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单词 Differ from
1. Our tastes differ from each other.
2. Your needs can differ from day to day.
3. On one point I differ from you.
4. I differ from her about this question.
5. I beg to differ from you on the opinion.
6. The two theories differ from each other in many ways.
7. People differ from one another in their ability to handle stress.
8. We differ from / with them on / about that question.
9. They differ from real property in two main respects.
10. How does it differ from a syllabus?
11. How does it differ from the detective novel?
12. How does American English differ from British?
13. Harris adds that many of his views differ from those of his partner's.
14. Comets differ from asteroids in composition in that comets contain abundant water ice,(http://) and possibly other ices as well.
15. They differ from pen-based computers in that the handwriting will not have to be translated or recognised by CPU.
16. Group norms Work groups differ from free-forming groups outside employment in that they evolve over long periods of time.
17. How does the syntax of proper names differ from that of descriptions? 15.
18. They differ from older forms of association in that they are two-way trades of complementary strengths among competitors.
19. In what ways do lower course valleys differ from middle course valleys?
20. Concepts of oak trees and how they differ from other types of trees require assimilation and accommodation of relevant experience.
21. The achenes of Sagittaria species differ from those of Echinodorus species by not being ribbed.
22. Scientists have begun to investigate and to identify some of the possible causes, which may differ from species to species.
23. Because all animals must compete with their relatives, evolution favours things that differ from one another.
24. If a present-day Darwin were to agonize over his matrimonial fate in what ways might it differ from the example above?
25. The mechanisms through which prenatal events influence lung function differ from those that affect respiratory symptoms in children.
26. Spurs occur on the legs of many insects and differ from setae in being of multicellular origin.
27. The cells in the embryo are initially much less specialized and differ from each other in more subtle ways.
28. Which is why our Multivitamin Liquid is specially formulated for children whose vitamin requirements differ from those of adults.
29. This means that the futures price is likely to differ from the realized spot price.
30. The specific symptom by which our body chooses to signal stress will differ from one individual to the next.
1. Our tastes differ from each other.
2. I beg to differ from you on the opinion.
3. The two theories differ from each other in many ways.
31. Clearly, just what M-tense concepts are needed for linguistic description will differ from language to language.
32. How do trading estates differ from the older industrial areas?
33. Histologically they differ from skeletal muscle in having smaller fibres,(http:///differ from.html) linked by desmosomes and sometimes containing only one fibril.
34. But the circumstances of the asteroids differ from those we have studied on the Moon.
35. Concordances produced by computer may differ from traditional hand-made concordances in several ways.
36. As previously noted, long-term forecasts differ from short-term fore casts primarily in the level of detail required.
37. But they differ from normal girls in the extent to which they pursue these activities and their inability to desist from them.
38. It produces incongruity of style where the thoughts and diction differ from the poet's own.
39. Carvers' chisels differ from carpentry chisels in the way they are sharpened.
40. No copying process is perfect, however, and the population of replicators comes to include varieties that differ from one another.
41. Which profession carries out particular work may differ from country to country.
42. They differ from corresponding lunar craters by having no central peaks and by having rather smooth rims.
43. In actual fact, membershiP Patterns differ from one country to the next.
44. It also is important to note that admissions criteria differ from program to program, with some more stringent than others.
45. The letters can be chosen so that unwanted ones differ from the target by larger or smaller amounts.
46. In general, lunar rocks differ from terrestrial rocks in that the Moon contains much lower concentrations of easily vaporized elements.
47. Their behaviour patterns may be consistent with the dominant culture or may differ from it.
48. Impacts on Earth differ from those on Mars in that terrestrial impacts have a high likelihood of encountering an ocean.
49. Quite often this includes drill with minimal pairs, sets of words which differ from each other in just one phonemic contrast.
50. The very high turnover of caregivers in institutional settings is perhaps the major way in which they differ from ordinary family life.
51. It is for these reasons that wage rates differ from one job to the next.
52. Near neighbours in genetic space are animals that differ from one another by only a single mutation.
53. There is always the possibility that the input pronunciation will differ from the pronunciation in the lexicon.
54. How does farming on the north eastern lowlands of Buchan differ from that further south in Lothian and Fife?
55. The new companies would also differ from co-operatives in that they would operate with unlimited liability.
56. How, our cynic might well ask, would this differ from the present position?
57. They differ from cuticular processes in containing a definite extension of the body cavity and in some cases they are freely movable.
58. The best solution was found to differ from area to area and enterprise to enterprise.
59. These transitions are likely to differ from recent western transitions from other types of authoritarian rule in a number of key respects.
60. Hemler and Longstaff derived a number of empirical predictions of their general equilibrium model that differ from those of the no-arbitrage model.
61. After all, the construction of one motor car may differ from another without affecting its performance.
62. London clubs differ from one another, but most are organised along the same lines, usually based in pub function rooms.
63. The Thatcher group had several characteristics which made them differ from their predecessors.
64. The methods of consultants differ from company to company and from station to station.
65. These differ from one culture to another and can consequently be misinterpreted and cause embarrassment or suspicion.
