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单词 universal
释义  u·ni·ver·sal /ˌjuːnəˈvɜːsəl◂ $ -ɜːr-/ ●●○ W3 adjective  1  EVERYONEinvolving everyone in the world or in a particular group 全世界的;全体的;共同的 free universal health care 免费的全民保健制度 These stories have universal appeal. 这些故事人人都喜欢。 a topic of universal interest 人们普遍感兴趣的一个话题 a democracy based on universal suffrage (=when every adult has the right to vote) 建立在普选权上的民主2  ALWAYS/EVERY TIMEtrue or suitable in every situation 普遍正确的;广泛适用的 a universal truth 普遍的真理 —universality /ˌjuːnəvɜːˈsæləti $ -ɜːr-/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusuniversal• Support for the government is by no means universal.• The President is elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage.• There does not appear to be universal agreement on the future of the British monarchy.• Pizza also serves as a universal and very elastic unit of measure.• It is not easy to write a song that has universal appeal.• Popular culture seems to have universal appeal.• Now there is to be the universal democracy of the microwave.• a universal language• Of necessity this will be specific to a company in terms of its markets and capabilities and a comprehensive universal list is not practical.• How can there be a universal, species-specific human nature when every human being is unique?• Most important for our day is the almost universal support among economists for free trade and opposition to tariffs and import quotas.• a universal truth• Will the West cling to the idea of universal worth while selfishly consuming Arab oil wealth and closing its borders to Arabs?universal suffrage• A unicameral legislature, the National Assembly, is also elected every five years by universal suffrage.• It was also the year of the first presidential election held under universal suffrage.• So the concept of a Bill of Rights was not imposed on a parliamentary authority already based on universal suffrage.• The 44-member General Council and 45-member Regional Council are elected for six-year terms by universal suffrage.• The propertied class which called itself liberal was immediately opposed to universal suffrage and to the masses in general.• Legislative authority is vested in a 50-member unicameral parliament, which is similarly elected by universal suffrage for a five-year term.• However, the government continued to resist demands for universal suffrage, preferring a power-sharing system.• Monarchy was as widely taken for granted at the end of the nineteenth century as is universal suffrage today.universal truth• Awareness becomes heightened, and everyday domestic dramas unfold into staggering universal truths.• What Turing showed is that this is not a universal truth.• Yet we find it difficult to take these definitive events and state categorically that they are universal truths for women engineers.• A universal truth has to be digested and made part of our thinking and understanding.• He was about to learn a universal truth of professional journalism.nUniversal trademark  na large US film company based in Hollywood, which has made many famous filmsu·ni·ver·sal adjectiveUniversalLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus world or particular the in a in everyone involving




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