue for us was, can we attribute these rapes to Gaddafi himself, or is it something that happened in the barracks," he explained.
22. Libya was on the brink of tectonic change as NEWSWEEK went to press, with the regime of Muammar Gaddafi in a state of dramatic fulmination and ruin.
23. It has to do with money and power Libyan ruler Colonel Muammar Gaddafi what he wants.
24. They believed to the end that the battle for Tripoli was still going - even though the whole world had seen this city had fallen - and they thought that Col Gaddafi was still going to win that battle.
25. The critical question is whether the people of western Libya want Gaddafi or not.
26. In 1992, the United Nations imposed economic sanctions against Libya, forcing out U.S. oil companies, which ran much of the country's huge energy operations. Gaddafi was not deterred, however.
27. Normally, bankers should be on the lookout for accounts in the name of M. Gaddafi, last known address Tripoli.
28. Some rebels were never comfortable with an army leader who had until recently been so close to Gaddafi, and Younes had been involved in a dispute over the leadership of the rebel forces.
29. Xinhua News: According to Libyan television reported 22, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in Tripoli that night told supporters in the capital of Libya have suffered unjust invasion.
30. But he said that the Libyan people must decide their own destiny, and that if Col Gaddafi goes conditions must be in place as to when, where and how that happens.
31. We don't have any military experience; the only objective is to topple [Muammar] Gaddafi.
32. I also have stated that it is US policy that Gaddafi needs to go.
33. It's a far cry from the previous broadcasts Colonel Gaddafi has made in recent days - one well seated in a van, another from what looked like a bombed-out barracks.
34. Libya's diplomatic service abroad has fractured into those calling for Mr Gaddafi to go and those loyal to the regime.
35. According to the picture show, the body lying in cold storage room Gaddafi did not wear clothing to cover the upper body, wearing a worn, stained with blood stains on the pants.
36. The proposed mission, according to the diplomat, would be convincing Gaddafi that the only way he will survive the conflict is by giving up power and leaving Libya for any country he deems safe.
37. Earlier in the week, rebels pushed back Gaddafi forces from a larger oil facility.
38. The argument went that Col Gaddafi had watched the fate of fellow miscreant Saddam Hussein, hanged by Iraqis after a US-instigated legal process, and had learnt a sobering lesson.
39. "If Gaddafi or some people close to him sent a fax from some building in Libya, than immediately that building is declared as a military target," he said.
40. A United Nations fact-finding mission in Libya says the health service in the capital Tripoli is under growing strain as Nato's bombing campaign against Colonel Gaddafi continues.
41. The women were required to take a vow of virginity, and though often seen as a flourish, they meant business: in 1998, one died and two more were injured when Gaddafi was attacked.
42. Gaddafi repeatedly blamed the unrest on al-Qaeda and a "colonialist plot".
43. Third, as a matter of US domestic law and regulation, would US forces targeting Gaddafi personally constitute a violation of the US executive order that prohibits "assassinations"?
44. Along with Saif al-Islam, he persuaded Gaddafi to abandon his pursuit of weapons of mass destruction, and opted to share intelligence information with the U.S. on al-Qaeda operatives in Libya.
45. In an attempt to distance himself from the Libyans, Brown moved to toughen his position against Colonel Gaddafi after Libya's leader theatrically tore up the UN charter in his address.
46. Nakuru, said he believes Gaddafi is still the capital, "the opposition will be searching for him everywhere."
47. REP: George Joffe says this antagonism towards Colonel Gaddafi has historical roots.
48. "You have to visit Misrata to see the massacre by Gaddafi, " said Omar Boubaker, a 40-year-old engineer with a bullet wound to the leg, brought to the Tunisian port of Sfax by a French aid group.
49. Gaddafi had the statue of a fist crushing an American plane installed in front of the house after it was bombed in 1986.
50. On the question of targetting Gaddafi, there appears to be a division of opinion among senior politicians and the senior General in the UK.
51. But at least one site, where the more than 30 victims might be Gaddafi fighters or supporters, suggests that both sides may have been guilty of brutal conduct in the battle for Tripoli.
52. Reports that the siege is not clear whether the existence of the Libyan army casualties, but Lee said the opposition armed soldiers they captured a Mauritanian nationals hired mercenaries Gaddafi.
53. Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa meanwhile called for a swift end to the conflict, even if it meant offering Col Gaddafi safe haven in another country.
54. Why would they want to cede power peacefully when faced with the precedents of Mubarak (trial and imprisonment) and Gaddafi (lynching)?
55. Mr Amadou said it was possible that al-Saadi Gaddafi would arrive in the capital Niamey on Monday.
56. On the same day, "National Transitional Council, " spokesman Abdul Sharm cefoxitin - Mulla said, did not hide in Sirte, Gaddafi may be because of the terrain features are not easy to Sirte escape.
57. While Gaddafi publicly denounced the payment of interest, he did not support the development of Islamic banking in the country, analysts said.




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