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单词 horrendous
释义  hor·ren·dous /hɒˈrendəs, hə- $ hɑː-, hɔː-/ ●○○ adjective  1  FRIGHTENEDfrightening and terrible 可怕的,骇人的 SYN horrific a horrendous experience 可怕的经历 She suffered horrendous injuries. 她伤得很厉害。► see thesaurus at bad2  informalBAD extremely unreasonable or unpleasant 极不像话的;极讨厌的 horrendous debts 巨额债务 The traffic was horrendous. 交通状况糟透了。 —horrendously adverbExamples from the Corpushorrendous• Traffic in the downtown Boston area is horrendous.• It would have been a nightmare, it would have been horrendous.• After all, the newspapers are brimming with reports of horrendous attacks on women, so the risk must be considerable.• She is still recovering from a horrendous car accident.• This is so horrendous, it bears no description.• horrendous medical costs• In the medical schools' defense, both operate under the horrendous restrictions of a perpetual organ shortage.• The first was hacking round Crieff, eventually posting a horrendous score of 112, with Roy Nicolson as his playing partner.• Jose Lima is coming off a horrendous season.• Nothing in the three villagers' long but sheltered past could have prepared them for the horrendous sight that met their eyes.• It was a horrendous storm.• Troops ordinarily camped out during the winter months, recognizing that battles did not need the additional adversary of horrendous weather.• Pit bull dogs can inflict horrendous wounds on people.Origin horrendous (1600-1700) Latin horrendus, from horrere; → HORRORhor·ren·dous adjectiveChineseSyllable  frightening terrible Corpus and




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