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- 阴铿《雪里梅花诗》咏梅花诗赏析
- 阴铿》原文与赏析
- 阴铿诗《和傅郎岁暮还湘州》原文|注释|译文|翻译|鉴赏
- 阴铿诗《江津送刘光禄不及》原文|注释|译文|翻译|鉴赏
- 阴错阳差·天各一方是什么意思
- 阴阳
- 阴阳不交则疮疿生,房室不节则劳瘠发。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 阴阳合时只管合,合极则离;离时只管离,离极则合。不极则不离不合,极则必离必合。
- 阴阳和而后雨泽降,夫妇和而后家道成。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 阴阳学
- 阴阳家
- 阴阳征应,自汉儒穿凿附会,以为某灾祥应某政事,最迂。大抵和气致祥,戾气致妖,与作善降祥,作恶降殃,道理原是如此。故圣人只说人事,只尽道理,应不应、在我不在我都不管。若求一一征应,如鼓答桴,尧舜其犹病矣。大段气数有一定的,有偶然的,天地不能违,天地亦顺之而已。旱而雩,水而荥,彗孛而禳,火而祓,日月食而救,君子畏天威谨天戒当如是尔。若云随祷辄应,则日月盈亏岂系于救不救之间哉?大抵阴阳之气,一偏必极,势
- 阴阳怪气的意思,阴阳怪气造句
- 阴险毒辣·刁钻古怪是什么意思
- 阴险词义,阴险组词,阴险造句
- 阴饴甥对秦伯》鉴赏
- 阴饴甥对秦伯》鉴赏
- 阴魂不散的意思,阴魂不散造句
- 阵的量词使用,词语解释
- 阶段词义,阶段组词,阶段造句
- 阻击词义,阻击组词,阻击造句
- 阻塞的意思,阻塞的近义词,反义词,造句
- 阻塞词义,阻塞组词,阻塞造句
- 阻奸
- 阻拦的意思,阻拦的近义词,反义词,造句
- Suffix
- Inflexion
- Postposition
- Stagnancy
- Life cycle
- Prayer
- Pseudonym
- Hunch
- Photocopy
- Xerox
- Fame
- Unruly
- Overriding
- Perquisite
- Smattering
- the-department-of-homeland-security
- the department of housing and urban development
- the-department-of-housing-and-urban-development
- the department of justice
- the-department-of-justice
- the department of labor
- the-department-of-labor
- the department of motor vehicles
- the-department-of-motor-vehicles
- the department of national heritage
- the-department-of-national-heritage
- the department of social security
- the-department-of-social-security
- the department of state
- the-department-of-state