单词 |
outgoing president/chancellor etc |
释义 |
outgoing president/chancellor etc outgoing president/chancellor etc → outgoing president/chancellor etc at outgoing(1) someone who will soon finish their time as president etcoutgoing president/chancellor etc |
随便看 |
- be tricked out with sth
- betroth
- betrothal
- betrothals
- betrothed
- bets
- betsy byars
- betsybyars
- betsy-byars
- betsy ross
- betsy-ross
- betsyross
- bette davis
- bettedavis
- bette-davis
- bette midler
- bettemidler
- bette-midler
- better
- better
- better business bureau
- better-business-bureau
- Better Business Bureau, the
- bettered
- better/harder/worse etc still
- Barret
- Myoblast
- Exhauster
- Middle term
- Investment plan
- Sensitivity analysis
- Antitype
- Relier
- Backlighting
- Irresistibility
- 审势》简析
- 审势量力,固智者事,然理所当为而值可为之地,圣人必做一番,计不得成败。如围成不克,何损于举动,竟是成当堕耳。孔子为政于卫,定要下手正名,便正不来,去卫也得,只是这个事定姑息不过。今人做事只计成败,都是利害心害了是非之公。
- 审度量,节衣服,俭财用,禁侈泰,为国之急也。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 审度量,节衣服,俭财用,禁侈泰,为国之急务也。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 审慎对待不同意见
- 审时度势
- 审时度势·高瞻远瞩是什么意思
- 审时度势的意思,审时度势的近义词,反义词,造句
- 审时度势的意思,审时度势造句
- 审时度势的释义|结构|用法|造句
- 审时度势,及时放弃盲目的执着
- 审时度势,巧用刚柔
- 审时度势,找到最佳方案
- 审时度势,识时务者为俊杰
- 审时度势,该低头时就低头
- Hardware resource句子
- Self-devotion句子
- Apple pomace句子
- Emergency button句子
- Strati句子
- Linus pauling句子
- Gluten-free diet句子
- Subframe句子
- 105th句子
- Running-in句子
- Ship plate句子
- Norris句子
- Rocket propellant句子
- Nne句子
- Lord's supper句子