随便看 |
- 良好的沟通力是迈向成功的巨大推力
- 良好的沟通是成功的一半
- 良好的生活卫生习惯能够给你加分
- 良好的行动力是成就事业的前提
- 良好的谈吐能增加你的个人魅力
- 良好词义,良好组词,良好造句
- 良将不怯死以苟免,烈士不毁节以求生
- 良尝闲从容步游下邳圯上[1],有一老父,衣褐[2],至良所,直堕其履圯下[3],顾谓良》鉴赏
- 良师不能饰戚施,香泽不能化嫫母
- 良师益友的意思,良师益友的近义词,反义词,造句
- 良师益友的意思,良师益友造句
- 良师益友的熏陶
- 良师益友的释义|结构|用法|造句
- 良弓和利箭
- 良弓难张,然可以及高入深;良马难乘,然可以任重致远。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 良弓难张,然可以及高入深;良马难乘,然可以任重致远;良才难令,然可以致君见尊
- 良心
- 良心没有差距
- 良无磐石固,虚名复何益
- 良时不再至|原文|翻译|赏析|鉴赏
- 良有司者,苟能出令禁止,教以节俭,率以朴纯,使皆省无益之费,以为有用之资。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 良机不可错过
- 良玉烧不热,直竹文不颇
- 良田之晚播,愈于卒岁之荒芜也
- 良由师道不立,故成材罕闻。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- Assignation
- Frankly speaking
- Quite something
- No wonder
- Pretender
- Lucite
- Plexiglass
- Reflector
- Razor
- Pretax
- Presupposition
- Radiator
- Presuppose
- Doughty
- Laggard
- the-leaning-tower-of-pisa
- the learning and skills council
- the-learning-and-skills-council
- the least
- the least of concerns
- the least of problems
- the least of sb concerns
- the least of sb problems
- the least of sb troubles
- the least of sb worries
- the least of somebody's concerns
- the least of somebody's problems
- the least of somebody's troubles
- the least of somebody's worries
- the least of somebody's worries/problems/troubles/concerns