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单词 French
释义  Related topics: LanguagesFrench1 /frentʃ/ adjective  SLLrelating to France, its people, or its language 法国的;法国人的;法语的 an excellent French wine 上等的法国葡萄酒Examples from the CorpusFrench• Aren't you in my French class?• French cuisine• I stayed with a French family in Paris.Related topics: Nationality & raceFrench2 noun  1. the French [plural]SAN people from France 法国人2  SAN[uncountable] the language used in France, and some other countries 法语 How do you ask for directions in French? 用法语怎么问路?3. pardon/excuse my French spokenSORRY/APOLOGIZE used to say sorry for swearing 原谅我的粗话,请原谅我言辞不恭Examples from the CorpusFrench• I had to take two years of French in high school.• Patric's family speaks French at home.Origin French2 Old English frencisc, from Latin Franca “Frank”; → FRANK1French1 adjectiveFrench2 nounChinese  France, or its relating Corpus its language to people,




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