66. But how mud is used will differ from one climate to another, following the cardinal principle of traditional architecture.
67. How do the needs of long-term lenders differ from those of equity investors?
68. Free Presbyterians would differ from other Protestants in their attitude to the above reasons for unionism only in taking them more seriously.
69. These programs differ from those that went before them in that they are largely located at the school district or regional level.
70. The two substances differ from each other only in the geometric pattern with which the carbon atoms are packed.
71. Savannah animals differ from those of tropical rain forests, and these again from inhabitants of the tundra at high latitudes.
72. Her duties differ from a preregistration house officer's only in line with the legal restrictions on nursing staff.
73. The article challenges the statement by the Cumbrian Area Health Authority that local leukaemia rates do not significantly differ from national rates.
74. How does the offshore loading environment differ from onshore?
75. Bonds payable differ from capital stock in several ways.
76. On this question I differ from you in toto.
77. I take leave to differ from you.
78. Loss contingencies differ from estimated liabilities in two ways.
79. How does a zygote differ from an ovum?
80. I beg to differ from your opinion.
81. What is EPS? How does diluted EPS differ from EPS?
82. Microwave circuits differ from lower frequency circuits in ground connection , interconnect and manufacturing the transmission lines.
83. The decomposition and transformation of the retained austenite in bainite differ from that in martensite.
84. One species of knowledge does not differ from another in being 'two-footed'.
85. The profit for taxes purposes may differ from the profit shown by the financial statements. Such a difference may be categorized as permanent difference and temporary difference.
87. The cardinal symbol of human beings called the super-animals and differ from the other ani-mals, lies in wisdom.
88. Its distinctive characteristics , which differ from Sunni Islam today, are mostly originated from this period.
89. How does this operational testing differ from operational testing of previous USAF fighters?
90. And it searches much further for the unvoiced frame according to the ZCR(zero crossing rate), which is differ from unvoiced frame to background frame.
91. These bindings differ from input bindings in that they represent the next level down of command processing - actions that are tied to known commands and class-specific handlers for them.
92. The rules for a graphic artist are going to differ from someone working in the banking industry.
93. A hypobaric storage system controls the O2 concentration by regulating the atmospheric pressure, but its technology and effect differ from CA entirely.
93. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
94. Market interest rates fluctuate and may differ from the contract rate on a bond.
95. Merchant fuel may differ from this specification which will in engine power output and fuel consumption.
96. These differ from input bindings in that they represent the next level down of command processing - actions that are tied to known commands.
97. The fuzzy time series forecasting differ from classic time series forecasting is lead in the conception, named membership function which contribute much to figure the method.
98. His interpretations of the axiology of realism or the axiology of transcendental immanence of I Ching learning differ from I. Kant and L. Wittgensteins transcendental externalism of the moral world.
99. Conclusions The results indicated that the anti- tumor activities of TILs isolated from primary breast cancer differ from that of TILs isolated from metastatic lymphaden.
100. The modernist novels, with a character of spatiality , differ from traditional novels in philosophical view, narrative mode and structural mode.
101. A currency exchange rate that is allowed to be set completely by market forces, differ from the managed floating exchange rate system regulated by the government or pegged exchange rate system.
102. Microwave circuits differ from lower frequency circuits in ground connection, interconnect and manufacturing of the transmission lines.
103. Therefore no matter records or archives, their evidential attribute cannot become an essential attribute that differ from each other.
104. These are very unique in purpose, and differ from areas such as Titicaca, Arkansas, Grand Tetons, Shasta and Roslyn that are primary Celestial Star Gates.
105. Subsequent prints invariably differ from the first, because variations in repainting and printing are inevitable. In the 19th century, William Blake and Edgar Degas experimented with the technique.
106. The Kantian categories differ from those of Aristotle in being subjective.
107. The actual APR applicable may differ from the APRs as stated above.
108. The basic operations for a tape drive differ from those of a disk drive.
109. Although the user might specify a particular culture for data display, user interface properties for that culture might differ from the standard values that you expect.
110. The BPC used to manufacture commercial batches must not significantly differ from that used on these test batches to provide adequate assurance of product performance.
111. Under our environment, "Case Study" is differ from prejudication teaching, it is eventually a subsidiary way in spite of its importance.
112. How does Paul's teaching differ from that of the ascetics about celibacy?
113. The electric effects of methoxy in ortho-position differ from that in meso-position.
114. What are the components of a power harness that differ from unpowered hang gliding ?
115. Snakes are thought to have evolved after legless lizards, which differ from snakes by retaining some lizard traits, such as external ears.
116. In recent years, we have seen a growing interest in database management systems that differ from the traditional relational model.
117. A Type II condition allows the contractor additional cost recovery if the actual conditions differ from what could have been reasonably expected for the work contemplated in the contract.
118. The round and sharp-angled T wave is remarkable differ from the ECG of the Hypokalemic. So it is the characteristic T wave's change of the congenital heart disease.
119. The powers and functions of the federal grand jury differ from those of the federal trial jury, which is called the petit jury.
120. The final terms of the public offer may differ from the basic information described herein.
121. He is intolerant of opinions which differ from his own.
122. It is principally because of their different understandings of the concept of corporality that made Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty differ from each other on the issue of spatiality .
123. Taxpayers do not differ from each other with respect to the rate of taxation that will cause them to evade taxes.
124. Wheat kernels differ from vitreous and starchy with different hardness.
125. Don't be intolerant of people whose opinions differ from yours.
126. For Darwin,(http:///differ from.html) the only thing that organisms contribute to determining how next-generation phenotypes differ from parent-generation phenotypes is random variation.
127. The solubility of such a solvate may markedly differ from the nonsolvated form; eg, anhydrous ampicillin has a greater rate of dissolution and absorption than its corresponding trihydrate.
128. How does raising money for a biotech firm differ from high tech?
129. However, the uncertified copies are All Cars Car need protection system plain white paper and differ from the certified copies.
130. Deep discharge-type batteries differ from automobile starting batteries: deep discharge units are designed with heavier, thicker plates for better deep discharge performance.
131. However, the way that women express their combativeness tends to differ from the way men express theirs, she observed.
132. Anatomically, these tumors differ from subependymal nodules by their size and their tendency to enlarge.
133. Lysogenic cells differ from sensitive cell in two other important respects.
134. The asynchronous interface's method signatures differ from those of the remote interface, so GWT relies on Magical Coincidental Naming.
135. To see how androgen receptors made from AR-V7 differ from others, the researchers forced lab-grown prostate cancer cells to produce only the AR-V7 sequence.
136. On simulating one improved broadcast algorithm, different simulators produce simulation results that greatly differ from each other.
137. Unbalances appear in a three-phase system when voltages or currents differ from on phase.
138. As a late-branching eukaryote, G. lamblia may have special mechanisms for regulating gene expression which differ from other eukaryotes.
139. It is shown that the microstructures, alloying element distribution and magnetic conductivity of P tude remarkably differ from those of S tube.
140. I asked myself: How does this sauna differ from all other saunas?
141. Similarly, it can also be used to distinguish the parts of a surface, the left-right concave and fore-and-aft concave directions which differ from each other.
142. If you are not preparing monthly variance reports (how much your actual expenses and income differ from what you projected) you should.
143. On the nature of reference of demonstrative, our opinions differ from seniors.
144. These assignments may differ from those students already have from the registrar.
145. Bullae are rounded or irregularly shaped blisters containing serous or seropurulent fluid. They differ from vesicles only in size, being larger than 1 cm.
146. Incentives differ from country and region to region and are always highest in a depressed area.
147. Good writers differ from poor writers in the use of strategies of adjusting or approximating the message, using circumlocution or synonym, discussing feelings with others, and empathizing with others.
148. Results The tetanus in injection drug user is differ from trauma cause tetanus on explicit trauma history, more complicated symptom and being complicated with blood-borne communicated diseases.
149. However, in other locales, the order of characters in the character set may differ from the lexicographic character order.
150. Gases differ from solids in that the former have greater compressibility than the latter.
151. Conclusion Those patients with depression caused by chronic alcoholism differ from endogenous depression in their clinical characteristics and may achieve a better prognosis.
152. Some markets, however, differ from this textbook case and are characterized by multiple equilibria—that is, they have more than one wage rate at which demand equals supply.
153. The quaternary ammonium salts of liensinine differ from d-tubocurarine by one less ether linkage in chemical structure.
154. Conclusion Simple right sigmoid colon is a rare congenital dysplasia and differ from transposition of viscera and malrotation .
155. How Do Shopping Centers Differ From Other Real Estate Assets?
156. Cardinal Guard, brave musketry , intrigue, sword, fire and love - all of this game based on the new film does not differ from him.
157. Why should the expected residual income differ from the expected contractual income?
158. The Style of Self - cancelling Assertion: How does Heller Differ from Wilde? From Nabokov ? From Humbert?
159. Things in the world differ from each other in a thousand ways.
160. Different brands of porcelain differ from each other more in lighter than darker shades.
161. The adjacent structures of the ostia differ from each other by the different location of the ostium . The clinical significance of the ostium and the nasofrontal duct were discussed.
162. How should the diet of the diabetic diet differ from different stages of the disease?
163. Since the water seismic itself with its difficulty, seismic data processing must use some ways which it is differ from land-based seismic to solve the water faced by the seismic disturbance.
163. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
164. Here again they differ from original Marxist theory which says:"The middle class owner of property must be swept out of the way."
165. Because characteristics of signal singularity differ from that of noise, the local maximum of their binary wavelet transform modules is also different.
166. Dhole predation on these ungulates did not differ from random.
167. Every automobile insurance company has policies that differ from other insurances to some extent.
168. Decision support systems ( DSS ) differ from management information systems ( MIS ) in which of the following ways?
169. Due to the particularity of retractable structure, design of this type of project must greatly differ from that of normal structure and be more difficult than the latter.




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